Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Identix TouchSafe II fingerprint scanner


James Laird zWaRd

I've come across a pile of old TouchSafe II fingerprint scanners.
They're pretty old, and they used a proprietary ISA interface card. I
didn't get any cards with the scanners, so I'm trying to reverse
engineer them far enough to build some sort of adapter.

The devices each consist of a main board, an image sensor + lens on a
subboard, and some finger illumination LEDs on another.

I have had some luck finding the wiring of the LED drivers/voltage
regulators to the (20-pin) connector on the board, but my progress in
the imaging department is blocked by the fact that I can't find a
datasheet for the main imaging chips: a Sharp IR3P66 and a Sharp
LZ95G69. If anyone has a datasheet for these, I'd love a scan.

Of course, if anyone has schematics for either the device or the
interface board, that would be even better :)

James Laird

Jerry Greenberg

Did you try to get in touch with the manufacture themselves, to see if
they would help you???

Just a thought...

Jerry Greenberg

James Laird zWaRd

Did you try to get in touch with the manufacture themselves, to see if
they would help you???

They've completely ignored my requests - one through the automatic
email form, and one directly emailed to their support area. At least
they could tell me "no!" :)
