Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Ian, or Anyone Have a HP1651B Boot Disk?


I just acquired an otherwise perfect HP1651B Logic Analyzer and I need a boot disk to run it. I saw a post on this site posted by Ian so I was wondering if he or someone else on the forum have a boot disk for a HP1650B/1651B (I have a 1651B but I believe that the boot disk may be the same).

If you have a working analyzer and the boot disk there are copy utilities that will allow you to copy the disk to a blank 720Kb 3.5inch floppy.

There were files at one time on the Agilent site that could be used with LIF utilities to make a disk but they are no longer available on the site.

Thank you,



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I have obtained one of these for spare parts (the tube is used in other HP equipment).

I won't actually have it until sometime in the second qtr of next year, however I am going to visit it (!!) in Jan/Feb of 2016. If you haven't found anything by then, post another message in January (to remind me) or wait until I get it delivered in May(ish).

This probably isn't a great help.

Also try the Agilent mailing list on yahoo. You'll possibly get a more useful reply.