Maker Pro
Maker Pro

I dont know what is this component in my circuit

hey guys im currently doing my school project and its a smart home and there's a component that i have no idea what it is and my teacher wont help me with it. so im seeking your help guys.
the component: upload_2017-12-26_11-20-31.png
thank you!


  • upload_2017-12-26_11-16-46.png
    72.2 KB · Views: 140


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
It's a lightbulb. However in the circuit it appears that the bulb is shorted out.

Where did you get the circuit, and why are you contemplating building something that you clearly don't understand?
It's a lightbulb. However in the circuit it appears that the bulb is shorted out.

Where did you get the circuit, and why are you contemplating building something that you clearly don't understand?
my teacher gave me the circuit and I dont have any other choice he wont change my project.
and he wont help me even though i dont understand half of it....

Harald Kapp

i dont understand half of it....
Working with 220 V mains without understanding the circuit sounds terribly dangerous.

You should have your build thoroughly inspected by someone with good knowledge of the matter before you connect it to mains. Otherwise you risk your life and possibly that of others, too.

If you want to play it safe, ask your teacher to allow you to replace the mains part by a safe low voltage part. For example by replacing U1...U4 simply by LEDs and not using the TRIACs, the zero crossing detetcors, lamp etc which are connected to mains.

You still have the project part which consists of building the microcontroller circuit and programming it.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Do you know what a TRIAC is?

Do you know what an optocoupler is?

What experience do you have with safely working with mains voltages?
Do you know what a TRIAC is?

Do you know what an optocoupler is?

What experience do you have with safely working with mains voltages?
im working with no power supply just yet. i first need to finish constructing it the i need to show the teacher.
but because i have problems with constructing he wont connect me to the power supply.
he wont help me because he got other students...
Sir natdawg . . . .

Take the " teacher. . .teecher ?" this copy and make him take note of his shorted out lamps and ask why he wants to trip the labs breaker and blow out all of your TRIACS + ?

Lack of help on a situation / error of this magnitude is absolute and sheer IGNORANCE on his part .

73's de Edd


Hop - AC8NS
What kind of "school" throws a project like this at a student and then refuses to teach the material necessary for its safe and successful completion? If this is "monkey see, monkey do" type of work, I would quit the course and demand my money back. You obviously have a long way to go, or a long row to hoe as we say here in the USA, before you are ready to program the microprocessor or build the 220 VAC interface to it.

What do you know about the unidentified Bluetooth module, other than it can transmit data sent from the microprocessor and receive data intended for the microprocessor? Clearly this is an interface for the "whole house" remote control, probably to be used with a hand-held Bluetooth-enabled device. But what is the data protocol? How is the remote control used to command the 220 VAC circuits to turn on and turn off?

What do you know about the DS1307 real-time clock module? Do you know how to program the ATmega8 to set and read this clock module? How can this be done using the remote control? Is the program for the ATmega8 supposed to be capable of commanding the 220 VAC circuits to turn on or turn off at certain times during the day, week, month, year or whenever? How is this to be accomplished?

What do you know about the MOC3063 optically-isolated TRIAC driver?

What do you know about the LM35/SO analog temperature sensor module? How is this device to used with the "whole house" control? Is it part of an HVAC control system?

Have you done ANY homework or due diligence such as downloading data sheets and application notes for the above mentioned components?

If you get to point where you actually have to build the circuits shown on the schematic, please use a separate circuit board for the MOC3063 and the other components associated with the 220 VAC line. Connect only the optical isolator low-voltage, low-current, wires between this circuit board and whatever you build the remainder of the circuit on. That way, if you screw up and use a shorted-out lamp and blow up the TRIACS, or make some other mistake out of ignorance of WTF you are doing, the damage will be confined to that separate circuit board and will (hopefully) not propagate back to destroy the ATmega, Bluetooth module, and real-time clock module.

This looks like a fairly complicated project for someone who can't identify the electronic components required. Are you mainly a computer-weenie wannabe instead of an electrical engineer wannabe? If so, welcome to the real world and best of luck finding your way around in it.
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Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
I've been old that schools in Israel are no nonsense institutions but this is insane! Please tell me that this is college level. Even if it is, having students messing with 240VAC mains is BOTS! :eek:

On the other hand, if I were a personal injury attorney I'd be licking my chops at all the bountiful prospects. :D

That "teacher" of yours, is plain and simple,
a complete ass-hole!:mad:

In what school are you learning? It doesn't sound like an engineering university,
could be a "practical engineer" one ( handesaie ).

Is this a final graduation project?

It is a multi discipline project having to do with software/hardware.
What have you actually learned so far?

Yes, we can help you,but put safety in front of anything!
It is very simple to do:
Replace the 220V with a transformer (220 to 12V).
Then you can use low voltage of 12V and a 12v light bulb(say of a car).
All other project elements will remain the same.
Report the teacher to higher authorities. S/he shouldn't be in control of students if this is what they're being exposed to.