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How would make a smelly flatulence (fart) remover for a person with colostomy bag?

A colon issue has me with a colostomy bag. I expel about three times the gas compared to stool. I have to open bag up to let out gases. This gas stinks more than rectal farts to use a more common word. I was thinking of taking an ell shaped military style flashlight, removing the light, adding a three volt fan that sucks gas through a disposable charcoal filter. I would turn it on, then have it suck in gases.

It would be an invention with only a few users but I would buy one. How does sound to you?


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Yeah, but I don't think I'd want the risk of an exploding colostomy bag.

If the anything which absorbs or catalytically changes methane? There's a lot to be said for a closed system.

However, we are talking about a medical device and as such safety is a huge thing. I'm not sure this is the best diy project I've heard of.

P.s. an elderly relative of mine had a temporary colostomy bag after an issue with her colon. After several months it was successfully reversed. If your issue is temporary, then you have my best wishes that it resolves and you can revert to a more traditional function in this area.
If someone tries the burn trick first, let me know. I never thought of finding a catylist. I wil look it up.
I was hoping a member would pop up and say "Yeah! I can do that!"

In a Star Trek episode, the crew are back in time in 1930's depression. Spook says he just needs a small block of platinum to make his viewer. He cannot make it with stone knives and bearskins.

If I can get the little beads with a platinum coating from out of an old car catalytic converter out, I would have a start but with no engine exhaust to push gases through, I would still need a fan. Everything I found out about gas filtration is way, way too complex for this simple task.

The simple cure for what I want is to simply go outside with some privacy. Oh! This just in; I'll bet there is a law against this idea.

from .....

Methane, Oxygen, and Platinum Catalytic Converter

This image taken from Raw to Ready: Mack Truck demonstrates how platinum acts as a catalyst. A catalyst is something that speeds up the chemical reaction between other molecules and the process of accelerating chemical reactions is called catalysis. On a molecular level, methane and oxygen gas are attracted to the surface of the platinum catalyst, breaking apart as they interact with the metal. Then, as they release, the individual atoms spontaneously react to form new molecules: carbon dioxide and water. The reaction releases heat energy that turns the platinum wire in Humphry Davy’s experiment white hot.
The problem is not with Methane gas. Britannica says, "Methane, colourless odourless gas that occurs abundantly in nature and as a product of certain human activities." I think you are on the correct track by trapping the odor in activated charcoal with a fan. Try it.
I'm in your boat. My disposable pouches have a charcoal filter port at the top that is supposed to filter and vent the gas. Problem is, if it gets wet it's useless. Now a colostomy pouch that doesn't get wet inside? Well maybe if you only stand all the time. At home there is a good fan in the bathroom. And fortunately, at work I have a "private" welding hood. :)


ozone generator remove odor
If someone tries the burn trick first, let me know.

Oh no fire scary ! Not really.


we all know how Venturi effect is the reduction in pressure that results when a fluid gas ... flows through a constricted section (or choke) of a pipe.... How a plumber torch or BBQ pulls in air to mix with the gas, those little holes on the bottom.

And yes I have lit farts, I know but I don't think venting the gas we are talking about into the venturi of a torch to burn it off is going to cause anything catastrophic to happen.



Its not going to happen.
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I'm in your boat. My disposable pouches have a charcoal filter port at the top that is supposed to filter and vent the gas. Problem is, if it gets wet it's useless. .... :)


In case anyone cares, the descending colon has a job of putting in a lubricating mucus which is the stuff that really stinks. It's like the Tetrahydrothiophene (THT), used as an odorant for natural gas. It is put in to encourage people to defecate away from where they eat. Colon does not know its not helping pass stool anymore. I found the tiny gas filters to be useless after first stool hits it. I use the Hollister 18122 Drainable Pouch 10/Box.

I am now a paraplegic and this simple task is a little beyond my ability. If any member can make a fan unit, I will buy two.

Thanks all for keeping this adult.
Ssg Ken Henkel US Atmy (retired)

I started with those, then switched to the disposable pouches so I didn't have to deal with it so often.. My big problem is the cities' residential garbage bins pickup. I dispose of ~14 pouches a week. I double bag each one. It was so-so during the winter, but as the weather has gone above freezing, the odor is bad by the end of the week. I've starting spraying the inside of each plastic bag with Febreze before I put the used pouch in, as well as the second plastic bag. Both are twisted and knotted. The Febreze seems to be helping some.

Now back to the electronics. I think I may try the ozone generator trick. I have a small home electrostatic air cleaner that I might mount in the garbage can. Will have to remember to remove it before they do the pickup. It looks like ozone and ABS (the cans) have "Good" compatibility.

Sgt, USAF Retired
I'm in your boat. I dispose of ~14 pouches a week. I double bag each one. It was so-so during the winter, but as the weather has gone above freezing, the odor is bad

One of the things of summer is I drink a lot of G2 (gatoraide light calories). I rinse out 20 oz. bottle, allow to dry open, then re-cap for later. Then the bottle which is many times thicker than plastic bags, is used as a stool container, I could save for weeks if needed but never needed.

Back to the electrics, there is a lot of CPAP ads for a CPAP cleaner, about $250. It is powered by electric power that uses a version of ozone generator as above. Excellent example by the way. Made me find this unit which is close to what I want.

pureAir 50 Air Purifier
by GreenTech Environmental
Sale Price:
Regular Price: $69.99

I just need to find a unit closer to what I need.

Mini Mate Personal Air Purifier
by Wein Products
Sale Price:
Regular Price: $129.99

Product Description

This personal wearable Air Purifier by Wein Products is your first line of inhalation defense against virus, bacteria, mold, allergens, smoke and other harmful airborne particulates. It is perfect for all kind of traveling. Unit comes with a neck cord and a lithium battery.

• Outperforms the bulky inefficient competitive units.
• Silent, Fanless, filterless maintenance free technology.
• Solid platinum permanent emitter and gold plated stainless steel collectors
• Created and invented in USA.
• Thousands of commendations and testimonials worldwide.
• Four US patents granted
• Validation tested at leading Universities and research institutes.
• Presented at the Leipzig European Aerosol Conference.
• Propels cleaner fresher air into your breathing zone.
• Boosts your energy and mood.
• Helps with stress and anxiety.
• This ultra light miniature wearable air purifier is a "must have" for air travel, movie theatres, waiting rooms, or any confined areas where people congregate.

• Battery Life: 50hr (approx)
• Ozone Output: .028 ppm
• Ion Density: 1.5 million/cc
• Product Size: 65x40x20mm
• Unit Weight: 91g

This is portable and very close to what I was thinking. Cudos and I am sorry I missed 32Vwasbetteronboats post as there are so many ads online now, I did not pay attention because I thought it was an ad but is excellent drawing of how it works.
The ozone makers are too slow. Tried and returned to amazon for $49. I do not want to try a bigger, more expensive unit. Just using bathroom fan now.

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