Maker Pro
Maker Pro

How to tell if an AC circuit ever gets power

I have a 120v circuit that is supposed to be energized for about 15 seconds out of a 2 hour cycle. I need a way to tell if it is actually getting energized. Is there a better way than staring at a multi-meter for a couple hours? I'm tempted to put a strand of cat5 wire across it and coming back later to see if it burned up, but I'm not sure how big a mess that would make.
What kind of indicator do you want? A light bulb powered by a separate circuit? A flashing LED powered by a battery?

A dual-coil latching relay will hold an armature in place after coil power is removed. You can look at the interlock and see if it has flipped or not.

An AC-powered clock (with a line-powered motor) with a second hand will show how long power was on by the second hand movement.

Where are you located?

Sorry, I should have clarified, this is for testing purposes, so nothing fancy.

Thank you AnalogKid. Your comment about an AC clock sent me in the right direction. I hooked an AC doorbell to it.
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Your question was not clear. I thought you wanted a latching indicator so you could see if something happened in your absence, but it sounds like what you really wanted was a signal alerting you in real time to something happening.

If a doorbell is an adequate solution, this will be a huge blow to the 555 / PIC / Arduino / LM317 / CD4017 crowds. Are you *sure* you don't need a web server connecting to an iPhone app through bluetooth?



Hop - AC8NS
I thought you wanted a latching indicator so you could see if something happened in your absence...
I thought so too. I kinda liked the "exploding wire" idea the OP had. That would be pretty "latchie" and it might make a big bang too. Worth a try IMHO. Be sure to use really fine wire, so the circuit breaker doesn't trip before the wire vaporizes.
Latching, real time, didn't really care, just didn't want to stare at a multi-meter for a couple hours. The doorbell rang. Thanks again!
Instead of a wire, how about a detonator and plastic explosives, then put chickens next to it and you can just come back and see if there are any chickens?