Maker Pro
Maker Pro

How to make a crunchy silicon wafer

i have doubt that which type of material we used in VLSI technology
silicon raw material is silicon sand or silicon gas

sand -> silicon gas - reactor -> poly-silicon -> electronic grade silicon -> cz method -> wafer

I think sand is raw material from earth It convert into silicon gas , then silicon is purified in zone refining system and produced poly silicon

please tell me I just want to confirm that I am right or wrong
This seems more of a chemistry question than electronics. I believe most metallurgical grade silicon is produced by burning sand (silicon dioxide) with carbon to yield carbon dioxide gas and raw silicon. This is then refined to 99.9% purity for electronics grade polysilicon suitable for solar cells. Further refinement to 99.9999999% purity ingots is necessary for VLSI crystalline silicon wafers. Some of the chemical processes involved might use silicon gas such as silane for refinement and polysilicon film deposition. Regrettably I don't know enough about silicon chemistry to confirm whether you are right or wrong.

Harald Kapp

Your question is rather pointless.

VLSI means Very Large Scale Integration and per se does not imply any technology for manufacturing the chips. Apart from silicon there are ather materials suitable to build semiconductor devices from like e.g. Germanium, Gallium Arsenide, Zinc Oxide etc. In principle you can integrate a VLSI chip structure onto many of them, although this may be technically difficult, lead to very large chips (if the transistor structures can't be scaled down as on silicon) or prohibitively expensive.

Silicon is simply (one of) the best researched semiconductor materials with some properties that make it very suitable for use in highly integrated circuits (VLSI chips). And the infrastructure for commercially exploiting sislicon in the manufacture of chips is very well developed.
I am looking information about wafer making equipment I have read some thing

wafer preparation

material for wafer preparation
raw material - silicon is raw material

MGS metalluragical grade silicon
EGS electron grade silicon

wafer making equipment

pure silicon is placed in crucible that is made of quartz

crucible supporter

vacuum chamber
crucible is then put in vacuum chamber which is sealed and then filled with some gas


the chamber is heated up to 1500 c to melt silicon

crucible shaft

when silicon is melted nicely the seed is rotated as it slowly pulled out of molten silicon

is it all equipment or I have forgotten some