Maker Pro
Maker Pro

how to find resistor value ?

Yes, just go to your supermarket and dump them all in the Ohm counter. It will count up all the Ohms, and give you back a resistor that has 95% of the Ohms you put in.

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Use the colour chart Harald has supplied, it's really easy. Or tell us the colours. Take a close up picture or them just to be sure.

Harald Kapp

Ohm my good!

The color code chart I linked is suitable for 4-band and 5-band resistors. The app you refer to is nothing more than an electronic version of this color code chart. If you do the decoding yourself by looking at the color codes and the chart, you will soon learn to recognize the colors and the associated codes and you can decode most resistors without the help of the chart.
0 - B ad
1 - B oys
2 - R
3 - O ur
4 - Y oung
5 - G irls
6 - B ut
7 - V iolet
8 - G oes
9 - W illingly

My teacher passed on that wisdom to remember the color codes.
The version I heard from my physics teacher was much more politically incorrect. Hint: The first one was the actual color.

Yes, just go to your supermarket and dump them all in the Ohm counter. It will count up all the Ohms, and give you back a resistor that has 95% of the Ohms you put in.

You know someone might just try this. I look forward to a report ;)
Ohm, Ohm on the Ohmmeter Range.
Ohm is where the heart is.
She certainly was Ohmly, but I couldn't resistor.