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How to build self-powered perpetual motion heat pump ?



Don said:
Your point does violate the known laws of thermodynamics and conservation of
energy. If you had a heat engine and pump without any losses at all- the
best you could do is to have it run itself with nothing left over to do
anything else. That is- you could spend a lot of money to have something
that does nothing worth while. If you have losses as all real devices will
have, all that will happen is that the device will need a net input of
energy from some other source in order to do nothing worth while. Look at
the thermodynamics of heat pumps/engines.
This approach to "perpetual motion " is not new- nor is it's failure to
there is no violation of any law of thermodynamics in the above example.
Heat pump uses 1 kWh of energy and generates 3kWh of energy.
More energy is generated than used.
Otherwise, what would be a sense to install heatpump ?
But heatpump doesn't generate extra heat energy, it only transfers heat
ebnegy from one medium to another.
But give up heatpump.
I would like to build now "heat fuel cell membrane" like in reverse
osmosis to have RO forced water flow to generate electrical energy.
To avoid contaminating a membrane I would prefer to use H2O + CO2 in one
tank and H2O in another tank, seperated by RO membrane.

Idea is quite new, to combine "water fuel cell" with RO "remote osmosis"
to force water flow through the membrane.
To build water fuel cell membrane acting also as RO membrane may take
some time
but that approach is ok and has nothing to do with your supposed
violation of the laws of thermodynamics.

If you have 2 different mediums, there exist (heatpump) fuel cell
membrane acting also as RO membrane to generate electrical energy.
You can have water flow induced by convection, combining Stirling
engine, heatpump and water fuel cell combined into one device,
generating free energy.

Inventor of Tomosonography and Tomoultrasonography
Global Inventors Organization
17 inventions for auction sale
starting bid $ 850 a piece

James White

Heat pump uses 1 kWh of energy and generates 3kWh of energy.
More energy is generated than used.

Wrong! 3kWh of energy was MOVED, not "generated." And a warm rain can move
billions of BTUs of energy with 0 expenditure of energy whatever--of course
the starting point of the calculation DOES make a difference!
But heatpump doesn't generate extra heat energy, it only transfers heat
ebnegy from one medium to another.

Now you state exactly the opposite of what you just stated. Only the
DELUSIONAL can believe exact opposite/contradictory facts simultaneously.


James E. White
Inventor, Marketer, and Author of "Will It Sell?
How to Determine If Your Invention Is Profitably Marketable
(Before Wasting Money on a Patent)"
Also: and
[Follow sig link for email addr.Replies go to spam bit-bucket]


James said:
Wrong! 3kWh of energy was MOVED, not "generated."
but in closed space of a room can be considered as "generated"
as room temperature raised

And a warm rain can move
billions of BTUs of energy with 0 expenditure of energy whatever--of course
the starting point of the calculation DOES make a difference!
but there is no way to make your warm rain to warm our houses on a
permanent basis
Now you state exactly the opposite of what you just stated.
everything is ok, it all depends where an observator stays

Only the
DELUSIONAL can believe exact opposite/contradictory facts simultaneously.

Stop trying to insult other inventors.
Never again reply my posts in a future.

you are completely wrong, as always

to an obserwator staying in a room, energy has been generated and room
temperature raised

he or she doesn't care if the heat has been generated locally or moved
from outside source.

But it doesn't matter, since you have the slighest idea of that

First: having Stirling engine replaced by fuel cell membrane
Second: having that membrane to work as Reverse Osmosis membrane
Third: having water fuel cell membrane to resemble
reverse activity Peltier's module, generating electrical

Inventor of Tomosonography and Tomoultrasonography.
All rights reserved 2003.
Global Inventors Organization
28 inventions for auction sale
starting bid $1000 a piece

Don Kelly

Jack said:
there is no violation of any law of thermodynamics in the above example.
Heat pump uses 1 kWh of energy and generates 3kWh of energy.
More energy is generated than used.
Otherwise, what would be a sense to install heatpump ?
But heatpump doesn't generate extra heat energy, it only transfers heat
ebnegy from one medium to another.
Right. However, it does not have a thermal efficiency greater than 1. COP is
not efficiency, per se. It may be confusing but the total energy input to
the heat pump includes that from the cool region. The thermodynamics of a
heat engine operating between given temperatures follows the same rules for
a heat pump as for a heat engine and clearly show the impossibility of a
heat pump/engine producing extra useful energy.
But give up heatpump.
I would like to build now "heat fuel cell membrane" like in reverse
osmosis to have RO forced water flow to generate electrical energy.
To avoid contaminating a membrane I would prefer to use H2O + CO2 in one
tank and H2O in another tank, seperated by RO membrane.

Idea is quite new, to combine "water fuel cell" with RO "remote osmosis"
to force water flow through the membrane.
To build water fuel cell membrane acting also as RO membrane may take
some time
but that approach is ok and has nothing to do with your supposed
violation of the laws of thermodynamics.

If you have 2 different mediums, there exist (heatpump) fuel cell
membrane acting also as RO membrane to generate electrical energy.
You can have water flow induced by convection, combining Stirling
engine, heatpump and water fuel cell combined into one device,
generating free energy.
Bull. You haven't a clue about what you are proposing.
RO requires energy input :
"The process of reverse osmosis requires a driving force to push the fluid
through the membrane, and the most common force is pressure from a pump. The
higher the pressure, the larger the driving force. As the concentration of
the fluid being rejected increases, the driving force required to continue
concentrating the fluid increases". N.B. Force times flow time time is
Convection also requires energy input.
Now you want to generate electricity which also requires energy input.
So far you have 3 energy sinks for your energy source.
Now how do you get this energy for RO, convection and electrical output?
Heat pump? What do you run the heat pump with?
A Stirling engine operating between the same temperature limits won't do it
(COP of heat engine is inverse of heat engine thermal efficiency). Increase
the temperature range for the heat engine and you may do it. However, to do
this requires additional energy -i.e. burn some fuel.

Here is a suggestion- connect a conventional generator to your heat engine,
burn your fuel and eliminate all the other steps to minimise losses - you
will then have a simpler, cheaper and more efficient system.

The problem with perpetual motion devices is that you still will run into
conservation of energy (what you get out is never more than what you put
in). which so far has a 100% record of success while perpetual motion or
"overunity" so far has a 100% failure rate.

I don't expect to convince you but, at least I hope that you will take more
than a cursory look at thermodynamics and conservation of energy (related bu
teasily applicable in non-thermal systems) --
Don Kelly
[email protected]
remove the urine to answer


Don said:
Right. However, it does not have a thermal efficiency greater than 1. COP is
not efficiency, per se. It may be confusing but the total energy input to
the heat pump includes that from the cool region. The thermodynamics of a
heat engine operating between given temperatures follows the same rules for
a heat pump as for a heat engine and clearly show the impossibility of a
heat pump/engine producing extra useful energy.

exactly you are right
call energy generation energy transfer
Anyway my intention is to have a much as possible of heat transferred
into a house at a minimal cost.
but what I need is only the membrane used in RO.
But this time used in normal osmosis.
No energy is required.

"The process of reverse osmosis requires a driving force to push the fluid
through the membrane, and the most common force is pressure from a pump. The
higher the pressure, the larger the driving force. As the concentration of
the fluid being rejected increases, the driving force required to continue
concentrating the fluid increases". N.B. Force times flow time time is

What is osmosis? It is the phenomenon of water flow through a semi
permeable membrane that blocks the transport of salts or
other solutes through it. Osmosis is a fundamental effect in all
biological systems. It is applied to water purification and
desalination, waste material treatment, and many other chemical and
biochemical laboratory and industrial processes.

When two water (or other solvent) volumes are separated by a semi
permeable membrane, water will flow from the side of low
solute concentration, to the side of high solute concentration. The flow
may be stopped, or even reversed by applying external
pressure on the side of higher concentration. In such a case the
phenomenon is called reverse osmosis.

If there are solute molecules only in one side of the system, then the
pressure that stops the flow is called the osmotic pressure.

The movement of a solute molecule within a solvent is over damped by the
solvent molecules that surround it. In fact, the solute
movement is wholly determined by fluctuations of the collisions with
nearby solvent molecules. However, the average thermal
velocity of the molecule is the same as if it were free in a gas phase
[1 - 3].

Whenever a solute movement is blocked by a wall it will transfer
momentum to it and, therefore, generate pressure on it. Since
the velocity is the same as that of a free molecule, the pressure will
be the same as the pressure of an ideal gas of the same
molecular concentration. Hence, the osmotic pressure p, is given by
van't Hoff formula [4]:

so no energy is required in natural osmosis
even more, free flow of water is generated.
Combined with water fuel cell
get me energy
Convection also requires energy input.
what energy do you mean moving colder water down and warmer up ?
Now you want to generate electricity which also requires energy input.
ibn natural osmosis we have no energy input
So far you have 3 energy sinks for your energy source.
Now how do you get this energy for RO, convection and electrical output?

I need only membrane used in RO to use in natural osmosis.
And have that membrane modified to show qualifies of one used in water
fuel cells
Heat pump? What do you run the heat pump with? thermal fuel cell
A Stirling engine operating between the same temperature limits won't do it
Stirling engine powered by osmotic pressure
(COP of heat engine is inverse of heat engine thermal efficiency). Increase
the temperature range for the heat engine and you may do it. However, to do
this requires additional energy -i.e. burn some fuel.
no exactly,
you may also build low temperature Stirling engine
but Stirling engine is only an example
and is replacted by thermal fuel cell with natural osmosis induced water
Here is a suggestion- connect a conventional generator to your heat engine,
burn your fuel and eliminate all the other steps to minimise losses - you
will then have a simpler, cheaper and more efficient system.
but I meant of-the-grid heat pump
natural osmosis water fuel cell works of-the-grid and generates
electrical energy
The problem with perpetual motion devices is that you still will run into
conservation of energy (what you get out is never more than what you put
in). which so far has a 100% record of success while perpetual motion or
"overunity" so far has a 100% failure rate.
you are right
replace perpetual by of-the-grid
I don't expect to convince you but, at least I hope that you will take more
than a cursory look at thermodynamics and conservation of energy (related bu
teasily applicable in non-thermal systems) --
thanks, you are right,
but what I mean is in no way against the laws of thermodynamics.
look at Peltier's module, I need something like it, but in the form of a
membrane, large-size Peltier's like membrane.

And heat pump is just a model of heat energy transfer to heat a house.
Replace evaporator and condenser in our heatpump with big-size
Peltier's like membranes and
you get closer to what I mean.
Both Peltier's membranes will generate electrical energy.
Inventor of Tomosonography and Tomoultrasonography.
All rights reserved 2003.
Global Inventors Organization
28 inventions for auction sale
starting bid $1000 a piece

Fred B. McGalliard

there is no violation of any law of thermodynamics in the above example.
Heat pump uses 1 kWh of energy and generates 3kWh of energy.
More energy is generated than used.

Obviously you have studied the numbers, but not the physics. The heat pump
consumes 1KWH of energy, and pumps 3KWH of heat energy (from the cold
reservoir) or 4KWH of heat energy (into the hot reservoir). It does not
generate 3KWH of energy. The difference is crucial since all heat engines do
just exactly the reverse of their heat pump versions. The very bestest heat
engine would "generate" the 1KWH of useful work energy by consuming the 4KWH
of heat from the hot reservoir. If it cooled off a bit, or the cold side
warmed up a bit, it could not generate the 1KWH.


Fred B. McGalliard said:

Obviously you have studied the numbers, but not the physics. The heat pump
consumes 1KWH of energy, and pumps 3KWH of heat energy (from the cold
reservoir) or 4KWH of heat energy (into the hot reservoir). It does not
generate 3KWH of energy. The difference is crucial since all heat engines do
just exactly the reverse of their heat pump versions. The very bestest heat
engine would "generate" the 1KWH of useful work energy by consuming the 4KWH
of heat from the hot reservoir. If it cooled off a bit, or the cold side
warmed up a bit, it could not generate the 1KWH.

Thanks. You are right.
But the above discussion was intended only to get to know where we are.
But there exist one more heatpump, which consumes 0 KWH energy.
Peltier module is just our dreamed heatpump.
No energy consumed.
I would like to build membrane, like one used in RO, showing Peltier
effect and finally, to combine
solar cell with Peltier membrane , into one , electrical energy
generating unit.
Peltier membrane should replace Stirling engine, should replace
traditional heatpump with a mechanical pump
pumping cooling agent.

Peltier-solar-fuel-cell-membrane is what I need.
Generating electrical energy both from sunshine, heat and osmosis
induced water flow in water fuel cell.

Inventor of Tomosonography and Tomoultrasonography.
All rights reserved 2003.
Global Inventors Organization
28 inventions for auction sale
starting bid $1000 a piece

Fred B. McGalliard

I would like to build membrane, like one used in RO, showing Peltier
effect and finally, to combine solar cell with Peltier membrane , into one , electrical energy
generating unit.

Membranes and diffusion effects are very interesting in their
thermodynamics. Imagine your solar unit produces very hot steam. Hot enough
to have a small percentage of the H2O disassociated. Now if this is in
contact with a semipermiable membrane, you can get H2 diffusing out, no
electrolysis required. Steam and oxygen out one tube, H2 out the other. This
does work I believe. But the thermodynamics are demanding, I mean hard to
calculate. No idea at all how efficient this is, but you have to keep the
heat in the focus rather than just taking the hot gas off and cooling it to
ambient. By the time you have an efficient reverse flow heat exchanger or
two, the hardware costs start to get out of hand fast.


Michael said:
Before you go off the deep end on this, perhaps you could show us
a back-of-the-envelope calculation on the amount of energy you
can get out of osmosis and show that it's realistic as a source
of energy.


Thanks Mike,

please don't expect me to provide you with calculations right now.
Water fuel cell membranes are still under development.
You can go directly to any source about osmosis and osmotic pressure

I am aware it may take next few years to have cheap water fuel cell
membranes or Peltier membranes on the market but I am working
how to make RO membranes to show both Peltier effect and water cell
membrane qualities.
It may take a long of time, funding and group work but look at cheap sun
cells, it took years of work to manufacture 1$/Watt solar cells.
I would to like to learn how to make low-cost big poster size Peltier


Fred B. McGalliard said:

Membranes and diffusion effects are very interesting in their
thermodynamics. Imagine your solar unit produces very hot steam. Hot enough
to have a small percentage of the H2O disassociated. Now if this is in
contact with a semipermiable membrane, you can get H2 diffusing out, no
electrolysis required. Steam and oxygen out one tube, H2 out the other. This
does work I believe. But the thermodynamics are demanding, I mean hard to
calculate. No idea at all how efficient this is, but you have to keep the
heat in the focus rather than just taking the hot gas off and cooling it to
ambient. By the time you have an efficient reverse flow heat exchanger or
two, the hardware costs start to get out of hand fast.

you are right but what I intend to do is exactly the opposite .
I don't need hot steam.
First of all I have to learn how to make Peltier- solar cell waffer.
Than I want to put my Peltier-solar cell waffer flying on flat water.
Solar cell generates electrical energy and Peltier generates electrical
energy at the same time.
One side of my waffer is hot from sunshine, and another is cold,
colled by water.
So such Peltier-solar waffer is more efficient in generating electrical
energy than Peltier or solar cell alone.

And what I want to do next.
Making my Peltier-solar cell looking like membrane, I modify it to work
as water fuel cell membrane.
Now my waffer has 3 layers.
solar cell layer
Peltier layer
water fuel cell membrane layer

Sprinkling now my 3-layer-wafer with a rain water get slim layer of
water over my wafer and I have 3 energy generating systems , working for
me at the same time.

Solar cell + Peltier + water fuel cell

And the next step.
I add another layer to my wafer.
Piezo layer as the last.
Now we get 4-layer electrical energy generating wafer.

solar cell + Peltier + water fuel cell + Piezo

I don't expect such 4-layer wafer to be on the market soon, but basing
on latest developments in nanotechnology, it may take only few years.

Now add 5-th layer to my wafer to use free wind energy and that's all I
Inventor of Tomosonography and Tomoultrasonography.
All rights reserved 2003.
Global Inventors Organization
28 inventions for auction sale
starting bid $1000 a piece


Michael said:
Why not? If you know what you want to do, it should take a few minutes
at most and prove the feasibility. You say that you want to harness
the energy from osmosis - how much energy is available? Is this thing
going to be the size of a breadbox, the size of a garage or the size
of the Space Shuttle Vehicle Assembly Building?
thanks again
but I din't mean osmosis alone, but osmosis induced water flow to power
water fuel cell .
Water fuel cell technology is to new to let me make calculations of any
Just get me some water fuel cell membranes for tests first.

But I really like my newly developed concept of 5-layer R-Generator
1st layer - sun cell
2nd layer - Peltier
3th layer - water fuel cell membrane
4th layer - Piezo
5th layer - wind energy membrane

made in nanotechnology, swimming freely in salt water , sprinkled with
thin layer of desalted rain water from time to time

Inventor of Tomosonography and Tomoultrasonography.
All rights reserved 2003.
Global Inventors Organization
28 inventions for auction sale
starting bid $1000 a piece

Don Kelly

Jack said:

exactly you are right
call energy generation energy transfer
Anyway my intention is to have a much as possible of heat transferred
into a house at a minimal cost.
then a conventional heat pump may be your best bet- provided that you have a
sufficient temperature range.
but what I need is only the membrane used in RO.
But this time used in normal osmosis.
No energy is required.

I read it- it doesn't suport your point. Go on a bit to one of the refernces
and note that osmosis is simply a reversible thermodynamic effect. Also not
momentum transfer is not energy transfer just as pressure is not power or
so no energy is required in natural osmosis
even more, free flow of water is generated.
For the water the free flow is just as if there was a single tank with no
membrane. So??

Combined with water fuel cell
get me energy
And what is this water fuel cell- Oh yes- Meyer's device which has great
claims but no proof for its capabilities (demos for reporters don't count-
solid input output energy balance information does count. Gee, with this why
bother with the osmosis, heat pump or the other trapping, just use some of
the output H2 and O2 to generate electricity to run the device as a
perpetual motion machine. Why add complications?
what energy do you mean moving colder water down and warmer up ?
and get no energy out. In fact, trying to generate electricity from the flow
of the water will produce a reverse pressure which will lead to the
cessation of flow (that is an earlier cessation than would occur otherwise).

I need only membrane used in RO to use in natural osmosis.
And have that membrane modified to show qualifies of one used in water
fuel cells --------
------ it
Stirling engine powered by osmotic pressure

no exactly,
you may also build low temperature Stirling engine
but Stirling engine is only an example
and is replacted by thermal fuel cell with natural osmosis induced water
but I meant of-the-grid heat pump
natural osmosis water fuel cell works of-the-grid and generates
electrical energy. ---------

you are right
replace perpetual by of-the-grid
thanks, you are right,
but what I mean is in no way against the laws of thermodynamics.
look at Peltier's module, I need something like it, but in the form of a
membrane, large-size Peltier's like membrane.
A Peltier module in reverse is a thermocouple. >
And heat pump is just a model of heat energy transfer to heat a house.
Replace evaporator and condenser in our heatpump with big-size
Peltier's like membranes and
you get closer to what I mean.
Both Peltier's membranes will generate electrical energy.
You seem to be hopping from one idea to another without showing any
understanding of the behaviour and limitations of each of the devices. This
gives the appearance that you really don't have a clue as to what you are
trying to do. One thing that appears to be foreign to you is the idea of
tracking energy transfers or recognising where they are.


but how to power conventional heapump of-the-grid ?
what point ?
osmosis is employed to force water flow throgh water fuel cell membrane

Go on a bit to one of the refernces
and note that osmosis is simply a reversible thermodynamic effect. Also not
momentum transfer is not energy transfer just as pressure is not power or
and what is your point ?
water fuel cell is latest invention
to work need pressurized water to flow
I get water flow induced by osmosis.
There is nothing wrong
free, meant, of-the-grid, without the use of enternal source of
electrical energyok, let us wait few months for more details
solid input output energy balance information does count. Gee, with this why
bother with the osmosis, heat pump or the other trapping, just use some of
the output H2 and O2 to generate electricity to run the device as a
perpetual motion machine. Why add complications?

H2 is not free avaliableb yet, so H2 cold fusion cells look great at
shows only.
exactly as conventional heatpump does

input/output needed.
not exactly, kinetic energy of water flow is generated

In fact, trying to generate electricity from the flow
of the water will produce a reverse pressure which will lead to the
cessation of flow (that is an earlier cessation than would occur otherwise).
it is not the case with water fuel cells
but still a heat pump without moving parts, without a need to power from
the grid
You seem to be hopping from one idea to another without showing any
understanding of the behaviour and limitations of each of the devices. This
gives the appearance that you really don't have a clue as to what you are
trying to do.
I exactly know what I need.
Pig poster size cheap Peltier membrane.

One thing that appears to be foreign to you is the idea of
tracking energy transfers or recognising where they are.

I would like to manufacture cheap Peltier membrane, used both as heat
pump and osmosis membrane.

Inventor of Tomosonography and Tomoultrasonography.
All rights reserved 2003.
Global Inventors Organization
28 inventions for auction sale
starting bid $1000 a piece

Don Kelly

Jack said:
but how to power conventional heapump of-the-grid ?

what point ?
osmosis is employed to force water flow throgh water fuel cell membrane

Go on a bit to one of the refernces
and what is your point ?
water fuel cell is latest invention
to work need pressurized water to flow
I get water flow induced by osmosis.
There is nothing wrong
If you can't see what is wrong, then you have a problem
free, meant, of-the-grid, without the use of enternal source of
electrical energy
But it wont do any work so what one gets out of it is zilch
ok, let us wait few months for more details
H2 is not free avaliableb yet, so H2 cold fusion cells look great at
shows only.
So does Meyers water fuel cell.
exactly as conventional heatpump does

not exactly, kinetic energy of water flow is generated
Actually no. Go a bit deeper into the references. There is KE but it is in
the random motion of the solvent (water) just as it is in a box full of a
gas- same thermodynamics>
In fact, trying to generate electricity from the flow otherwise).
it is not the case with water fuel cells
Round and round we go
but still a heat pump without moving parts, without a need to power from
the grid
It needs power form some source and your proposed power sources aren't going
to do it.
I exactly know what I need.
Pig poster size cheap Peltier membrane.

One thing that appears to be foreign to you is the idea of

I would like to manufacture cheap Peltier membrane, used both as heat
pump and osmosis membrane.

At some point you mentioned wind and solar- stick to these directly rather
than put in a whole string of intermediate and lossy junk into the system.
The rest is a non-starter. Peltier devices are reversible electrothermal
devices - great - but to get electricity a thermal energy source is needed.
To pump heat an electrical energy source is needed. The "water fuel cell",
osmosis, or a heat pump /engine will not solve the problem.


Don said:
If you can't see what is wrong, then you have a problem
But it wont do any work so what one gets out of it is zilch

So does Meyers water fuel cell.
Actually no. Go a bit deeper into the references. There is KE but it is in
the random motion of the solvent (water) just as it is in a box full of a
gas- same thermodynamics>
Round and round we go

It needs power form some source and your proposed power sources aren't going
to do it.

At some point you mentioned wind and solar- stick to these directly rather
than put in a whole string of intermediate and lossy junk into the system.
The rest is a non-starter. Peltier devices are reversible electrothermal
devices - great - but to get electricity a thermal energy source is needed.
Exactly, thermal energy source is provided by sunshine.
To pump heat an electrical energy source is needed.

The "water fuel cell",
osmosis, or a heat pump /engine will not solve the problem.
but solve the problem of generating electrical energy from thermal
Inventor of Tomosonography and Tomoultrasonography.
All rights reserved 2003.
Global Inventors Organization
28 inventions for auction sale
starting bid $1000 a piece


Cobalt said:
Short of it: you cannae violate the laws of physics, Captain, though
sometimes they can be bent or mangled a wee bit :)

Sorry if this is a problem, but there are some specifics that I think
you may be not be getting a good grasp of here.

Most important point: a heat pump is not an energy generator, it is a
conveyance device. Do not take the info of 300% efficiency to mean
that you are creating energy out of thin air, because, you aren't.

What it does mean is that, as an example, if you have a heat pump at
300% efficiency transfering heat, you are INPUTTING 1 part energy, and
it can use that energy to convey, or move, 3 parts of thermal energy
from point a to point b, the heat or cold is what is already there. I
know this sounds like you're creating energy from nowhere, but it's
NOT a generator. It is perfectly possible for a train that is using
10kWh of total energy to pull the equivalent of 30kWh or more, of
fuel. As it is used for the transfer, or conveyance, the 10kWh is
immaterial. While it is unlikely, it could just have easily been a
small engine that pulled the load. The energy is spent in the trip,
and you can only carry what you have available to you, it doesn't
magically make coal appear in the boxcars.

Sorry but the perpetual motion bit does not make sense in any
schooling i have everr taken myself. Even a solar powered generator
is, at best, a low-efficiency conversion device powered by the closest
large-scale Hydrogen-based fusion reactor in our little area of the
galaxy, and stars DO die, you know...

Not perpetual, just extremely long lived... exactly

If you get bored, try these things at home (dons Mr Wizard hat):

Freeze a coffee cup, make a batch of hot coffee, measure the temp of
both the cup and the coffee. Pour a cup of coffee.
Wait until the two temperatures even out, and I do NOT mean shoving
the cup into the freezer here. You get a warmer cup, but the coffee
gets colder. Now for the real kick in the head. Put the same amound of
coffee into the cup, at the cup's new temperature. You can measure
that a LOWER change of state has occurred, because there isnt as much
difference now. This is brutally simplified, but what it means is that
eventually, the sources of energy themselves will be at equilibrium,
and without a difference, there is ZERO change. Period.

The same can be done with our newly warmed up coffee cup, and a
pitcher of water from the fridge. The exact same process, only the
temperature is a lower middle point.

This is a very simplified experiment, so I know it isn't 100% correct,
but it illustrates the problem with your powering the heat pump by the
pump itself. There has to be sufficient thermal difference to power
it, and at some point, unless you put more energy in the system to
compensate for this, eventually you have a dead system.

Didn't mean to be long winded, but I am tired, and get long-winded
when I haven't had enough sleep :p

Flames and corrections are welcome. Corrections are welcome, flames
are welcome to /dev/null... Sorry for boring everyone :)

Founding Member, International Brotherhood of Cat Herders

Living life is like herding a cat: it rarely goes where you want it to
go, it has its own ideas of what is fair play, and it decides when (or
if) to give you a break (or not)

Thanks a lot for your valuable contribution.
In thre meantime my idea evolued into 5-layer R-ENERGY WAFER
1st layer - solar cell
2nd layer - Peltier
3rd layer - water fuel cell membrane
4th layer - Piezo
5th layer - wind energy sensing membrane

made as a big-size floating flexible surface on the sea, sprinkled with
rain water from time to time, to make osmosis induced water flow fuel
cell to generate electrical energy.

I am looking for a comany interested to work on low-cost 2-layer wafer:
solar + Peltier cell in one.
than on 3-layer wafer: solar + Peltier + Piezo cell in one,
and finally 5-layer Renewable-ENERGY WAFER.
6th layer should be made of Electret material.

Inventor of Tomosonography and Tomoultrasonography.
All rights reserved 2003.
Global Inventors Organization
28 inventions for auction sale
starting bid $1000 a piece


Thanks for your invaluable inputs.
Now I have to build my 6-layer R-ENERGY WAFER on my own.
I am looking for a new technology to manufacture cheap Peltier modules,
comparable in price to modern solar cells ( close to $0,99/Watt in
wholesale trade).

Why don't you guys trim the quotes a bit, it gets increasingly difficult to
follow this thread.



Inventor of Tomosonography and Tomoultrasonography.
All rights reserved 2003.
Global Inventors Organization
28 inventions for auction sale
starting bid $1000 a piece

Don Kelly

Jack said:

Exactly, thermal energy source is provided by sunshine.
Yes- and if you get energy from this - use it -omitting all the rest which
is a net absorvber of energy-why waste what you have?.

The "water fuel cell",
Which appears to be a scam. Don't count on it.
but solve the problem of generating electrical energy from thermal
Neither will do this. Study the thermodynamics of each.

What you are doing is neglecting the physics of the situation in favour of
wishful thinking.

By the way, do you know the purpose of a "membrane" in a Peltier membrane
for thermionic conversion? Do you know the thermodynamics of osmosis? Do you
know that there is no device which will produce electrical energy without an
input of a greater amount of energy from some other source?
In total -while your intentions are good, they are not supported by physics
or thermodynamics nor by some very questionable "water fuel cell" or Peltier
membranes (at least the latter work, poorly and do require greater energy
iunput than one gets out).


Alec said:
Just curious, what are tomo ultrasound and tomo ultra ultrasound?
Tomoultrasonography and Tomosonography (All rights reserved 2003)
is a new science, integrating Computer Assisted Tomography and
Sonography, Ultrasonography into one new branch, I have invented and
developed while building a prototype of Tomo-Ultrasonography Diagnostics
integrating developments in ultrasonography and in computer assisted
Also, is
crossposting generally accepted here?

I am developing 6-layer Renewable-Energy Wafer, combing
solar cell, Peltier, Piezo, water fuel cell, Electret and wind energy
generator into one unit, called by me 6-LAYER RENEWABLE ENERGY GENERATOR
WAFER , abbreviated to 6L-E+WAFER.
So groups on thermal, photovoltaic, renewable are all relevant.

Inventor of Tomosonography and Tomoultrasonography.
All rights reserved 2003.
Global Inventors Organization
28 inventions for auction sale
starting bid $1000 a piece


Don said:
Yes- and if you get energy from this - use it -omitting all the rest which
is a net absorvber of energy-why waste what you have?.
Which appears to be a scam. Don't count on it.
Neither will do this. Study the thermodynamics of each.

What you are doing is neglecting the physics of the situation in favour of
wishful thinking.

By the way, do you know the purpose of a "membrane" in a Peltier membrane
for thermionic conversion? Do you know the thermodynamics of osmosis? Do you
know that there is no device which will produce electrical energy without an
input of a greater amount of energy from some other source?
In total -while your intentions are good, they are not supported by physics
or thermodynamics nor by some very questionable "water fuel cell" or Peltier
membranes (at least the latter work, poorly and do require greater energy
iunput than one gets out).

Thanks Don, but you are not right.
Peltier modules work great.
There is no Peltier membranes yet, I am just working on to make one to
use in my 6-layer ENERGY WAFER.

And please stop your general speaking about physics and thermodynamics.
My concept of 6-LAYER ENERGY WAFER is excellent and feasible.
Each ENERGY LAYER is already operational and on the market.
I am integrating 6 forms of renewable energy generators into one wafer.
That's all. My 6-layer energy wafer is ok and is not against any rules
of science.
There is nothing mysterious in making 6-layer renewable energy generator
Much better contact me with manufacturers of Peltier modules to arrange
some R&D work to be done, to manufacture first Peltier membrane as soon
as possible.
Inventor of Tomosonography and Tomoultrasonography.
All rights reserved 2003.
Global Inventors Organization
28 inventions for auction sale
starting bid $1000 a piece