Maker Pro
Maker Pro

How much/what electrical danger performing on a covered stage during rain?


Duncan Wood

"Duncan Wood"
Phil Allison
"Andrew Gabriel"

** It is plan bollocks.

** Worse gobbledegook than the original verbal diarrhoea.

It's the impedance of the entire circuit if you short the phase cable to
ground, including the LV transformer & feed cable. So divide your phase
voltage by the earth fault impedance & you get the maximum current that
can flow. If that's still gobbldegook then you need some basic knowledge
about electricity to play. Or use google.

Mike Gilmour

Fred Bloggs said:
It is absolutely essential that all the power circuits have Ground Fault
Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) protection, and that these be tested during the
initial installation. It's also a good idea to surge protect all the
equipment plugged directly into the line. All of the handheld electricals
should have a UL double insulation rating.

If the local organisers supply your power in IMO it's essential to check it
yourself first, carry your own earth leakage trip but preferably run on your
own mains cable. I now carry a small plug in tester that checks correct
connection & measures earth loop impedance. Several years ago at a ten piece
gig in Tain Scotland on a truck bed with canvas shelter, the mains supply
provided had the live and ground transposed! I traced the cable back
originated from a three phase board in an open tent with the cabinet doors
fully open, that tent was open to the public children could have wandered in
! After ranting to the organiser and sorting it all out we found out half
way through the gig that the canvas cover leaked like a sieve.. There was a
good sized audience mostly with umbrellas, so we kept the show going after
covering up the gear.
Now I always run my own cable out and use own earth leakage trip and run the
tester first. We have had requests to return for repeat gigs at that
location - we've refused, never again.


Phil Allison

It's the impedance of the entire circuit...

** HUH ????????????????

WHAT FUCKING CIRCUIT ??????????????????

Go GET TOTALLY FUCKED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!



........ Phil

Michael A. Terrell

Phil said:
"Phil Allison = FUCKING IMBECILE "

** HUH ????????????????

WHAT FUCKING CIRCUIT ??????????????????

Go GET TOTALLY FUCKED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!



....... Phil

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Michael A. Terrell

Matthew said:
My personal favorite is when no green wire is pulled in the EMT feed to a
three phase panel without a neutral. Then another bozo comes along and adds
a single phase circuit and terminates the neutral to the ground bar (just
like you would in the main panel, right.....)

And then the customer wonders why sparks come out of the conduit joints and
employees get tingled when the touch the equipment. Yes, I've seen it more
than once.

I had a problem at a school. A dead circuit: One end of the conduit
had white, black and green wire. The other end was red and blue.
Someone had moved and outlet, years ago. They had spliced the wire in
the conduit by extending the black wire with red, then tied the white
and green together with the blue. No wire nuts or split bolts, just two
very loose twists and cheap plastic tape that finally burnt open. After
some checking, and old janitor told me that a former teacher had moved
it, rather than waiting for the school board to send their electricians.

then there was the time I had a run in with a volunteer fire
department. I told them their wiring was substandard. I hit the breaker
box with my fist, and sparks flew out of it. I told them that if they
didn't have everything repaired within 30 days, I was calling the state
to have their certification revoked, and the county to condemn their
building. It was bad enough that they were using the building, but they
also let a Boy Scout, and a Cub Scout troop use the building, as well.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Phil Allison

"VWWall = Asinine WANKER "




....... Phil

Michael A. Terrell

VWWall said:
... and he still hasn't learned a proper sig!

He never will, because he can't make it from toaster parts, dead
cats, or used sex toys.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

William Sommerwerck

If Mr. Allison thinks that I, or anyone else in this group, takes his
ranting seriously, or is even offended by it, he's mistaken. A simple
"That's not right, here's why" would be sufficient.

Unless this is some kind of sick joke (where was he hiding for the past few
months?), I'd suggest Mr. Allison see a man of the cloth, or of the

Michael A. Terrell

William said:
If Mr. Allison thinks that I, or anyone else in this group, takes his
ranting seriously, or is even offended by it, he's mistaken. A simple
"That's not right, here's why" would be sufficient.

Unless this is some kind of sick joke (where was he hiding for the past few
months?), I'd suggest Mr. Allison see a man of the cloth, or of the

He's another 'Skippy', and usually off of his meds. He needs to be

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

David Lesher

I had a problem at a school. A dead circuit: One end of the conduit
had white, black and green wire. The other end was red and blue.

A classmate was helping out a friend who'd bought a house. The previous
owner was a retired Navy CPO Electrician. Black was ground. White
was hot...everywhere...

Within PEPCO [MD/DC area], they use multiple wire cable where green is hot.
I saw it once & said "WTF??" to the crew. The guy smiled and sung out:

Green is Ground,
The world around...
except at PEPCO...