Dave Plowman (News)
To everyone who has replied so far, thank you for your information.
I would have normally used a nine volt battery to check the polarity,
but I couldn't find one anywhere in the various messes I have.
A single cell - ie 1.5 volts - is quite sufficient to test a speaker
I think I'll go ahead and correct the speaker polarity so that it at
least matches what the radio manufacturer and speaker manufacturers
say it "should" be. This will not be difficult. There are only two
speakers in the car (at this time...I may add two more later the car's
design permits it) However, I do see the point that one poster made
about which way the speaker cone will "fire" when a large signal comes
its way. It would seem logical that the speaker cone can extend much
further outward than it can inward (toward the speaker basket).
Not so - since a speaker may have to reproduce a sine wave it has to move
equal amounts back and forth. If it doesn't it will distort the sound.