Maker Pro
Maker Pro

How fragile are diodes? Can you screw them up soldering them?

I'm building a Rullywow Queen of Bone. This is my first pedal and I've been going slowly, taking my time.

I started to solder in the diodes today. I had no real issues with the 1N4148 diodes aside from the slipping while I was soldering them, so they're standing proud from the board on one side.

I also soldered in the 1S1588 diodes.

I was worried about the 1N4148 diodes that were standing proud, so I measured them with my multimeter and they seemed fine. While I had it out, I measured the 1S1588 diodes and I'll get a quick flash of a reading before it zeroes out.

So far I've only soldered in 2 of the 1S1588's out of 4. However, I only ordered 6 in total and they took 3 months to arrive in the mail from Oz. So, if there is a chance I did burn them out I'd like to avoid doing the same thing when I solder in the rest.

Any suggestions?


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
If you take only a few seconds to solder each end you will do them no damage.

The reading you get depends on what other components are around them in the circuit once you solder them in. On a resistance range if you see a higher reading one way than the other then they're likely OK. Capacitors in the circuit or diodes in anti-parallel will give you the oddest readings.

If you have the circuit diagram we might be able to figure out what an OK reading would be.
A cheap soldering iron has no control of its temperature. It gets hotter and hotter until it damages parts when they are soldered. If the solder has good flux in it then the high temperature burns it away then each solder joint takes longer time.
Cheap plumber's solder needs a high temperature and does not have the flux that is used when soldering electronic parts.

My soldering iron has controlled temperature and NEVER gets too hot.
My solder is electronics type that is 63/37 (plumbers use 60/40) with a flux core and each solder joint is finished in 1 second.

The schematic of the circuit ( ) shows that the diodes are used to produce extreme distortion (overdrive).
It is not good to measure the forward/reverse resistance of a diode in its circuit because then the resistance parallel with it messes up the measurements.
Most Plumbers solder is 50/50.

My Iron is 50 watt and Not Temperature Controlled.
Never been a Problem, even with SMT Parts.

I have even used my 100-140 watt Weller Soldering Gun on 1N4148 diodes.
Never Damaged one yet, But I am Quick.
Looking at the circuit there is a good chance that you are not reading through the diode and instead are reading through the circuit and that is what you are getting your readings. The section below looks like you would just read through the opposite diode.



Looking at the circuit there is a good chance that you are not reading through the diode and instead are reading through the circuit and that is what you are getting your readings. The section below looks like you would just read through the opposite diode.

View attachment 34596

your schematic is a bit too small to make out clearly
got a better one ?