Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Glass encased component with 2 power diodes held close

Hi, I'm trying to repair a very simple car battery charger, but I can't identify one of the components. I have tried Google etc but have not come up with anything.

The glass component, to the best of my (and my partners' eyes) has 0t110BG1U3 printed on the side of it.

Any help to identify this component would be appreciated.
245328388_250048970413478_7111621509783041273_n.jpg245284956_197669239170044_9048969632533236769_n.jpg 245299713_390735016054260_201509745871443153_n.jpg 245308580_888742808737791_1547329600901967943_n.jpg
It may be a Filament Bulb acting as a current limiter.
It will also be an indicator to inform the battery status: bright glow -> charging; dim glow -> charge complete.
Thank you for your comment, I will check out the glow factor with batteries at various stages of charge. Again, thank you :) .... tho I hadn't noticed any glow when previously using this charger, it would have mainly been used overnight .. I am interested to see the outcome of this testing, tomorrow.
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