Maker Pro
Maker Pro

How does digital TV broadcast prevent ghosting effects?


Jim Thompson

On Tue, 27 Nov 2007 15:02:47 -0800, Joerg

Yes, I will play with the antenna some more when I have time (meaning
the honey-do list is worked down...).

How much does cable cost in your area? Think on the positive side...
no ugly antenna on the roof ;-)

I did a an area search, <>,
for 200 km around the lat/long of the Placerville, CA airport as a
best guess to see what Joerg could pick up digitally. The only
non UHF digital channel is Telemundo in San Jose (12) and I think
that's Spanish Language.

UHF antennas are pretty discrete. Unless they still make those 8 foot
parabola deep fringe jobs.

Mark Zenier [email protected]
Googleproofaddress(account:mzenier provider:eskimo domain:com)

Joerg is so cheap he'll probably resort to learning Spanish rather
than get cable ;-)

...Jim Thompson


Jim said:
On Tue, 27 Nov 2007 15:02:47 -0800, Joerg

Yes, I will play with the antenna some more when I have time (meaning
the honey-do list is worked down...).
How much does cable cost in your area? Think on the positive side...
no ugly antenna on the roof ;-)
I did a an area search, <>,
for 200 km around the lat/long of the Placerville, CA airport as a
best guess to see what Joerg could pick up digitally. The only
non UHF digital channel is Telemundo in San Jose (12) and I think
that's Spanish Language.

We do get a dozen or so on UHF. Depending on the weather, aircraft,
wind, rain, cat crossing the street and so on. Sometimes it's just a few
that come through and you never know which one will croak when.

Joerg is so cheap he'll probably resort to learning Spanish rather
than get cable ;-)


Yeah, I want to learn Spanish. But not because of tee-vee, it's so I can
talk to some of the prodcution folks at clients easier.

How's the hip coming? Just came back from the dentist and it hurts. A
lot, so I took a break from work. Of course, being cheap, the $850 hurt
more ;-)

Jim Thompson

Jim Thompson wrote: [snip]
Joerg is so cheap he'll probably resort to learning Spanish rather
than get cable ;-)


Yeah, I want to learn Spanish. But not because of tee-vee, it's so I can
talk to some of the prodcution folks at clients easier.

I should learn also. The funny in our family is that the Hispanic
son-in-law can't speak any Spanish. Several generations back, when
his family migrated to LA, they decided they were Americans. How
different it is today :-(

Of course both of my oldest... son and daughter are Spanish fluent,
just from exposure... the son from working summers in South Tucson
while attending UofA, and the daughter from 20 years in Yuma.
How's the hip coming? Just came back from the dentist and it hurts.

Pain comes and goes... seems to be all muscular... as bruises work
their way up to the surface. Yesterday it hurt to walk, today I have
a honey-do project set up on the saw horses, mounting a spice rack to
the back of a crappy hollow door :-(
lot, so I took a break from work. Of course, being cheap, the $850 hurt
more ;-)

I know how that goes... Medicare doesn't cover dental, but it covers
hips ;-)

...Jim Thompson


Jim said:
Jim Thompson wrote: [snip]
Joerg is so cheap he'll probably resort to learning Spanish rather
than get cable ;-)

Yeah, I want to learn Spanish. But not because of tee-vee, it's so I can
talk to some of the prodcution folks at clients easier.

I should learn also. The funny in our family is that the Hispanic
son-in-law can't speak any Spanish. Several generations back, when
his family migrated to LA, they decided they were Americans. How
different it is today :-(

Sure is :-(

Of course both of my oldest... son and daughter are Spanish fluent,
just from exposure... the son from working summers in South Tucson
while attending UofA, and the daughter from 20 years in Yuma.

An engineer at a client speaks with a very noticeable Spanish accent and
cannot speak Spanish. His parents are from Puerto Rico.

Pain comes and goes... seems to be all muscular... as bruises work
their way up to the surface. Yesterday it hurt to walk, today I have
a honey-do project set up on the saw horses, mounting a spice rack to
the back of a crappy hollow door :-(

Exceed a few milli lbs/ft on the screwdriver ... ka-crunch.
I know how that goes... Medicare doesn't cover dental, but it covers
hips ;-)

No matter what people say about the Bush administration, they did give
us HSA accounts. Meaning it's now pre-tax, quite a relief. But the
inflation in medical is 10-15%/year, at least :-(

Jim Thompson

Jim said:
On Thu, 29 Nov 2007 13:28:57 -0800, Joerg

Pain comes and goes... seems to be all muscular... as bruises work
their way up to the surface. Yesterday it hurt to walk, today I have
a honey-do project set up on the saw horses, mounting a spice rack to
the back of a crappy hollow door :-(

Exceed a few milli lbs/ft on the screwdriver ... ka-crunch.

The spice rack only has 4 mounting holes, none of which lined up with
the flat portions of the door.

So I made an adapter plate of 1/4" plywood... 12 hollow-wall anchors
plus construction glue spreads the load. T-nuts inserted before
mounting the adapter, then just screw on the spice rack. I think I
could swing from it ;-)

...Jim Thompson


Jim said:
Jim said:
On Thu, 29 Nov 2007 13:28:57 -0800, Joerg
Pain comes and goes... seems to be all muscular... as bruises work
their way up to the surface. Yesterday it hurt to walk, today I have
a honey-do project set up on the saw horses, mounting a spice rack to
the back of a crappy hollow door :-(
Exceed a few milli lbs/ft on the screwdriver ... ka-crunch.

The spice rack only has 4 mounting holes, none of which lined up with
the flat portions of the door.

So I made an adapter plate of 1/4" plywood... 12 hollow-wall anchors
plus construction glue spreads the load. T-nuts inserted before
mounting the adapter, then just screw on the spice rack. I think I
could swing from it ;-)

Ah, but now you were cheap. Couldn't it at least have been a strip of
oak instead of plywood?

Jim Thompson

Jim said:
Jim Thompson wrote:
On Thu, 29 Nov 2007 13:28:57 -0800, Joerg
Pain comes and goes... seems to be all muscular... as bruises work
their way up to the surface. Yesterday it hurt to walk, today I have
a honey-do project set up on the saw horses, mounting a spice rack to
the back of a crappy hollow door :-(

Exceed a few milli lbs/ft on the screwdriver ... ka-crunch.

The spice rack only has 4 mounting holes, none of which lined up with
the flat portions of the door.

So I made an adapter plate of 1/4" plywood... 12 hollow-wall anchors
plus construction glue spreads the load. T-nuts inserted before
mounting the adapter, then just screw on the spice rack. I think I
could swing from it ;-)

Ah, but now you were cheap. Couldn't it at least have been a strip of
oak instead of plywood?

Gotcha! It's oak plywood, which will be stained to match the rack ;-)

...Jim Thompson


Jim said:
Jim said:
On Thu, 29 Nov 2007 14:29:43 -0800, Joerg

Jim Thompson wrote:
On Thu, 29 Nov 2007 13:28:57 -0800, Joerg

Pain comes and goes... seems to be all muscular... as bruises work
their way up to the surface. Yesterday it hurt to walk, today I have
a honey-do project set up on the saw horses, mounting a spice rack to
the back of a crappy hollow door :-(

Exceed a few milli lbs/ft on the screwdriver ... ka-crunch.


The spice rack only has 4 mounting holes, none of which lined up with
the flat portions of the door.

So I made an adapter plate of 1/4" plywood... 12 hollow-wall anchors
plus construction glue spreads the load. T-nuts inserted before
mounting the adapter, then just screw on the spice rack. I think I
could swing from it ;-)
Ah, but now you were cheap. Couldn't it at least have been a strip of
oak instead of plywood?

Gotcha! It's oak plywood, which will be stained to match the rack ;-)

But it's still plywood. Coulda been real wood ...

A carpenter in the old world once told me that plywood corner, no matter
what, aren't s'posed to be seen. Ever.

Regards, Joerg

Jim Thompson

Jim said:
Jim Thompson wrote:
On Thu, 29 Nov 2007 14:29:43 -0800, Joerg

Jim Thompson wrote:
On Thu, 29 Nov 2007 13:28:57 -0800, Joerg

Pain comes and goes... seems to be all muscular... as bruises work
their way up to the surface. Yesterday it hurt to walk, today I have
a honey-do project set up on the saw horses, mounting a spice rack to
the back of a crappy hollow door :-(

Exceed a few milli lbs/ft on the screwdriver ... ka-crunch.


The spice rack only has 4 mounting holes, none of which lined up with
the flat portions of the door.

So I made an adapter plate of 1/4" plywood... 12 hollow-wall anchors
plus construction glue spreads the load. T-nuts inserted before
mounting the adapter, then just screw on the spice rack. I think I
could swing from it ;-)

Ah, but now you were cheap. Couldn't it at least have been a strip of
oak instead of plywood?

Gotcha! It's oak plywood, which will be stained to match the rack ;-)

But it's still plywood. Coulda been real wood ...

"real wood"... I'd need a mortgage to pay for it ;-)
A carpenter in the old world once told me that plywood corner, no matter
what, aren't s'posed to be seen. Ever.

Oak quarter-round.

...Jim Thompson


Jim said:
Jim said:
On Thu, 29 Nov 2007 15:23:51 -0800, Joerg

Jim Thompson wrote:
On Thu, 29 Nov 2007 14:29:43 -0800, Joerg

Jim Thompson wrote:
On Thu, 29 Nov 2007 13:28:57 -0800, Joerg

Pain comes and goes... seems to be all muscular... as bruises work
their way up to the surface. Yesterday it hurt to walk, today I have
a honey-do project set up on the saw horses, mounting a spice rack to
the back of a crappy hollow door :-(

Exceed a few milli lbs/ft on the screwdriver ... ka-crunch.


The spice rack only has 4 mounting holes, none of which lined up with
the flat portions of the door.

So I made an adapter plate of 1/4" plywood... 12 hollow-wall anchors
plus construction glue spreads the load. T-nuts inserted before
mounting the adapter, then just screw on the spice rack. I think I
could swing from it ;-)

Ah, but now you were cheap. Couldn't it at least have been a strip of
oak instead of plywood?
Gotcha! It's oak plywood, which will be stained to match the rack ;-)
But it's still plywood. Coulda been real wood ...

"real wood"... I'd need a mortgage to pay for it ;-)

Yeah, I remember that promise "Lumber prices will not go up because of
the tariffs and yada, yada, yada ..." Suddenly the wood for the deck
replacement cost $1000 instead of $700.

Oak quarter-round.

Acceptable. Ok to continue with project :)


To-Email- said:
Jim said:
On Thu, 29 Nov 2007 15:23:51 -0800, Joerg

Jim Thompson wrote:
On Thu, 29 Nov 2007 14:29:43 -0800, Joerg

Jim Thompson wrote:
On Thu, 29 Nov 2007 13:28:57 -0800, Joerg

Pain comes and goes... seems to be all muscular... as bruises work
their way up to the surface. Yesterday it hurt to walk, today I have
a honey-do project set up on the saw horses, mounting a spice rack to
the back of a crappy hollow door :-(

Exceed a few milli lbs/ft on the screwdriver ... ka-crunch.


The spice rack only has 4 mounting holes, none of which lined up with
the flat portions of the door.

So I made an adapter plate of 1/4" plywood... 12 hollow-wall anchors
plus construction glue spreads the load. T-nuts inserted before
mounting the adapter, then just screw on the spice rack. I think I
could swing from it ;-)

Ah, but now you were cheap. Couldn't it at least have been a strip of
oak instead of plywood?

Gotcha! It's oak plywood, which will be stained to match the rack ;-)

But it's still plywood. Coulda been real wood ...

"real wood"... I'd need a mortgage to pay for it ;-)

I just moved a couple of hundred bf of Ash and eight maple (complete
with tap holes) 2x10x8s around the country for the third time (from
MI to NY in '84ish, from NY to VT in '93, and now to OH). I took a
couple of hundred bf of red oak paneling to the dump because I didn't
think I could take it all in the UHaul (the ash and maple are in
better shape). It's not all that expensive if you know where to get
it and buy more than a board at a time.
Oak quarter-round.

Rabbit or dado.


Mark said:
On Tue, 27 Nov 2007 15:02:47 -0800, Joerg

Yes, I will play with the antenna some more when I have time (meaning
the honey-do list is worked down...).
How much does cable cost in your area? Think on the positive side...
no ugly antenna on the roof ;-)

I did a an area search, <>,
for 200 km around the lat/long of the Placerville, CA airport as a
best guess to see what Joerg could pick up digitally. The only
non UHF digital channel is Telemundo in San Jose (12) and I think
that's Spanish Language.

BTW, this shows how much "effort" the FCC seems to put into this. We
have tons of digital VHF right here in town. Channel 10, channel 13 etc.
But lots of multipath dropout.

UHF antennas are pretty discrete. Unless they still make those 8 foot
parabola deep fringe jobs.

Ain't going to cut it out here, need VHF.


Jan Panteltje [email protected] posted to
I use one like that, but what is the funny wires at the top?

Well the "wires" looks to be nylon wire ties (a dielectric) so it will
have some effect on the EM field. I would like to have an EM field
solver and some accurate dimensions. That is a good photo, it is
worth zooming in on.

Jan Panteltje

Jan Panteltje [email protected] posted to

Well the "wires" looks to be nylon wire ties (a dielectric) so it will
have some effect on the EM field. I would like to have an EM field
solver and some accurate dimensions. That is a good photo, it is
worth zooming in on.

Maybe against birds?
I also notice this one has directors in front, mine has not.

Jeff Liebermann


Jan Panteltje

They're probably plastic ty-wraps and are to keep the birds off the

Personally, I prefer a plastic owl at the top of the mast. I was
stuffing Wi-Fi access points inside plastic owls for minimum visual
impact until the city asked me to stop.

I don't know about this model:

Funny, did you read the comments? 'does not work'.
Mainly crows here, they have caused damage at times.
But they did not sit on the antennas.

Mark Zenier

BTW, this shows how much "effort" the FCC seems to put into this. We
have tons of digital VHF right here in town. Channel 10, channel 13 etc.
But lots of multipath dropout.

Except that your TV maps the UHF digital channel to whatever number
the station wants in your TV set. KOVR-TV is on 13, KOVR-DT is on
channel 25. KXTV is 10 and 61. That later one may shift to 10 after
the cutoff, as I think 61 is going to get auctioned off. (If you
have a set old enough to display snow instead of a bluescreen, a
digital channel comes in as all black, or black with some white
Ain't going to cut it out here, need VHF.

Yea, I wonder what the Spokane stations are going to use. All around
the farmlands, they had huge deep fringe antennas on hilltops aimed
at Mt. Spokane, at least 125 miles away. Probably all small dish users,

Mark Zenier [email protected]
Googleproofaddress(account:mzenier provider:eskimo domain:com)