MRW said:
I'm assuming that the error correction portion is dependent on the
modulation scheme.
Yes, although it's also dependent on the intended transmission path -- getting
video to a cell phone in, e.g., someone's moving car is a worse environment
than just getting it to a stationary TV antenna with decenet gain.
Where I work the way we choose the amount of error correction is to take a
prototype with no error correction, transmit known test patterns, collect
error statistics while operating the receiver in the intended environment
(e.g., at someone's home, driving around in a car, etc.), and then play around
with the amount of error correction to try to balance data rates with
If you're looking at "well known" over-the-air standards, it's probably a safe
assumption that someone came up with a model of the environment and did plenty
of simulations before committing anything to silicon -- for high data rate or
highi volume devices, that's where the error correction is implemented
(whereas, at least to date, everything we've done has been slow enough to do
it in software).
So, am I right in assuming that the COFDM technique
being describe as more robust to multipath effects than 8-VSB plays a
part in implementing the error correction scheme?
Well, it's supposed to be, but I don't personally have enough familiarity with
them to say.