Maker Pro
Maker Pro

How can i create an accurate thermometer using an LCD on Circuit Wizard

im trying to create a thermometer using an E18 microcontroller and a thermistor and an LCD display, i want to do it accurately by using an equation, but the equation i am using has fractions in it which circuit wizard cannot use, it can only use integers. Any help?
thankyou for the information, but unfortunately another limitation of circuit wizard is that it only can use integers between 0 and 255 so even that doesnt work:(
im trying to create a thermometer using an E18 microcontroller and a thermistor and an LCD display, i want to do it accurately by using an equation, but the equation i am using has fractions in it which circuit wizard cannot use, it can only use integers. Any help?

Why would you use a thermistor? Why not a calibrated Temerature Sensor?

You can buy one pretty cheap.....