Helmut Sennewald
I have to design a high voltage amplifier, that should amplifiy a 3Vpp
sinussodial signal up to 300Vpp. Furthermore the amplifier should work
with linear phase over the whole frequency range from 100kHz to 4 MHz.
The load of the amplifier will be a capacitance from 2pF and a
resistor with changing values higher than 100MOhm. The current, the
amplifier should provide, is only up to 500mA. I need this amplifier
for a measurement application.
I tried in the last days a cascode amplifier which was able to amplify
the sinussodial up to 300Vpp. The great Problem is, that the sinus
will be deformed. Additionally the phase isn't linear over the
interesting frequency range. I also tried a complentary booster, but
this couldn't provide the high voltage.
Is there anybody, who can help me?
Thanks for your help,
Hello Steff,
Apex Microtech makes high voltage amplifiers.
Distributor in Germany is Hy-Line.
I think even the fastest of their amps is too slow for your application.
Required slewrate:
150V*2*pi*4e6 = 3800V/us
Last but not least, if you have a cable at the amp-output,
it will have at least 0.5pF/cm. The 2pF load you have in mind
is nothing compared to the capacitance of a possible cable.
Best regards,
Helmut from Germany