Maker Pro
Maker Pro

High temp thermometer.


John S

Something to distract me from exposing you with informed criticism?

In fact the design of the low distortion oscillator is pretty much
finished, and the bulk of the parts ought to arrive tomorrow, so I
should be able to get on and build something at last.

The latest version of the inductor for the tank circuit needs a lot of
turns of fine wire, and I really hope that I can wind it on the little
coil winding machine in the universitie's science faculty workshop,
but there's no point in talking to them about it until I can front up
with the coil formers and the wire. I've actually got the 60u Mylar

Who is your paying target customer other than yourself?
Patents are useful in some situations, for instance:

1. Getting a good valuation for your startup company;
2. Defending yourself against predatory competitors who patent prior art
things and then sue you to put you out of business (*);
3. Protecting you from folks who want to steal all your hard work in
developing something really new before you have a chance to get a return
from the effort.

Building a wide range of electronic gizmos for niche markets normally
doesn't hit any of those things, but some other sorts of efforts
commonly do, e.g. chipmaking and optical instruments.


Phil Hobbs

(*) I've had expert witness gigs helping defend small companies from
attacks of just this sort.


Ken S. Tucker

Bill said:
On Jun 3, 6:47 pm, John Larkin

Something to distract me from exposing you with informed criticism?

In fact the design of the low distortion oscillator is pretty much
finished, and the bulk of the parts ought to arrive tomorrow, so I
should be able to get on and build something at last.

The latest version of the inductor for the tank circuit needs a lot of
turns of fine wire, and I really hope that I can wind it on the little
coil winding machine in the universitie's science faculty workshop,
but there's no point in talking to them about it until I can front up
with the coil formers and the wire. I've actually got the 60u Mylar
Bill Sloman, Nijmegen

Use a cordless drill.