Maker Pro
Maker Pro

High temp. connectors?



"DaveC" bravely wrote to "All" (24 Apr 05 17:31:33)
--- on the heady topic of "High temp. connectors?"

Might capacitive discharge "spot welding" work for this application?


Da> From: DaveC <[email protected]>
Da> Xref: aeinews sci.electronics.misc:18576
Da> My toaster resurrection project :)

Da> Need to (re)connect the nichrome wire to the insulated, stranded
Da> supply wire. The existing (now overheated and useless, due to heat via
Da> bad connection) connection is a rivet (stainless?) with the nichrome
Da> wrapped around the head, and a brass (looking) crimp on the backside
Da> that accepts the supply wire.
Da> Barring an original replacement item, what replacements would you
Da> recommend? Most crimp ring terminals aren't brass. Should I use brass?
Da> A rivet would be difficult to install here. Would a threaded fastener
Da> (nut & bolt) be sufficient? Stainless?

Da> Thanks,

.... High Voltage Electronics: Life's a glitch, then you fry.