Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Help with ideas on recording video feed from a Fanvision NASCAR/NFL device!

Hi guys,

I don't know if you're familiar with the FanVision device(, but in short it's a video player which gets a bunch of video feeds from the track action(NASCAR, NFL & F1) using 8.7mbps UHF radio channel. In order to use it, you must be in 2-4 mile range from the event. The device is protected(no idea how) and you can't record anything from it. It has a USB slot, but it is used only for updating to the latest driver version and nothing else.

My question is, do you think it is possible to record the video feed from it? I'm no electronics expert, but I suppose there must be a way to "sniff" the video signal with some device before getting to the small LCD display?
As I said, I'm no electronics expert, so just using only IT security logic! Sorry for my lame terms, but I hope you get what I mean.

I know from my son that there was a similar problem on Sony PSPs and it was solved by some creative way of updating the drivers and then recording the feed through the USB.

It's an absolutely fantastic device, but there's just no way to watch all the great camera angles at once and it's a little strange to have your head looking down at this little device while you sit at the grand stand! It's not very sociable!:) But it would be fantastic to be able to relive the great moments and to see them properly when I get back home.

I'm willing to pay if somebody is capable of doing it. Here I have to say that the interface works while out of range. It's just that there's no video feed coming from the UHF radio channel. So, if you can record how you go through the various interface menus, you're pretty much sure to be able to record the video feed when you go to the next game!

From 1 to 10, how complicated do you think is this to be done? And if it requires some specialist and it's not possible to be done over this forum, where would you advice me to search for such a guy?
Looking forward to some good tips for help!

without seeing the circuitry, and programming and everything I can't say for sure

BUT, most likely you would have to tear the whole thing apart and figure out the video signal to the screen and interpret that somehow, which would be difficult and would take quite some time.
How much time do you reckon it would take and how much it would cost? I really love to rewatch games/races and quite a big collection.