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Maker Pro

Help putting timer on my welder

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Hi Guys,

Im looking at adding a delay timer to my mig welder, ( new welders come with this) I need it to be adjustable in sec, on for 1-10 sec and off for 1-2 sec, I would like it to work with the trigger on my welder. I see all kind of delay timers on ebay but not sure witch one would work, I would like one with dials just for easy adjustability but not necessary . I would put a switch in between the timer so i could have the welder in normal mode and switch it to stitch welding (timer mode) .The welder is 220v but if i cant fined a timer that works with 220v i can just run a different power supply for the timer.

Thanks for your time and help.

Stitch welding, yes you can do it with the trigger, but with a timer you get the same size bead each time.
The trigger switch more than likely operates currently on a low voltage so might be a good idea to find out what that is.
Reason being it may be a factor in deciding what voltage timer unit to buy.
One referred to above is 12v but there may also be others available e.g. 5v or 24v.

Not a bad idea though as a mod for your welder.
Just wondering about burn back times and whether this would be affected by the mod.
I will test that switch and see what i have. The welder that i used that had this option was awesome with no burn back. Thanks for your help!

What make/model MIG are you wanting to add the timer to. Sometimes there are block schematics for "major" brand machines. I read about "Spot" and "Stich" settings on MIGs. I'm curious because I made a pulser for a Miller TIG. It actually switches between high and low current pulses, as opposed to ON/OFF.

Hey Ken, I have the pdf , but thanks, yes cant be much current with the 14-16 ga wire that goes to the trigger, I just need a relay setup that will turn on and off that i will hook to the trigger wire, I just was not sure what relay would do it,( kellys_eye ) pointed me to one, its just in the UK need to find something in the US.
Thanks for your help.

From the photo, there two black, cylindrical ,electrolytic capacitors that are likely the timing capacitors. Replacing them with ones of less capacitance should proportionally reduce the timer ranges.

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