Know any good compilers and a good book? I'ld like to learn to program
8051s. I've gotten an 8051 eval board from PJRC, but I'm just a newbe.
I've been doing C++ in MSVC for years and played with Basic Stamp
modules, but now onto 8051's. I'm looking for a compiler and a good
book. PJRC says to use SDCC, but a DOS window is kinda yukie.
Well, I don't use SDCC, but sounds like you're confusing the compiler
with an IDE. Probably you can use SDCC with Ultraedit or Eclipse or
whatever so you need not spend much time looking at the yucky window.
The best compiler for the 8051 platform is Keil, but it's not cheap.
You may be able to get a code-limited version that will help you get
started (I got one bundled with some moderately expensive realtime
emulator hardware).
used MicroChips MPLAB IDE for their robotic controller built around an
8520(?) but it doesn't target the 8253 in my eval board.
By 8520, I assume you mean PIC18F8520. The MPLAB IDE targets *all* the
Microchip line, but I think you're talking about a special version of
Hitech C which is limited to one particular chip for target for
robotics hobbyists. The latter is a DOS-based C compiler that can be
integrated fairly tightly (if you ignore stuff like -fakelocal) with
the MPLAB IDE. You can always program any of Microchip's line in
assembler using MPLAB, which is free.
The number 8253 suggests an ancient NMOS programmable counter-timer
chip, but I assume you're talking about an Atmel AT89S825, which is a
quite a decent, if a bit slow, modern and economical 80C51 derivative.
The 8051 is still a *very* popular microcontroller architecture, with
dozens of manufacturers supplying parts from ones compatible with the
original 8031/8051 to 100 MIPS single-cycle parts. New parts are being
introduced continuously. You can find 8051 cores in SOC designs, with
24 bit ADCs, with DACs and so on, more variety than any other micro.
You can even get one rated to operate at 225°C (typical life of 1 year
operating at 300°C).
I suggest you check out and download the Intel manual for the
MCS-51, which has an extremely well-written description of how things
Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany