Maker Pro
Maker Pro

help me, i need a circuit design of strobe flash using IGBT as presettable driver

hallo ev'ry body :D...

I need a help on designing presetable strobe flash circuit using IGBT... can anybody help me plz?
It is a strobe circuit with a VR used to preset the intensity of the flash when fired.
I've been experimenting with a circuit using CR3JM as the quencher, but the thyristor is very rare, i'm thinking of IGBT as it is recommended for future use. But i have no idea of how to use it because i figured the circuit would be quite different from the one i've known using thyristor quencher.

Thank you all!
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I figure it would just be a matter of putting an IGBT in series with the negative lead of the flash tube, keeping the gate of the IGBT always high (+15V) until you want the flash off - then you pull the gate low for an instant. The adjustable timer driver circuit can have many solutions I guess.