Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Help interfacing Current Transformers to ADC


John Popelish

beananimal wrote:

... The
combination of a cheap CT and basic rectifier will result in a somewhat
non linear relationship between the actual current and returned DC

Are you thinking of this rectification as it would apply to an AC
voltage source? The CT acts more like a current source (the current
it produces being fairly independent of the voltage that current
produces). So if you have the burden resistor down stream of the
rectifier, the magnitude of its instantaneous voltage drop is almost
unaffected by the bridge rectifier ahead of it. The only effect of
the rectifier is to slightly raise the flux swing in the current
transformer, to supply the diode drops of output voltage, so make sure
you are not pushing the CT up to its full burden resistor rating
(which actually represents an output voltage rating).

John Woodgate

dated Wed said:
beananimal wrote:



Are you thinking of this rectification as it would apply to an AC
voltage source? The CT acts more like a current source (the current it
produces being fairly independent of the voltage that current
produces). So if you have the burden resistor down stream of the
rectifier, the magnitude of its instantaneous voltage drop is almost
unaffected by the bridge rectifier ahead of it. The only effect of the
rectifier is to slightly raise the flux swing in the current
transformer, to supply the diode drops of output voltage, so make sure
you are not pushing the CT up to its full burden resistor rating (which
actually represents an output voltage rating).

I really wouldn't separate the burden from the CT secondary, even for
that linearizing effect. If it is done, back-to-back zeners directly
across the secondary are a must.


John said:
beananimal wrote:



Are you thinking of this rectification as it would apply to an AC
voltage source?

Well actually yes, but my comments were more of a rhetorical question
regarding what I though I understood about the pros and cons of each of
the basic methods described to me.
The CT acts more like a current source (the current
it produces being fairly independent of the voltage that current

To be frank I am having trouble wraping my head around all of this. I
get part of it, but get lost in some of the details.
So if you have the burden resistor down stream of the
rectifier, the magnitude of its instantaneous voltage drop is almost
unaffected by the bridge rectifier ahead of it. The only effect of
the rectifier is to slightly raise the flux swing in the current
transformer, to supply the diode drops of output voltage

So having the diodes before the "burden resistor" takes their voltage
drops out of the picture. But placing the burden before the diodes is
safer (in case of diode failure?) but the voltage drop of the diodes
become a problem? This is just a wild guess, and at this point it
should be obvious that the theory part of this is a bit over my head.

I am 100% self taught... and learning every day. I am trying to sort
all of this out so that I can at least get one or two basic design on
hte breadboard.

If it appears that I am somewhat dazed in a sea of informed people...
well I guess that would be a fair observation. However, this is the
only way I can learn (by experience and asking questions).
Thanks for the reply.

John Popelish

beananimal said:
John Popelish wrote:

Well actually yes, but my comments were more of a rhetorical question
regarding what I though I understood about the pros and cons of each of
the basic methods described to me.

To be frank I am having trouble wraping my head around all of this. I
get part of it, but get lost in some of the details.

A transformer is a transformer. That is, a transformer has a fixed
(determined by turns ratio) ratio of input to output voltage and a
fixed ratio of input to output current, neglecting losses and leakage
flux between windings. If the primary is fed with a stiff voltage
source (like being connected across the power lines) then the output
also acts like a stiff voltage source, that varies its voltage only
slightly as the load current changes.

But if the primary is fed with a nearly constant current (as when a
current transformer is connected in series with a load, which is
dropping almost all the line voltage, and the current transformer
primary is dropping only a tiny fraction of the line voltage, so any
voltage variation reflected back to it from its secondary voltage will
have almost no effect on the load current) then the output of that
transformer is a current, related to the load current by the turns
ratio, regardless of how much output voltage the CT produces (as long
as its core doesn't saturate from producing that voltage). Any
inductor (including transformer windings) produce voltage in
proportion to the rate of change of the flux surrounded by their
windings. Larger voltages require larger flux swings. This is why
CTs have a maximum burden resistor rating. Multiply that rated
resistance by the rated output current (rated input current divided by
the turns ratio) and you have the maximum output voltage the core can
produce without saturating.

So, adding rectifier drop between a current transformer and its burden
resistor forces the current transformer to produce extra voltage, to
cover the diode drops, so that the total current through the burden
resistor is essentially unchanged, except for the direction of
alternate half cycles. You get very little nonlinearity added by the
rectification process. It is very close to ideal rectification, as
long as the desired output is a current.
So having the diodes before the "burden resistor" takes their voltage
drops out of the picture.

Yes. Almost perfectly.
But placing the burden before the diodes is
safer (in case of diode failure?) but the voltage drop of the diodes
become a problem?

Yes. In that case, the voltage drop across the burden resistor
becomes a signal source that is subsequently rectified, with the
normal diode losses. The additional failure rate does not go up very
much if the rectifiers and burden resistor are well over rated, to
include the expected source current peaks any start up. Or you add
peak limiting components, but those also have to handle the peak start
up current, but at an even higher wattage, because of the higher voltage.
This is just a wild guess, and at this point it
should be obvious that the theory part of this is a bit over my head.

I am 100% self taught... and learning every day. I am trying to sort
all of this out so that I can at least get one or two basic design on
hte breadboard.

Most signals we deal with are treated as voltages, so it takes a
slight adjustment to think about a signal that is inherently a current
(and the voltage can be anything, over some range).
If it appears that I am somewhat dazed in a sea of informed people...
well I guess that would be a fair observation. However, this is the
only way I can learn (by experience and asking questions).

You seem to be doing just fine from where I am watching.


beananimal wrote:

Yes, I have written Visual Basic software to log and control many
aspects of my aquarium. That PC is the end destination for this data.
If you could elaborate, that would be great.

Ok. Usually the challenge boils down to how to get a measured value or
status into the PC. Luckily you can buy USB devices for that and some
come with comfortable SW support or even a nice GUI. It doesn't have to
be something expensive from NI. Example, comes in several editions:

Another method to enter data into the PC at really low cost is the sound
card. It's literally free because most PCs contain one, whether you want
it or not. Many cards cannot be modified to accept DC levels so you may
have to provide AC. One easy method it to chop the signal to be measured
using, for example, a bunch of 74HC4053 chips. The signal amplitude is
then proportional to the amplitude of the spectrum generated at the
chopping frequency. Typically a few kHz. Now you can pick one of the
freeware programs to measure spectral lines from the sound card and pipe
the results to your SW. Really brazen people would probably feed in
several signals in parallel at staggered (not multiples of each other)
frequencies and do an FFT.

Some features (for those who care to see what I am trying to do):
Temperature is logged via a dozen or so Dallas 1-wire senors. PH and
ORP logging is in the works using op-amps and dallas 1-wire A/D. Metal
Halide lighting is switched based up actual solar cycles for the
desired part of the world. T5 Fluorescent actinic lighting simulates
sunrise and sunset and will be actively dimmed using dallas 1-wire pots
(right from their app note!). LED moonlighting will also follow the
specified lunar cycle, this is done via a USB 64 LED matrix
( There are a LOT of other features. (24) outlets will be
conrtollable by the software in total. I would like to be able to see
the power consumption of each device on the controller. I can then set
alarms for devices that are operating out of their normal range. All
of this will be available over the internet or via the telephone and
menus driven by DTMF, email alerts etc. Most of the software is done,
I am just struggling with some of the features (the reason for this

The most critical functions (heating and cooling control) are left to a
RANCO. PCs crash and I can not afford a crash to bring the life
support down. The reason this is not all done with a uC is simple. My
lack of an in depth uC skillset is the biggest reason! I woud be
struggling to get the data to the PC for controll and GUI purposes let
alone use an ethernet interface to maek it available outside my public

Good policy. I wouldn't ever trust a PC with critical functions if it
runs Windows. Even a uC I wouldn't trust unless I knew very well that I
have mastered its programming (then they can be most reliable).

With regards to mains voltage and the water, yes I understand they do
not mix well and am trying to take all the proper precuations to
eliminate as much risk as possible.

An iso transformer, preferably medical grade, is a good safety measure.

John Popelish

John said:
I really wouldn't separate the burden from the CT secondary, even for
that linearizing effect. If it is done, back-to-back zeners directly
across the secondary are a must.

I have no problem with having a rectified burden, as long as
everything is conservatively rated, soldered together and connected
solidly to the CT. Rectifiers usually fail shorted, anyway.

Don't forget to include any load start up in-rush current in the
derating. Motor and transformer loads can have huge in-rush currents.


Hello Yuriy,
Instead of buying off the shelf CT from Digikey for $2.5?
One's labor should be very cheap to beat this price.

Further above in the thread the OP had stated his desire to learn the
technology. It's not about money here. Except that he probably cannot
exceed a cartain budget.

CT -- load resistor -- active rectifier -- low pass filter -- 3pcs 8x1
mux -- MCU with ADC.

Simple, cheap, easy to program, will work.

You can do it without the active filter. That's cheaper :)))


beananimal wrote:

Yes, I have written Visual Basic software to log and control many
aspects of my aquarium. That PC is the end destination for this data.
If you could elaborate, that would be great.

Another one dawned on me just now: If your sound card supports 60Hz (it
should) your could process the output of the current transformers
directly. Must be scaled and isolated properly of course. And once more,
don't forget the burden resistor or you sound card is going to be roasted.

Now use a freeware routine to measure the amplitude of the 60Hz signal.

As a multiplexer you can either use 74HC mux switches and scoot the DC
level to their center or use little relays.

Jim Thompson

beananimal wrote:



Are you thinking of this rectification as it would apply to an AC
voltage source? The CT acts more like a current source (the current
it produces being fairly independent of the voltage that current
produces). So if you have the burden resistor down stream of the
rectifier, the magnitude of its instantaneous voltage drop is almost
unaffected by the bridge rectifier ahead of it. The only effect of
the rectifier is to slightly raise the flux swing in the current
transformer, to supply the diode drops of output voltage, so make sure
you are not pushing the CT up to its full burden resistor rating
(which actually represents an output voltage rating).

VERY GOOD POINT! And simplifies things a lot!


R1 is there to ensure OpAmp stability.

D1 is there in case there is enough signal to rail the OpAmp and lift
the summing node.

...Jim Thompson


Jim said:
VERY GOOD POINT! And simplifies things a lot!


R1 is there to ensure OpAmp stability.

D1 is there in case there is enough signal to rail the OpAmp and lift
the summing node.

So in the time I have wracked my brain over this, you have breadboarded
it in a spice program and plotted the results for differing input
levels? I guess I am looking at a single channel of my desired (24)?
The diode is there for over drive protection, and the rectifier/filter
is acting as the burden without a seperate shunt? Looking back over
others recomendations, would the back to back zeners still be needed
for safety before the bridge? The op-amp and the RC network are used
to scale and buffer the voltage to that of my A/D correct?

Will any old op-amp do?
Will any random single sample from the A/D input be a reasonable
approximation of the load current that the device on the primary is
drawing, or do i need to average several samples -AND- if I do, is the
timing critical?

I think I am close to understanding all of this and moving towards the
math and trying to figure out component values. If sample timing is
not critical, I will simply toss these onto the dallas DS2450 1-wire
A/Ds and grab random samples when needed via my logging software. If
timing is an issue, then I will have to educate myself on A/D with a
PIC and learn how to bit bang the results via serial ( i imagine there
a lot of examples out there that will help).

It may not appear that I have absorbed much, but I do feel smarter
(then again it just could be the thickening of my head and due to

John Larkin

VERY GOOD POINT! And simplifies things a lot!


R1 is there to ensure OpAmp stability.

D1 is there in case there is enough signal to rail the OpAmp and lift
the summing node.

...Jim Thompson

Most power-metering CTs are low ratio transformers. 5 amps secondary
is the metering standard, and "electronic" rated CTs often output 100
mA or more; nobody wants to put 20,000 turns on a toroid. So maybe add
a low value resistor from the bridge output to ground, and use a
voltage amplifier.

Better yet, amplify and then rectify, to keep the transformer burden

Better yet, amplify and digitize and true-RMS rectify in software.


Jim Thompson

So in the time I have wracked my brain over this, you have breadboarded
it in a spice program and plotted the results for differing input
levels? I guess I am looking at a single channel of my desired (24)?

The diode is there for over drive protection, and the rectifier/filter
is acting as the burden without a seperate shunt?

Looking back over
others recomendations, would the back to back zeners still be needed
for safety before the bridge?

No. Unless you fear that the bridge could fail open. Not likely.
The op-amp and the RC network are used
to scale and buffer the voltage to that of my A/D correct?

Will any old op-amp do?

Yes. At 60Hz even an LM324 will look ideal ;-)
Will any random single sample from the A/D input be a reasonable
approximation of the load current that the device on the primary is
drawing, or do i need to average several samples -AND- if I do, is the
timing critical?

How often are you sampling? The best approach would probably be just
more filtering.
I think I am close to understanding all of this and moving towards the
math and trying to figure out component values. If sample timing is
not critical, I will simply toss these onto the dallas DS2450 1-wire
A/Ds and grab random samples when needed via my logging software. If
timing is an issue, then I will have to educate myself on A/D with a
PIC and learn how to bit bang the results via serial ( i imagine there
a lot of examples out there that will help).

It may not appear that I have absorbed much, but I do feel smarter
(then again it just could be the thickening of my head and due to

You're doing fine. Unlike the typical poster here, you ARE exhibiting
an ability to think a problem through.

Good luck!

...Jim Thompson


Hello John,
Most power-metering CTs are low ratio transformers. 5 amps secondary
is the metering standard, and "electronic" rated CTs often output 100
mA or more; nobody wants to put 20,000 turns on a toroid. So maybe add
a low value resistor from the bridge output to ground, and use a
voltage amplifier.

In a pinch you can use pretty mundane stuff here. Don't remember where
it was, oil rig or something. Some place where there was absolutely no
way to get to a Radio Shack. Offered someone a few cool $20 bills if
he'd sell us his old transistor radio, followed by an enthusiastic
"Here, take it!". Cracked it open, ripped out the audio transformer,
scraped the secondary off of it with a knife (without dismantling the
core or anything), ran one turn of the power line through there and
bingo, we had a CT. It probably wasn't a very good one but it worked
just fine.

Sometimes you can find bags of these little old audio xfmrs in surplus
stores. Five bucks per pound or so.

Better yet, amplify and then rectify, to keep the transformer burden

Better yet, amplify and digitize and true-RMS rectify in software.

RMS? That's where a MSP430F2013 would really hit the spot because it's
got the 16bit converter on chip.

Yuriy K.

You can do it without the active filter. That's cheaper :)))

Low-pass filer does not have to be active.
I did not think that I should state such trivial things...

John Perry

Yuriy said:
Low-pass filer does not have to be active.
I did not think that I should state such trivial things...

But an active rectifier is also unneeded.

John Perry

John Popelish

John said:
Most power-metering CTs are low ratio transformers. 5 amps secondary
is the metering standard, and "electronic" rated CTs often output 100
mA or more; nobody wants to put 20,000 turns on a toroid. So maybe add
a low value resistor from the bridge output to ground, and use a
voltage amplifier.

I would recommend a 1000:1 current transformer similar to this series
of different primary current ratings by Amveco, from Digikey:

John Larkin


I would recommend a 1000:1 current transformer similar to this series
of different primary current ratings by Amveco, from Digikey:

Nice, but it's still a lot of current to slam into the summing point
of an opamp. 20 amps RMS divided by 1000 is still 28 mA peak, and
metering systems should have a heap of headroom too.

I wonder what phase shift and linearity are like on these parts;
they're fairly small.


John Popelish

John said:
Nice, but it's still a lot of current to slam into the summing point
of an opamp. 20 amps RMS divided by 1000 is still 28 mA peak, and
metering systems should have a heap of headroom too.

I wonder what phase shift and linearity are like on these parts;
they're fairly small.

They are pretty mediocre as far as linearity goes, unless you keep the
burden resistor about as low as a few times the winding resistance.

I would try to design a burden and averaging filter that did not need
any opamps, especially if the peak load current is much higher than 5