Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Hello - New Member

Hello everyone, I am new to the forum and this is my first post. Hopefully you guys/gals can help me out and I in turn will return the help.

I am looking for a simple way to achieve the following:

I have two 8 ohm resistors (R1 and R2) that I want to connect the first one by itself in the path, then the second one by itself in the path and the both in parallel for an 8 ohm load in the path. I am looking for a switch and wiring diagram on how to do this. The optimal result will be that using this switch I should be able to choose any of the three paths with the switch without having to power off. Something like this:

Path A (switch in position 1):
---MWM--- <- R1 by it self

Path B (switch in position 2):
---MWM--- <- R2 by itself

Path C (switch in position 3):
/---MWM---\ < R1
--- | |--- <-both resistors in parallel
\---MWM---/ < R2

All controlled by one switch. Do I make sense? I know the diagram isn't coming out quite right, I will make an image and post the link a little later.

Please advise. Thanks in advance.


This is the schem:

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