Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Hello from a New Member

Hello everyone!

My name is Mike and I am addicted to anything electronic. With that said, I would love to offer my expertise in design and manufacturing of electronics. So please, if I can help with any questions or issues, feel free to let me know!

VP of Manufacturing
A welcome

Hi there Twisted Traces.
I see your link is a company, being a professional gives you an edge, most activity on the forum is hobby or projects, but there are other professional members.

I think the forum has members with all varying levels of experience and subjects, any way hope you find it interesting on here.

Bare in mind there are those of us, inducing myself and others with modest levels and ability's, as learning continues, some times a break down explanation is needed, other times a yes or no does the job.

After 7 years playing with electronics i am far from an expert, but take on what i can.
Because your a company the moderators might have some does and donts, but my opinion is professionals and hobbyists can co exist in the learning process.

Dave. :)
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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Hi there Twisted Traces.

We try to keep things very non-commercial here and have a pretty strict attitude to spamming.

Having said that, we welcome you to Electronics Point!

Please keep in mind that we would strongly prefer if you don't post links to your site unless it's directly relevant to a particular question asked. Pretty much post a link to your site if it's reasonable that someone not connected to your company would do it in the same circumstances.

I'm fine with your link above as I think it's completely fair in an introduction.

Do you guys do manufacture inside the US? Where I am, almost everything has departed our shores for those of China.