Yeah, the 25V is way out. I posted something previously, however with the 47KΩ resistor across one of the filter capacitors replaced the other rail has increased significantly and now the 450V range is closer to 430V. I think I last measured the 25V test setting at close to 40V.
Today I guess the pointer to the knob. I'm very pleased how it came out.
The pointers we're cut out of various thicknesses of acrylic. I chose to use the one cut from 1.5mm material because it's pretty stiff, but still looks quite thin.
I put a very thin smear of 2 part fast curing "crystal clear" epoxy around the outer ring of the knob and on the upper side of the pointer. I placed the etched line downwards (I.e. to end up closest to the panel). The dark ring is where the two parts meet, I couldn't help but get more of the epoxy on the pointer section than I wanted, but nobody will see this.
Finally I left it sitting for an hour to form a bond before I moved it again.
The knob and the acrylic are clearly made of "most plastic", as the epoxy claimed to bond most plastics, and these appear to be well bonded.
I have also extracted a small autotransformer from a shaver adapter and I will use this to convert the condenser checker to 240V operation.
I'll probably add an IEC socket and a mains fuse later this week before rewiring all the mains connections.