Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Hard drive gets no power

Hi all,

I have a Western Digital WD800 80 GB drive. I am not sure why the
drive will not power up. Here are the specs on the drive:

LBA 156301488

MDL: WD800JB - 00FMA0
DATE: 21 APR 2004

What would I need to be able to fix this drive? Do I know an "exact"
drive to be able to fix it? Is there anything else I could try that
might bring the drive back? Please any suggestions would be greatly
appreciated. Thanks



if data is critical, send it to a recovery service.

then if drive is under warranty, get a new one

my experince>>

after "Drive D: is unwritable, data may be lost" message and a nice blue
screen, i knew i was in trouble

had a Compaq 18Gb scsi ultra drive go up in smoke, literally. my system is
open frame, can see everything!

one chip gave out a hissing plume of nasty acrid smoke and and a nice tiny
hole where it came from.

no spin,no nothing after that!

i had an exact model that was a spare that did everything except id. so i
swapped the controller board (4 screws,easy!)

from power on until i recvd minor error msgs complaining about unable to
write to the disk everything worked fine.

i could not write to the drive, but i was able to completely READ it !!

found some DVDs and started to tediously offload. at least i had the
contents back.

you may have blown an onboard fuse, or other, but most really "dead" drives
are really "dead" beyond use. spindle motor could be crapped too.

Meat Plow

Hi all,

I have a Western Digital WD800 80 GB drive. I am not sure why the
drive will not power up. Here are the specs on the drive:

LBA 156301488

MDL: WD800JB - 00FMA0
DATE: 21 APR 2004

What would I need to be able to fix this drive? Do I know an "exact"
drive to be able to fix it? Is there anything else I could try that
might bring the drive back? Please any suggestions would be greatly
appreciated. Thanks

First off you will have to determine why the drive isn't getting power.
If another drive will power up on the same plug then either the drive's
motor or the integrated controller is bad. If you had EXACTLY the same
controller board on an identical WD drive you could try to swap them.
However, chances are slim that you will be able to repair the drive if it
is at fault. If you cannot live without the data on the drive you can send
it out to be recovered. Here is one of many offering such a service:

But be aware that in most cases these services are expensive.

Good luck.
At least twice before I have read that a hard drive placed in a freezer
overnight will sometimes help restore the data for a while.


Hi all,

I have a Western Digital WD800 80 GB drive. I am not sure why the
drive will not power up. Here are the specs on the drive:

LBA 156301488

MDL: WD800JB - 00FMA0
DATE: 21 APR 2004

What would I need to be able to fix this drive?

A hard drive factory's specialised test jigs and fixtures.

Bin it.


Mr. Land

Hi all,

I have a Western Digital WD800 80 GB drive. I am not sure why the
drive will not power up. Here are the specs on the drive:

LBA 156301488

MDL: WD800JB - 00FMA0
DATE: 21 APR 2004

What would I need to be able to fix this drive? Do I know an "exact"
drive to be able to fix it? Is there anything else I could try that
might bring the drive back? Please any suggestions would be greatly
appreciated. Thanks


In your description of the problem, does "power up" really mean "spin

If so, and you're out of other options and ready to replace the drive
try the following: remove the drive from the chassis. Hold it with
your fingertips
and apply power. With power applied, give the drive a little
bump with the heel of your hand, see if it spins up then. I've had
get "stuck" in the past, and more than once this has worked for me to
get them spinning again. You want to slightly jar the drive in the
plane as the platter(s) in the drive.

Of course, if it does work, immediately make a copy of the contents
of the drive, then replace it. Chances are it'll just stick again if
you try
to keep using it.

James Sweet

Some day, all mechanical hard drives will be replaced with solid state
drives.They are showing up already in some computers.

They've been around for decades, but capacity and cost per unit of storage
still lag substantially behind that of magnetic discs, so it'll be a while
yet before conventional hard drives go away.

Things that are coming out of the factories and off the assembly lines
right now are already old hat compared with the things coming out
WebTV boxes don't have hard drives.The first models did, but that was
only for the WebTV TV side, for storing tv programs/titles to be
scrolling across the bottom of the tv screens one minute before the tv
programs start on tv.It is solid state nowadays.I use mine all the time.

James Sweet

Things that are coming out of the factories and off the assembly lines
right now are already old hat compared with the things coming out
WebTV boxes don't have hard drives.The first models did, but that was
only for the WebTV TV side, for storing tv programs/titles to be
scrolling across the bottom of the tv screens one minute before the tv
programs start on tv.It is solid state nowadays.I use mine all the time.

I'm well aware of the current state of SSD technology. The drive you linked
to is a tiny 32GB capacity and the price is astronimical at over $500.
That's enough money to purchase several terabytes of magnetic disc space,
while a 40GB hard drive can be had for under $50, I don't think anyone even
manfactures anything less than 80GB anymore even in laptop drives.

For an appliance like webtv (I didn't know they were still in business)
solid state storage makes sense, but for most computer users who want
hundreds of gigabytes for storing audio and video media on top of today's
bloated software, traditional hard drives are still far in the lead as has
been the case since I first saw them in the mid 1980s and I see no signs of
that changing any time soon. At that time 20MB was a decent hard drive and
SSD cards were in the 256KB range but the price to capacity comparison was


James said:
I'm well aware of the current state of SSD technology. The drive you linked
to is a tiny 32GB capacity and the price is astronimical at over $500.
That's enough money to purchase several terabytes of magnetic disc space,
while a 40GB hard drive can be had for under $50, I don't think anyone even
manfactures anything less than 80GB anymore even in laptop drives.

My first hard drive was $30,000.00 per gigabyte. (Specifically, it was
$600 for 20 megabytes. Dreaming of a gigabyte was a cerebral exercise.)

Sam Goldwasser

clifto said:
My first hard drive was $30,000.00 per gigabyte. (Specifically, it was
$600 for 20 megabytes. Dreaming of a gigabyte was a cerebral exercise.)

Geez, that cheap? What did DEC RK05s go for when they were
state-of-the-art? :)

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Sam said:
Geez, that cheap? What did DEC RK05s go for when they were
state-of-the-art? :)

I should only dream of having that kind of money. I'm talking about the
Seagate ST-225 for my first drive, the big price breakthrough on the
Winchester drive type. I still have a few of them and I bet they work
if I can find a computer with an ISA bus to plug the controller into.
They had a superfast 65 ms access time, much better than the 120 ms
times of earlier drives.

James Sweet

clifto said:
I should only dream of having that kind of money. I'm talking about the
Seagate ST-225 for my first drive, the big price breakthrough on the
Winchester drive type. I still have a few of them and I bet they work
if I can find a computer with an ISA bus to plug the controller into.
They had a superfast 65 ms access time, much better than the 120 ms
times of earlier drives.

I still have an XT over at my mom's place with the 30MB RLL version of that
drive, unfortunately I tried to fire it up about a year ago and the hard
drive made some unhealthy noises and I got a boot error :(


James said:
I still have an XT over at my mom's place with the 30MB RLL version of that
drive, unfortunately I tried to fire it up about a year ago and the hard
drive made some unhealthy noises and I got a boot error :(

They had a stepper chip for the head stepper motor that would go out,
and was replaceable. I repaired one drive this way. You might be able
to salvage it if that's the problem.


yep, those things need to be "excercised"once in a while.

older types used grease that gets thick and often glues it together instead
of lubes it

moisture KILLS electronic stuff over time, regular use actually heats it
enough to drive off most of it.

i try to start up my older stuf at least once a month for an hour or two,
just to keep it alive and dry.

basements are BAD BAD BAD to work in!


actually, i think this is where the cymbals (symbols) were
placed........... ;-))