Maker Pro
Maker Pro

GPS module

I'm trying to understand how this GPS module works. Basically i want to know how TXD and RXD pins function. If i wanted to interface the module with a PIC how do i get the relevant information from the module. For example if i wanted to obtain information reguarding the speed of the module would i continously sample the output pin and wait for $GPTG to appear, or do i need to send some sort of input command to the module?



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Read the table on page 5

NMEA is proprietry, and they want $25 for a copy of the standard, but this is a good summary.
would you mind answering another question for me. I want to know what the RX pin does on the module. Do i need to send the recieved data back, or a command to get the desired sentance from TX. sorry if this sounds silly i'm very new to this.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
You certainly don't need to send it the transmitted data back again.

Whether or not you have to send it something to make it start giving you positions is something I don't know (and I'm not going to read the spec to find out). I would suggest that there are probably commands you *can* send, since there are many different forat outputs.

I would connect the thing to a serial port on a laptop and see what it does. You may need to take it for a bit of a walk outside too.
ok, thanks. I hadn't purchased the module, i just want to be sure i could use it before i bought it. i think i understand what i'm doing now. cheers
turn on it. you need not send any commands. it will send you GPS data per second by can use computer to get the data.a USB-TTL serial converter will be needed.i have made a GPS clock based on it.
data form like this