Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Government Contracting


Bob La Londe

I've done a few government jobs and sold a few parts to government agencies
over the years. For some of the bigger ones they asked me to get on the
government contractor list. Except for the jobs I was asked to get on the
list so I could bid I never got anything from being on the government bid
list. What I did get was SPAMMED. On the email address I used on my
government information form I still received about 20 solicitations a day
from companies wanting to sell me their services to help be a government
contractor. At one time I used to get close to 100 a day. I also used to
get 5-10 calls a day from these same types of companies, although that is
finally down to 1 or 2 a month. I have not had an active listing in years.

I have to be honest I am not sure why the list exists.

Bob La Londe

Rob @ Sirius said:
and the bid process is absurd...150 page RFPs...with just enough info to
make you crazy...well it will make you crazy.

And often the specs they give don't make sense. Also a woman owned or
minority owned business can bid higher than you and get the job.