Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Gerber File Building / PCB Design


I need to have a custom PCB made, and therefore need a Gerber file, but I do not know who to make one myself.

I am paying $10 for a custom designed PCB in a gerber file -- if you have ever designed your own PCB, this will be the easiest $10 you have ever made (I assume under 30 minutes of work).

Please PM me for details.

P.S: I am asking for all of the files only, not the PCB itself. Thanks!
Why don't you make one yourself? Have you ever used EAGLE CAD? Have you ever used any computer-aided drafting / design software? EAGLE CAD is fairly straightforward, and there are plenty of tutorials online. Not to mention that if you've used one CAD software, the rest are very similar, and it's a minimal jump to the next.

It's not necessarily 'under 30 minutes of work.' It depends on the proficiency of the operator, the requirements of the circuit, how big the circuit is, what components are being used, etc.

Why don't you post the schematic here? Or better yet, you can try to make the schematic yourself in EAGLE CAD. From there, it's a relatively simple matter to layout the board, and then voila! You have the Gerber files.
The schematic is literally 2 drill holes and 1 big long trace. I just am not familiar with any software and in a massive rush to get this done, and I only have my Mac Laptop with me at the moment, as I am traveling for this project. If I was at home and had a weeks worth of time, I would do it myself for sure.

I apologize for not being able to provide more information, but the project is going to be submitted for a patent in the next few weeks, so I would like as few people as possible to know about it. If you are legitimately interested in the project (which should be insanely easy for anyone who has done this before), send me a PM or email @ [email protected]
Is it a funny trace? Like an embedded antenna that needs precise placement and spacing? Or is it just a straight line between two holes? If it's the latter, I'll be happy to take a look at it for you.