Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Gate Resistors used for IGBT's why? IGBT timing


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
You need to read the manual and find the control which changes the timebase. If you make it faster, the waveform will not be so squashed together.

So much for the magic button. It turns out that it is handy to know how your equipment operates.

Oh, and I noticed that you mentioned the driver in this thread. I just looked it up. It has no intrinsic frequency. It all comes down to the signal you're driving it with and the IGBT ability to switch.
Yes when I hit the magic button it displays a very fast squashed together signal

I use the Time base to stretch it out but the resolution is bad when I do that

What is the problem?