Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Function Generators


So long, and Thanks for all the Fish!
Hey Sinewave!

I personally have never really found a need for a dedicated function generator, so perhaps others might give better insight....I guess "cheap" is relative.... .....obviously the link you posted is fully actualized as a dedicated piece of stand-alone bench-test equipment that offers easy plug-n-play functionality and the link I posted is just a DIY module for an Arduino, so they are essentially apples and oranges, but no more call than I have had for a function generator over the years, I can think of a lot of other pieces of hardware I would add to my bench before I even considered spending more than the Arduino module costs on one...but this certainly does not imply anything about the value/quality of the ATTEN unit! If I had a regular need for a function generator the ATTEN might seem like a "deal" to me.....
