You pages show copyright dates. They are years out of date, and it
makes it look like you are careless about details. Your home page says
"Copyright 2007 Teachspin" at the bottom left and "2013- Short Form
Catalog" near the top left.
You have a meta tag with the copyright date, and the visual copyright
at the pottom of the page. I marked them with ^^^^^^ so you can find
them easily. You can open the pages with Wordpad or any other word
processor as a txt file and edit them. You could use a CSS to reduce
the stlesheet size on each page, as well. That would make the pages
load faster. Since you are using javascript, I can give you some simple
code that will let you update the notice on all pages with one simple
edit to one file. a page where I
play around with writing raw HTML but it uses the script to update the
copyright. There are about 150 pages on the site, but it only took me 30
seconds to update them all.
Here is the HTML of your home page, with the copyright notices
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>TeachSpin: Instruments for the Advanced Physics
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<META name="keywords" content="advanced physics lab, advanced
undergraduate physics lab, advanced laboratory instruments for physics,
diode laser spectroscopy, fabry-perot cavity, faraday rotation,hall
effect probe, muon physics, optical pumping, pulsed nmr, earth's field
NMR, magnetic torque, NMR, nuclear magnetic resonance, sonoluminescence,
physics laboratory instruments, physics teaching instruments, Pulsed
NMR, Pulsed Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, experimental apparatus,
laboratory intructional apparatus for physics, instruments designed for
teaching, power/audio amplifier">
<meta name="company_name" content="">
<meta name="author" content="">
<meta name="copyright" content="2007">