Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Function Generators / test probes

Hello forum, just signed up. I'm looking for answers to a question. Not sure if this is the best place to post this question.

I'm going to buy a function generator to start learning how to trace signals with an O-scope I have to find faults in audio gear. I see that the leads on the F.G. are BNC but my audio inputs for the devices under test will be XLR and 1/4". Standard "pro" audio device terminations.

Do people just build adapters? my understanding is that BNC is a conductor and ground. How would you hook up a F.G. with an unbalanced line to a balanced line on a XLR?

Also, where is a good place to find buy adaptors or different leads?

thanks in advance and look forward to learning from this forum.

Welcome to EP.

For audio gear you don't need a function generator.
What you need is an Audio signal generator.
The cheapest thing is a "software" one which costs nothing.

You can buy adapters from many vendors on the WEB.
Or you can build them yoursel.

You must be very careful with XLR inputs,
since some of them may provide the 48V phantom voltage.