Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Function Gen with AWG under $400?


Rich Webb


Since my function gen blew I need a new one. Simple, and preferably PC
controlled. Just to generate spikes, surges and 50/60/400Hz variable AC,
to test power stuff. IOW nothing fancy. Sooo, to my surprise I found this:

Never heard of the brand, the name has an odd ring to it.

It fired a neighboring neuron that was for "Hakko"? There are a few
traces on the 'net about Hakko vs Quakko (apparently Q has/had soldering
equipment with the same model number as H) back to the mid 00's.

Q doesn't show up as a vendor at, my usual web shopping
address, so I'll let you test it out and report back.. ;-)


Rich said:
It fired a neighboring neuron that was for "Hakko"? There are a few
traces on the 'net about Hakko vs Quakko (apparently Q has/had soldering
equipment with the same model number as H) back to the mid 00's.

Q doesn't show up as a vendor at, my usual web shopping
address, so I'll let you test it out and report back.. ;-)

Ok, maybe I'll do that. But still waiting for an answer from the guys
because for some unfathomable reason they can't or won't put the user
manuals onto the web.

Uwe Hercksen

Joerg said:
Since my function gen blew I need a new one. Simple, and preferably PC
controlled. Just to generate spikes, surges and 50/60/400Hz variable AC,
to test power stuff. IOW nothing fancy. Sooo, to my surprise I found this:

Never heard of the brand, the name has an odd ring to it ... :) ... but
specs look good. Did anyone ever see this brand? Is it ok?


the unit looks like an HP clone copy. They must use DDS internally, but
they don't write a word about it.
I would prefer to have a look at the manual before buying, there should
be a link to download the manual in adobe pdf format.



artie said:

Good to 20 MHz, AWG not the easiest to program, but works, built-in GPIB

Yeah, I thought about it. But I'd rather not have yet another tool that
I must address on this clunky GPIB. USB does have its advantages :)


George said:
I never heard of it either, but it looks sweet! 0.1 uHz to 25 Meg ??

It's 1uHz according to an email I just received. There is a discrepancy
in their web page about that.

I can replace several function generators with that. OK make it all
of them! I was lamenting the other day, our lack of a DDS above 4MHz.
(My boss was looking to spend a bit of profit on test gear before the
end of the year.) I'll order one and report back, how long does the
$350 price last?

My guess is, for a long time. I just got a response that the word length
for ARB is 4096, TXT-format (whatever that means) and they said it
remembers the last waveform if you turn it off.


Uwe said:

the unit looks like an HP clone copy. They must use DDS internally, but
they don't write a word about it.
I would prefer to have a look at the manual before buying, there should
be a link to download the manual in adobe pdf format.

I asked, and there isn't :-(


Joerg said:

Since my function gen blew I need a new one. Simple, and preferably PC
controlled. Just to generate spikes, surges and 50/60/400Hz variable AC,
to test power stuff. IOW nothing fancy. Sooo, to my surprise I found this:

Never heard of the brand, the name has an odd ring to it ... :) ... but
specs look good. Did anyone ever see this brand? Is it ok?

Ok, guys, I just ordered that function + AWG generator, along with a
60V/3A power supply which I need. Will let you know how it pans out but
it might be a while, their only shipping option was Fedex Ground. Which
makes sense because the PS is a linear one and heavy.