Maker Pro
Maker Pro

French politics


John Larkin

This is sort of stunning. After all the press propaganda about
Europeans hating America, 54% of the French voters went for a guy who

"wanted to tell his American friends that they can rely on our
friendship ... France will always be next to them when they need us."

He also proposes to make it easier to do business in France, to lower
taxes, and to bring down unemployment.

Europe's economy, and the semiconductor industry in particular, sure
needs a kick in the butt.


Jim Thompson

"I want to tell (the U.S.) that friendship is accepting that one's
friends can act differently, and that a great nation like the United
States has the duty to not obstruct the fight against global warming
but on the contrary to take the lead"

Maybe he'll be a bit harder to ignore than Chirac?

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany

How are we going to stop the forces of nature? We are a
pee-hole-in-the-snow compared to the sun.

...Jim Thompson

Fred Bartoli

Jim Thompson a écrit :
How are we going to stop the forces of nature? We are a
pee-hole-in-the-snow compared to the sun.

But some try to no pee against the wind.

John Larkin

"I want to tell (the U.S.) that friendship is accepting that one's
friends can act differently, and that a great nation like the United
States has the duty to not obstruct the fight against global warming
but on the contrary to take the lead"

Maybe he'll be a bit harder to ignore than Chirac?

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany

I sure wish everybody would get over this global warming nonsense
sometime soon. It doesn't make any sense.


Jim Thompson

Jim Thompson a écrit :

But some try to no pee against the wind.

As I recall, my German hosts took me up into the foothills of the
Black Forest, where I looked west into France and saw the biggest
source of smog I've ever observed (coal burning?) in my lifetime.

...Jim Thompson

Homer J Simpson

I sure wish everybody would get over this global warming nonsense
sometime soon. It doesn't make any sense.

Next thing they'll try to claim that the earth goes around the sun and that
the earth isn't the centre of the universe. What a joke.

Spehro Pefhany

This is sort of stunning. After all the press propaganda about
Europeans hating America, 54% of the French voters went for a guy who

"wanted to tell his American friends that they can rely on our
friendship ... France will always be next to them when they need us."

He also proposes to make it easier to do business in France, to lower
taxes, and to bring down unemployment.

Europe's economy, and the semiconductor industry in particular, sure
needs a kick in the butt.


"I want to tell (the U.S.) that friendship is accepting that one's
friends can act differently, and that a great nation like the United
States has the duty to not obstruct the fight against global warming
but on the contrary to take the lead"

Maybe he'll be a bit harder to ignore than Chirac?

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany
I sure wish everybody would get over this global warming nonsense
sometime soon. It doesn't make any sense.

I sure wish John Larkin would get himself an education sometime soon,
so that he could make sense of the - none too complicated - reasoning
that makes sense of the - overwhelming - evidence that global warming
is real, and largely caused by humans burning loads of fossil fuels.

But then again, the current US administration - bought and paid for by
the oil industry - isn't a great fan of education. They'd much rather
spend their taxpayers money on getting more oil out of Irak than on
making sure that no child was left behind when it comes to education.

Jim Thompson

He'll just find something else to rag on about.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany

First two paragraphs of my latest editor to the editor, published May
2 in the Ahwatukee Foothills News...

"Organized religion is the slickest method of "sheep control" ever
devised. Create a fear and demand some tribute to alleviate it...
control accomplished.

Now there's a new religion in town... it's called "Climate Change",
recently renamed from "Global Warming" [Big Grin]. The tribute here
is that YOU get to ride a bicycle while Al Gore drives an SUV and
lives in one of the biggest homes in Tennessee."

And I just had to laugh just now at Fox News' report, in spite of it
being bad news...

Greensburg, KS, was pretty much leveled by a tornado, most likely
caused by global warming.

Yep. It was the worst tornado to occur in this area in eight years

...Jim Thompson
As I recall, my German hosts took me up into the foothills of the
Black Forest, where I looked west into France and saw the biggest
source of smog I've ever observed (coal burning?) in my lifetime.

Curious. These days, the French are notorious for getting most of
their electricity from nuclear power stations - 76% - which is a lot
more than anybody else.

Modern photochemical smog depends more on car exhausts than on smoke
from coal-fired power stations and household coal fires - but Jim
won't have been to France since the turn of the century, so his
observations are more like ancient history, though granting Jim's
rather feeble grasp on reality, ancient myth is probably closer to the

Jim Thompson

On Sun, 06 May 2007 16:05:24 -0700, Jim Thompson

And I just had to laugh just now at Fox News' report, in spite of it
being bad news...

Greensburg, KS, was pretty much leveled by a tornado, most likely
caused by global warming.

Yep. It was the worst tornado to occur in this area in eight years

...Jim Thompson

They can't make up their minds... it's now, "Worst tornado in six

That's even funnier ;-)

...Jim Thompson

John Larkin

He'll just find something else to rag on about.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany

First two paragraphs of my latest editor to the editor, published May
2 in the Ahwatukee Foothills News...

"Organized religion is the slickest method of "sheep control" ever
devised. Create a fear and demand some tribute to alleviate it...
control accomplished.

Now there's a new religion in town... it's called "Climate Change",
recently renamed from "Global Warming" [Big Grin]. The tribute here
is that YOU get to ride a bicycle while Al Gore drives an SUV and
lives in one of the biggest homes in Tennessee."

And I just had to laugh just now at Fox News' report, in spite of it
being bad news...

Greensburg, KS, was pretty much leveled by a tornado, most likely
caused by global warming.

Yep. It was the worst tornado to occur in this area in eight years

...Jim Thompson

Pitiful, isn't it? Climatology is now being done by politicians and
journalism majors.

Whenever this many morons believe that something unproven is true,
it's a decent bet that it's not.


Spehro Pefhany

I sure wish everybody would get over this global warming nonsense
sometime soon. It doesn't make any sense.


He'll just find something else to rag on about.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany


John said:
I sure wish everybody would get over this global warming nonsense
sometime soon. It doesn't make any sense.

Sure no warming out here in the California foothills. We'll take
delivery of five (!) cords of wood next week. 4-5 years ago half that
was sufficient for winter. Not anymore. We are not looking forward to
schlepping all that up our driveway. The large truck can't get up there :-(

John Larkin

Take a look at the unemployment numbers.

And the semiconductor industry.

I have a friend in France who was force-retired from a big electronics
company. He decided to start his own business, which seems to be OK as
long as you don't need employees. All his workers are "consultants"
because of the overhead.



John said:
And the semiconductor industry.

They need a fresh set of marketeers all the way up to the executive
level, and new web designers. Excellent products, really poor marketing,
that's the dilemma for most of them.

I have a friend in France who was force-retired from a big electronics
company. He decided to start his own business, which seems to be OK as
long as you don't need employees. All his workers are "consultants"
because of the overhead.

Ahem, sounds a bit like California ;-)

John Larkin

Sure no warming out here in the California foothills. We'll take
delivery of five (!) cords of wood next week. 4-5 years ago half that
was sufficient for winter. Not anymore. We are not looking forward to
schlepping all that up our driveway. The large truck can't get up there :-(

It's pretty mild here in SF this week. I'm at work and I'm actually
running the a/c. It's 84F here right now, downtown, which is pretty
radical for this time of year. The wind is from the NNE, so we're not
getting the usual cold sea breeze and fog this afternoon.

A few days ago it was normal, namely beastly cold being out in a


John Larkin

They need a fresh set of marketeers all the way up to the executive
level, and new web designers. Excellent products, really poor marketing,
that's the dilemma for most of them.

Ahem, sounds a bit like California ;-)

I didn't find it to be difficult to start a company and hire (or fire)
workers. If they do something terrible, you say "you're fired: leave."
If they're merely incompetent, you say "you're laid off: leave."
