Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Firelite MS5024UD - Revisted


Bob La Londe

I switched it from CID to 4X2 pulse format.

Well... So far it has not freaked out again.
I'll give it a year before I give it a clean bill of health though.

Sure wasted a lot of my time for nothing.

The two Silent Knight I have installed for sprinkler monitoring since then
sure have worked just fine. I wish there was power reset for the smoke from
the enunciator on the SK, but labeling on the zone info plaque at the
enunciator for power reset at the panel satisfied the AHJ.

I think I will just continue to use those less expensive SKs for basic
sprinkler monitoring from now on.

The Security Consultant
Bob La Londe - Owner
849 S Ave C
Yuma, Az 85364

(928)782-9765 ofc
(928)782-7873 fax