Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Fire Side Chat -- Fire Alarm Code Issue


Frank Olson

Do you wait until the 110 VAC cables are removed from the breaker panel
before inserting the low voltage cables into the boxes?

No Robert. And I know where you're "steering" the discussion too. There is
no connection to any low voltage equipment at the time the building is
inspected for occupancy so your next "argument" won't work, but even if
there was there wouldn't be a problem. There are many instances where low
voltage and 110VAC cables are in the same electrical box (most FACP's are
good examples). There's no way for you to connect a 24VDC door strike or
strobe light (or your residential security panel) to a smoke alarm with a
built-in relay (or compatible relay module) for instance, without "mixing
voltages in the same box". There is no US Code prohibiting such a
connection (or situation). The only proviso is that the high voltage and
low voltage cables have to have a "physical separation" and/or be clearly
marked as such to prevent confusion. Usually the "separation" is just a
small piece of "Bakelite", but I've seen examples where there is nothing and
the wires are just individually tagged.

Frank Olson

No Robert. And I know where you're "steering" the discussion too. There
is no connection to any low voltage equipment at the time the building is
inspected for occupancy so your next "argument" won't work, but even if
there was there wouldn't be a problem. There are many instances where low
voltage and 110VAC cables are in the same electrical box (most FACP's are
good examples). There's no way for you to connect a 24VDC door strike or
strobe light (or your residential security panel) to a smoke alarm with a
built-in relay (or compatible relay module) for instance, without "mixing
voltages in the same box". There is no US Code prohibiting such a
connection (or situation). The only proviso is that the high voltage and
low voltage cables have to have a "physical separation" and/or be clearly
marked as such to prevent confusion. Usually the "separation" is just a
small piece of "Bakelite", but I've seen examples where there is nothing
and the wires are just individually tagged.


Another good example is the System Sensor 1451A smoke detector and 406B
relay base we just installed that's part of a Notifier 5000 system. The
relay's hooked up to the elevator alternate floor recall. When activated
(main floor lobby), it sends the elevator to the second floor (so that
anyone riding the elevator when the fire alarm is activated won't come down
into an area filled with smoke). The terminal strip for the relay has a
hard plastic barrier with the words "high voltage" on it. The relay itself
is rated at 120VAC and 1.0 Amp. For some reason I can't fathom the contact
rating in the instructions is different for Canada, so after we consulted
with the electrical inspector, we installed a 24VDC "ice cube" relay in a
separate enclosure (with contacts rated at 120VAC 5.0 Amps) and brought the
110VAC into that. The relay base on the detector trips the ice-cube through
the 24 VDC aux power from the panel which activates the elevator recall. It
would have been much easier to simply wire the 110 straight to the relay
base but for the quirky change in contact ratings that happened when the
base crossed the border from the US to Canada. Weird, huh??

Which brings up another one. On the Mircom 1000 series FACP's, the 8-relay
module has contacts rated at 24VDC. When you have to wire 110VAC door
holders up to the fire panel (so they release on an alarm), you also need to
use a separate ice-cube relay with the proper contact ratings which means
you have to find room somewhere in the enclosure (or use a separate box
again). Why the heck can't they come up with a relay board with the
appropriate voltage ratings. I miss the old Mirtone 790 and Edwards 6500
panels. They didn't have this problem.

Robert L. Bass

Do you wait until the 110 VAC cables are removed from the breaker panel
No Robert. And I know where you're "steering"
the discussion too.

In the US they won't allow us to run low voltage cables in the same box
unless there's a barrier or the cables are insulated to 600V. I was
wondering if the requirements are the same there as here.
your next "argument" won't work...

No argumnt... just discussion.
There are many instances where low voltage and 110VAC cables are in the
same electrical box (most FACP's are good examples)...

No disagreement on that, Frank. However, if the AHJ sees low voltage wiring
in the octo-box for 110VAC smokes here, there will be an, discussion.
There's no way for you to connect a 24VDC
door strike or strobe light (or your residential
security panel) to a smoke alarm with a
built-in relay (or compatible relay module)
for instance, without "mixing voltages in the
same box"...

It's not the voltage so much as the cables. In the example you cited, a
door release relay has to be wired to the detector circuit and I'd be
surprised if an inspector gave you trouble for it. FWIW, there are some
relays which are designed to fit in a J-Box knockout with the high voltage
on one side and the low on the other. I don't know if any of them are
listed for this purpose though. It might be interesting to find out.
There is no US Code prohibiting such a connection (or situation)...

No need to anticipate an argument, Frank. :^)
The only proviso is that the high voltage and low voltage cables have to
have a "physical
separation" and/or be clearly marked as such
to prevent confusion...

I think it's "and" rather than "or" but who's quibbling?
Usually the "separation" is just a small piece
of "Bakelite", but I've seen examples where
there is nothing and the wires are just individually

I've also seen them separated with a stiff, hardboard-like material. I
don't know what it's made of but some manufacturers use the stuff.


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
2291 Pine View Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34231
877-722-8900 Sales & Tech Support

Robert L. Bass

Norm Mugford said:
Mr. Bass said:

"Needless to say, your experience and mine are from different locations".

I would agree Mr. get your head out of your ass.

Norm Mugford

So much for our vice chairman of the Florida ECLB's efforts at "clear
thinking." Apparently Mr. Mugford is incapable of contributing anything to
the security newsgroup but vulgar attacks.

Group Moderator

Norm Mugford said:
Mr. Bass said:

"Needless to say, your experience and mine are from different locations".

I would agree Mr. get your head out of your ass.

Norm Mugford

Mike Said:
It is wedged up there along with a few of his clones.
"Your One Stop Alarm Shop"

Group Moderator

Robert L. Bass said:
So much for our vice chairman of the Florida ECLB's efforts at "clear
thinking." Apparently Mr. Mugford is incapable of contributing anything
to the security newsgroup but vulgar attacks.

Mike Said:
Does Norman have a website dedicated to him like you do?

Frank Olson

Robert L. Bass said:
In the US they won't allow us to run low voltage cables in the same box
unless there's a barrier or the cables are insulated to 600V. I was
wondering if the requirements are the same there as here.

Pretty much.

No argumnt... just discussion.

No disagreement on that, Frank. However, if the AHJ sees low voltage
wiring in the octo-box for 110VAC smokes here, there will be an,

Nope. Never has been a problem.

Robert L. Bass

Michael Sabodish, Sr., 894 Highway 34, Matawan, NJ 07747, 732-494-0288
Does Norman have a website dedicated to him like you do?

He will as soon as he disagrees with any of your nonsense.

Robert L. Bass

Michael Sabodish, Sr., 894 Highway 34, Matawan, NJ 07747, 732-494-0288

Group Moderator

Robert L. Bass said:
He will as soon as he disagrees with any of your nonsense.

Mike Said
Did you ever finish paying the lawyer??
DIVORCE INFO ( Public Information )

Plaintiff Name VS Defendant Name
Docket Number: FA-00-0724905-S CourtLocation: Hartford
File Date: Jul 18 2000 Return Date:Aug 01 2000

Judge/Magistrate: Trial List Claim:Aug 01 2000

Attorney: BERMAN BOURNS AARON & DEMBO (Juris No. 003838)

Attorney: DORIS D AMBROSIO (Juris No. 302705)
WEST HARTFORD, CT 06119 0000

See it on the Web:

Group Moderator

Robert L. Bass said:
He will as soon as he disagrees with any of your nonsense.

Mike said:
Does Norman have a TESTIMOMY like you do?

"The Testimony" by Robert L. Bass

I thought you might be interested to know that one of your competitors,
Robert L Bass (me) of Bass Home Electronics, is also a born again Christian.
I saw your post in the news group and decided to visit your site to see what
you sell.

Actually, I was intending to check your prices since a prospective client
had told me you charge less than I do on a couple of items. I wondered about
the reason your company's name is "Alpha & Omega," since it is one of the
names of God. Boy was I happy to find out!

I read your testimony and was glad to hear of the change Jesus has made in
your life. I, too, have had a drastic turn-around in my life after meeting
Jesus Christ.

In brief, I grew up in a loving home with good, honest parents. But I was
always the rebel. I fought constantly with my brothers and sisters, the kids
in school and most of all with any form of authority. By the end of seventh
grade my parents could no longer control me. They sent me to a private
school for troubled youth in New Hampshire. It cost all they had to ty to
help me.

Soon I got into a fight and stabbed a classmate. I was 13 years old then. I
spent the next four and a half years locked up, all the while building a
rage inside me against everyone around me.

At age 17 I was released and came home to live with my family. In a few
months I dropped out of the school my parents had enrolled me in, moved to
Grenwich Village in New York City and joined the "hippy" scene. That was
1969. I spent the next 10 years on drugs, wandering around the country, in
and out of jails on many felony charges.

I wrecked several cars, destroyed the lives of anyone who tried to help me
and caused the death of an innocent woman in a car wreck in Missouri. Still
I had no clue how to change my life.

In Florida my road to destruction finally came to the brink. Convicted of
multiple felonies and facing many years in prison, I was about to go right
down the drain forever. With the "winning" personality I had developed, I
got in some fights in the jail as I awaited the sentence. I was charged as a
"Habitual Felon" and faced 35 years to life. It was finally over...

And then God did a miracle. He sent a man into the jail all the way up to
the solitary block where I was being kept due to fighting. This man brought
the message that someone still cared about me. That there is a God and that
He really loves me -- just as I am.

That night I got down and prayed an honest prayer of repentance for the
first time in my life. I asked Jesus Christ to come into my life and to
enable me to deal with the terrible prison sentence I was expecting. I
didn't dare dream of ever being set free. I was certain I would not live 35
years in the Florida prison system. Too many other convicts hated me and
wanted to see me dead.

But God had a plan for my life. A glorious plan of redemption, freedom and
joy in the Holy Spirit! Three months later the judge allowed me to go to a
Christian drug treatment facility in Hartford, CT. There I spent nearly two
years, first as a student in the program and later as a volunteer staff
member helping others learn to follow Jesus as I had.

Well it's been 18 years since I was set free from prison and 18 years since
I was set free from the bonds of death and destruction that I had wrapped
around my life. God has never failed me. Jesus has given me two wonderful
children and a lovely wife. In fact, both of my boys have been called into
missions. Praise God!

And just to show the world that Jesus can and does really change lives
completely... He has given me a burglar alarm business. I was a thief and a
con man. But Jesus has enabled me to protect the homes, lives and businesses
of over a thousand people in Connecticut. And now He is helping me build a
national security business over the Internet.

Sometimes I think God really has a great sense of humor, too. You see, some
of the people whose homes I protect are judges, police officers and
attorneys. Several good friends of mine are state police officers. Even a
federal judge has entrusted me with his safety. I have key safes with about
300 keys to homes and businesses and God knows he had made me into a man who
wouldn't even think of abusing that trust. Isn't He wonderful?

I will encourage you to never stop seeking Him. Keep sharing your testimony
with anyone who will listen, my friend. And as God gives you opportunities
to speak for His glory, you go right on and obey Him.

In His Service,


| Robert L Bass |
| Bass Home Electronics |
| 80 Bentwood Road |
| West Hartford, CT 06107 |
| (860) 561-2020 voice |
| (860) 521-2143 fax |
| [email protected] |
| |
| CT State License: 00106011 |

Group Moderator

Robert L. Bass said:
He will as soon as he disagrees with any of your nonsense.

Mike Said:
Did Normen post nasty grams in a competitor's guest book like you did?

RLB "BUSTED" Posting Lies To Competitors Guest Book
From Andy Bowman

Subject: Bass busted!
From: "Andy Bowman" [email protected]
Date: 4/25/2002 5:13 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Message-id: [email protected]

Norco also doesn't go posting lies in their competitors guest books
pretending to be someone else either! I must say I was shocked when I traced
the headers Robert, I really thought it was Mike from Alarm Services at
first, but when I looked at my site logs, Mike's IP had never even been to
the site as of then. The one from Comcast however caught my eye and I
immediately compared it to the one left in the guest book and guess what?
They both match yours, a Comcast ISP (cable modem?) in Sarasota FL.

For those who care, Bass made two posts in my customer testimonials guest
book on my site at The first was a test post
pretending to come from Mike (Group Moderator), the other was a bad service
/ product post pretending to be a Nomen Nescio. Below are copies of both.

Sorry to add to the pollution of the group here, but I very rarely post here
and when I do it's not usually to hawk my wares like Robert, the one time I
did though I guess Robert felt intimidated and threatened that I was
invading his territory and decided to resort to childish tactics.... sad.
Get a life will you Robert....
I really would have never thought he would do anything like this, his ethics
should seriously be questioned now, as you he was caught red handed. I would
have thought he would have at least tried to hide himself better... perhaps
his arrogance got the best of him this time, not thinking I'd be smart
enough to trace it to him.

Robert, I guess the prices on the site were so much better than yours that
you decided to try and discredit me as opposed to compete fairly. Too bad
you have to resort to these tactics. Too bad for you it will have no impact
huh, the comments were deleted within an hour....

Now, be a man and admit to the group you did it and promise not to do it
again or I will join your fanclub and post a variation of this post to alert
your potential customers here on a routine basis. I'll also report the
incident Comcast and, hell I may even throw up a webpage on your distasteful
competitive practices. The balls in your court, friend.

First guest book entry:

(1) Full Name
(2) E-Mail Address
[email protected]
(3) Home Page URL
(4) Home Page Title
(5) Date (system)
(6) Time (system)
3:07 AM
(7) IP Address (system)
(8) Comments

The second one:

A new post has arrived with he following information:

(1) Full Name
(2) E-Mail Address
Nomen Nescio <[email protected]>
(3) Home Page URL
(4) Home Page Title
(5) Date (system)
(6) Time (system)
3:11 AM
(7) IP Address (system)
(8) Comments
Terrible service! Ordered from this store and got a real run around.
Overpaid for good and got no service.

Ripofs!--Sincerely,Andy"Robert L Bass"
Norco does not offer software. Their FAQ is a tiny fraction ofmine.> And
they do not offer free, unlimited tech support via toll free lines;> 7-day a
week service; free, unlimited downloads by modem or a raft ofother> things I
do.>> Regards,> Robert L Bass>

PS: Mike from Alarm Services Incorporated adds:
GOOD WORK ANDY....Nice Pick Up.............
For the record I never visited your site OR wrote in your guest book....

Below is Robert L. Bass Replying: (Trying to WEASEL HIS WAY OUT, as always)

It was intended as a practical joke. I thought you had set the site up so
you would see the posts *before* they went live and delete them. I did
not intend the post to be viewed.
I apologize for a badly aimed joke.
BTW, I don't consider you or your business to be a threat -- just an
honest competitor.
Robert L. Bass

Below is Andy's Reply to the above

Subject: Re: Bass busted!
From: "Andy Bowman" [email protected]
Date: 4/25/2002 6:14 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Message-id: <pd%[email protected]>

First, I'm glad you chose to be a man and fess up to it publicly. I don't
really have the time or energy to play games here.

Kind of an odd joke though, impersonating two people from this group in a
bad way. Would you find it funny if I sent NAMBLA a subscription request in
your name? That's odd sense of humor there. Once you saw it posted why
didn't you email me saying it was a joke and that you didn't realize it was
to be posted live? It was up for a little over an hour before I pulled
it.... Nonetheless I'm moving on....

Andy Bowman

Group Moderator

Robert L. Bass said:
Michael Sabodish, Sr., 894 Highway 34, Matawan, NJ 07747, 732-494-0288

He will as soon as he disagrees with any of your nonsense.

Mike Said:
Does Norman **DOUBLE DIP** credit cards like you do? Screws yet another customer BBB Complaint Filed

From: "loops" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Bass Alarms
Date: Thursday, March 10, 2005 8:23 PM

When should I expect to see a refund on my credit card? I tried to call
and email but your phone appears to have a bad connection and or is
busy. Via email, I am just getting your auto reponse.


From: "G. Morgan" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Bass Alarms
Date: Thursday, March 10, 2005 8:34 PM
Subject: Re: Bass Alarms

=> loops <= said:
When should I expect to see a refund on my credit card? I tried to call
and email but your phone appears to have a bad connection and or is
busy. Via email, I am just getting your auto reponse.

Join the others here:

It's a real shame all of Bass's customers have to come here to contact him.
That makes it everyone's business.
Remove the snails to email


From: "loops" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Bass Alarms
Date: Saturday, March 12, 2005 7:11 AM

I am sorry, but I to travel. In fact I was in four states in 1 week and
I have medical emergencies, and I had food poisoning. I understand we
are all busy and have issues, but this is not acceptable. I have called
you several times, but get a busy signal. I have emailed you and get
the auto-response. I have faxed you. The fact that I am writing this is
way too much. I also apologize to this group for having to communicate
to this vendor via this group. It is just unreasonable how difficult this

As we are all aware we use email to handle such items, the facts are in
black and white.

Here is the deal-
Please see your packing slip for this order #158981 from your supplier
in the North East. Line item #6 shows an ELK-1280 was shipped to me.
Now review my order #4623BB- Line item #6 [#ELK-12250] ELK-12250
Battery: Rechargeable, 12V, 26AH 1 x US $43.50 = US $43.50.
Now the price difference between these two products is what I am asking
for. It really requires no more... Please subtract the difference and credit
my account. Since I am sure that this will continue I have, I contacted the
BBB of
West Florida and this is my Complaint 1835930 for your records. I had the
2nd issue
of double billing taken care of by my credit card company within 24 hours.
They recommended I send the battery back for a full credit. I think we can
take care
of this by making the adjustment. By doing the full credit, would cost me
the shipping.


From: "Frank Olson" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Bass Alarms
Date: Saturday, March 12, 2005 9:04 PM

The fact that I am writing this is
way too much. I also apologize to this group for having to communicate
to this vendor via this group. It is just unreasonable how difficult this.

I agree that it's unreasonable. There's also no need to apologize to us.
We all recognize (from past transactions Robert's been involved in) that
this Newsgroup is the only really effective way of communicating with him.
If he spent less time promoting his online business in Newsgroups while
deriding others in the trade, and more time *servicing* his customers he'd
be far better off. What's really funny is that he's always quick to judge
others based on little more than pure conjecture and almost no first hand
knowledge of the individual or company he's slamming...

Group Moderator

Robert L. Bass said:
He will as soon as he disagrees with any of your nonsense.

Mike said:
Does Normen have not one but two shit lists like you do?

This page online 5-28-02
RLB's Shit List

Andy Bowman Wrote:
You know better. I won't drag anyone into this that doesn't want to be,
however I will post a few names that have publicly shown disdain for your
actions here in the past that I pulled from 10 minutes of research on

Mike Sabodish Sr.{Group Moderator}
Jacob Ashbury {Jake, the saint}
Andy Bowman
Tom Fowler
Jack Stevens
Nomen Nescio
Rodney Brittain
Jim (alarmin)
Marc Mazzarese
Mike Dupre
Thomas Gerchak
VSS Doug
Steve Rykeman
Bryan Karas
Mike Simpson (a former customer of yours)
David Rosso
Ray Brittain
Bill Boyd
Tom Brown
Jerry Morin
John Morgan
|Horace Schmidlap
Cliff Grubb
James Brown (not the singer)
Tom Karamichos (another former customer)
Paul Rampelbergh
Chris Larsen
Dave Mahoney

Nick names:
q (yes, just "q")

Now, I'm sure you'll discount 5 or 6 of these right off the bat since they
are current foes of yours. You'll probably also try and discount the ones
using nick names as well. HOWEVER,, this is still a hell of a list full of
respectable names that have publicly at one time or another shown their
displeasure with the way you conduct yourself here. Can you imagine how many
others think you're an ass that don't speak up? The number must be

Mike Said:
There are PLENTY of OTHERS that will not speak up. They say the do not want
to get involved.
If Goofy seen a few of the others that he thinks is his friends BUT DESPISE
his attitude -actions and ways....He would be amazed....

RLB was known as BoBo & Scud in Aviation NG

Aviation Student Shit List

Subject: GM more for the 'list'
From: "Jacob Ashbury" [email protected]
Date: 6/5/2002 9:39 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Message-id: <[email protected]>

This is old - they don't go above the current guys, O.K.?


Join us in ignoring Robert L. Bass <[email protected]>.
He has:
- posted erroneous and misleading advice,
- repeatedly made false accusations against others,
- attempted to have those who disagree with him disciplined in
their workplace,
- threatened the property of those who disagree with him,
- repeatedly cancelled the postings of others, and
- attempted to "mail bomb" both individuals and this newsgroup.
His actions have been very destructive to this newsgroup, and
are not socially acceptable. He has expressed the conviction that
his actions are right.

We the undersigned join in a rec.aviation ignoring of Mr Bass.
We will not reply to any posting Mr Bass makes as any response
at all only seems to encourage him. We request all others to
do likewise.

To add your name to ours and indicate your support for this course
of action, reply by e-mail to "[email protected]". Email may
not be answered. Please do not respond to this message.

Rich Ahrens
Chris Anderson
John Ammeter
Robert Barker
Jon Barry
Dave Barnhardt
Robert P Bass
Charles Black
Mark Burkley
Rod Cadanau
Don Campbell
Michael D. Casey
Bob Chilcoat
John Clarke
Tom Cooper
Christopher Corder
Sheron Cunniff
Rod Farlee
WendyBG (Farlee)
Joseph Feld
Thomas Fitzgerald
John Galban
Mark J Grueninger
Daniel Grunloh
Rick Hake
Roger Halstead
Warren Hecksel
Sydney Hoeltzli
Dan Hoyte
Richard Ilfield
Carl A. Johansson
John R. Johnson
Rick Hake
Suzanne King
Wessel Kooyman
Ric and Shari Lee
Ray Leonard
John Lowry
Mike Kelley
Sue Kramer
Frank Maier
Don Meyer
Jeff Morris
David E. Munday
John Neidart
Martina O'Donoghue
John Ousterhaut
Bill Phillips
Colin Rasmussen
Del Rawlins
Bob Reed
Sam Rios
Kelly Rhodes
Bill Robie
John Rourke
Bill Shellenberger
Jerry Springer
Jeffry Stetson
General Stark (Marty)
John Stricker
See-Mong Tan
Dwight Taylor
William Thelen
John Theure
Jared Thomas
Paul Tidball
Tracy Thompson
James Thursby
Kib Tyler
Bob Urban
Rick Wagner
Gene Whitt

Group Moderator

Robert L. Bass said:
He will as soon as he disagrees with any of your nonsense.

Mike Said:
Did Normen fall asleep behind the wheel an **MURDER** an innocent young

RLB And The Missouri **DEAD** Woman

Robert L. Bass said:

You made up that lie and repeated it so many times I suspect you are
actually beginning to believe it. Needless to say, since you've been caught
lying hundreds of times and been exposed for it here, I seriously doubt that
any thinking person gives credence to your rants.

So....just to get this straight are now saying that if anyone
claims that you killed a young girl in Missouri that they would be lying???

Your own words from the past actually admit that you did kill a young
girl...and I quote.....

"FTR, some have made snide remarks knowing I was once involved in a fatal
accident. The idea is to embarrass or defame me for a terrible incident
which happened many years ago. I take such comments in stride, considering
the low-minded sort of human trash who would do such things. I'll never get
over the sorrow for that horrible day. Nothing some fool can say about it
here will add to that sorrow, any more than sorrow can ever restore a life
snuffed out. That's my pain and it's something I alone must deal with. I
understand what it means to know that a life has been taken because of a
dumb mistake. I know the feeling of talking to a young man whose loved one
is gone forever. There's nothing I can do to undo that moment."


" I know what it feels like to stand at a graveside because of a stupid

Headers from that post.....
From: "Robert L Bass" <[email protected]>
References: <%[email protected]>
<[email protected]>
<[email protected]>
<[email protected]>
<[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Trigger locks /was biometrics/ (long post)
Lines: 85
Organization: Bass Home Electronics Inc
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.50.4133.2400
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.50.4133.2400
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 08 Oct 2000 18:30:55 GMT
X-Complaints-To: [email protected]
X-Trace: 971029855 (Sun, 08 Oct 2000
11:30:55 PDT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 08 Oct 2000 11:30:55 PDT

Google search thread title....
Re: Trigger locks /was biometrics/ (long post)

Same thread...posted by Bass....

"I was involved in a fatal accident but I was not intoxicated. In fact, I
rarely drink any alcohol at all. I fell asleep after driving too many hours
from Denver through to the middle of Missouri. No charges were filed."

So....based on your own words above Bass...which part of the following is

"MURDERED an innocent young woman in Missouri by falling asleep at the wheel
of a motor vehicle while on drugs."

Mike Simpson


Follow Up 12-14-04

Subject: Re: Ademco vs. ITI wireless
From: "Robert L. Bass" [email protected]
Date: 12/14/2004 2:54 A.M. Eastern Standard Time
Message-id: said:
Here is something to think about since
you surely won't on your own...

You wouldn't know.
HOw do you think the family of that woman
you killed is doing this holiday season?

About a year after the accident I received a phone call from her husband.
We talked about the things leading up to it -- the long hours we'd all been
without sleep and the bright, morning sun on the long highway. He asked me
to drive because he was too sleepy to keep going. I said I was really
tired, too, but I thought I could drive for a while. The car was old and
there were no seatbelts. The radio wasn't working and one by one, everyone
fell asleep.

I tried to stay awake by opening the butterfly window to force some wind in
my face. I remember trying to fight off sleep and then all of a sudden we
were rolling.
Do you care?

More than someone like you could ever imagine.
... they are only wishing they had their
daughter/sister/mother back. I wonder
how that family would feel...

Her husband's words to me on the phone were, "It wasn't your fault. It just
happened. Try to forgive yourself." It's been over 30 years and it's still
You should have been the one killed.
I hope you die very soon.
And that Sir, is MY Christmas wish.

You're projecting.

Group Moderator

Robert L. Bass said:
He will as soon as he disagrees with any of your nonsense.

Mike Said:
Did Normen assault a family member with a firearm?

Robert L. Bass admits to assault conviction
Subject: Re: So You Want to Buy From Bassburglaralarms ? CAUTION
From: "Robert L. Bass" [email protected]
Date: 8/24/2004 11:47 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Message-id: said:
No Robert, you have not offended me. I was in YOUR defense! I was
asking OTHERS to forgive. Look at the post again . . . Blythe

OK, thanks Blythe. The part that really cracks me up is that a bunch of
foul-mouthed, dishonest dealers (not you, of course) who have attacked me
numerous times without provocation for years have the chutzpah to think that
I need their forgiveness.

In particular it's galling that they pretend to be greatly offended over an
assault conviction more than a quarter of a century ago. I made a serious
mistake many years ago, paid dearly for it and have long since moved on. I
neither need nor seek their forgiveness as I've done nothing to harm them.
They, on the other hand, are in dire need of forgiveness, but that's another


Group Moderator

Robert L. Bass said:
He will as soon as he disagrees with any of your nonsense.

Mike Said:
Did Norman try to screw Dave Houston like you did?

Robert L. Bass tries to screw Dave Houston

Subject: re Bass
From: [email protected] (Dave Houston)
Date: 7/3/2004 8:18 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Message-id: <[email protected]>

I'm sure this will do little good but when such an abominable lie is
repeatedly spread by such an abominable liar as Bass, I think it requires a
response. He knows I keep him in my killfile so I guess he figures he can
take these shots with impunity.

When he posts, "Not too long ago when he was begging for help I tried
to put aside our differences; privately offered to assist him and got
publicly slammed for it." he is lying! Anybody who wishes can check Google
for this group back in May/June of 2003 just after I got out of the
hospital. You will find no post from me asking for help. You will certainly
find no post from me "begging" for help. But being the bottom feeding
dishonest bit of sub-human slime he is, Bass has repeated this lie several

I turned down offers from a few people who offered help when I said that I
would probably have to move and stop posting here. I have since managed to
get into the VA healthcare system which gets me my cardiac medications at $7
per prescription per month - a savings of a few hundred dollars each month.
That has allowed me to stay in the apartment I've been in for the past 7-8

I did ask if anyone with the appropriate skills was interested in taking
over an application I wrote several years ago that gave those without the
ability to speak (from brain injury, ALS, CP, stroke, etc.) a way to control
their environment and use text-to-speech to "speak", even originating and
answering phone calls. I offered the sourcecode for free. Bass, being the
slime-ball, con-artist, hypocrite he is, sent an e-mail trying to wheedle me
into giving him the sourcecode. I guess he thought he could then sell it to
someone else - he certainly has demonstrated no programming skills nor even
a beginners understanding of computer related security issues although he
ridiculed my warnings about active scripting. (CERT and other computer
security experts this week recommended abandoning IE because of severe
security holes related to active scripting.) If Bass would like to settle
this in an appropriate venue, I can prove eveything I've said and disprove
everything he has said. Bass would be the last person on earth that I would
consider to take over the sourcecode.

I _gave_ that sourcecode to someone else who did have world-class
programming skills. I'm not sure if he did anything with it. I wrote it back
before the government would subsidize similar software so he may have
decided there was no longer a market. Or he may have been unimpressed with

My diagnosis was severe congestive heart failure. My cardiologist has
steadily increased my dosage of the two main medications and I'm functioning
nearly as well, although with decreased mobility, as before. I'm trying to
finish off several DIY HA related projects in whatever time I have
remaining. Many are nearing completion.

The X-10 RF input module for the Ocelot/Leopard will probably be of interest
to the greatest number but I'm also working on porting Commander-X to an
embedded, networkable, under $100 system.

Continued ::::::::

Subject: Re: re Bass
From: [email protected] (Dave Houston)
Date: 7/6/2004 12:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Message-id: <[email protected]>

When Bass sees his lies refuted, he responds with another.

There was NEVER any such page on my website.

There was a notice that due to my health I could no longer maintain the site
nor respond to emails it generated.

There was a link to a page which gave a brief detail of my health problems
and which offered to give the sourcecode for SpeakOUT! (the text-to-speech
application program for the disabled) to any qualified person who would
update it and make it available (whether for free or as a commercial app)
for those who could use it. The person I really wanted to take it over was
an Air Force pilot who expressed strong interest but then got transferred
and found himself with little free time to devote to it.

There was no plea for assistance. There was no request that anybody provide
web space for ANY purpose. The page was already hosted on donated server
space that did not cost me one cent so there was no reason to request that
someone maintain a site.

When the emails actually increased, I shut the web page down.

When an individual with suspect motives posted a message here that it was
still available in the WayBack archives, there was another spurt of email so
I had it removed from the archive. (They understand copyright law.)

The page was hosted by a company that has an international IT business. They
have servers in Europe, North America and Asia. All mirrored my pages; all
were archived religiously on a daily basis.

There were dozens of people who emailed me offering free server space. Most
said they had made personal archives of the pages and would publish them
with no work on my part. Since that defeated the purpose of shutting down
the pages, I declined all such offers telling them I would edit the pages
and republish them at a later date. So, there are many, many archives of the
pages held by independent parties which will prove that Bass is once again
resorting to slander and libel.

To those complaining about my posts, I can only say that I did not initiate
this exchange but I am not going to allow anybody to slander and libel me
without responding. If you do not like that, use your killfile. If you do
not want to use your killfile but still wish to complain, I can only suggest
you follow the advice the Vice President gave to Sen. Leahy. ALL of those
complaining made my killfile long, long ago.

Bass is a thoroughly dishonest slime artist who, lacking in technical
ability, resorts to personal slander and libel when someone posts technical
data that he cannot refute.

His "FAQ" linked to each of my web pages (without permission) for several
years. Most of his "FAQ" is composed of work done by others and used without

It amazes me that nobody has turned Bass into gator kibble.

Group Moderator

Robert L. Bass said:
He will as soon as he disagrees with any of your nonsense.

Mike Said:
Does Norman have a RAP sheet like this?

DOC Detail
Date of Birth
Sep 19 1949

Eye Color
Height (ft in)
Birth State/Country
Offender Status

ID Number
FDLE Number
FBI Number
on request

Release Address 1
Release Address 2
Release Address 3

Inmate Data

none found


Case Number
Commitment Prefix
Sentence Components
Conviction County

Offense Date
Nov 9 1978
Sentence Imposed
Apr 12 1979
Admit Date
NCIC Offense

Minimum Term
Maximum Term
Special Provision Code
none found
Adjudication Withheld?

Parole Data

P & P Commitment Prefix
Probation & Parole Status
Supervision County
Supervision Start Date
Apr 12 1979

Scheduled Termination Date
Apr 11 1989
Actual Termination Date
May 10 1984

Group Moderator

Robert L. Bass said:
He will as soon as he disagrees with any of your nonsense.

Mike Said:
NONSENSE....... all facts just read for even
more info see Bobo's other website Bobo was
another one of Goof's names in the aviation newsgroup where everyone stopped
talking to him until he left. The MORON calls himself a pilot but he flew
into controlled air space and was grounded for life. Story is, he plays with
a Microsoft Flight simulator on his Dell and he thinks he that makes him a
pilot. The only pilot he is, he piles it here and he piles it there.