Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Financial Problem?



"tm" wrote in message

Better yet start with cutting out useless unneeded redundant and out dated
government departments and agencies. There are over 3,700 of them...
The price tag for running all these is $178 billion a year

3.5 Trillion Spent
- 0.178 Trillion Saved
3.322 Trillion
- 2.2 Trillion Taxes collected
1.122 Trillion we will have to borrow.

Wow! You did it! You fixed it! You should run for Congress!

You can't read very well. It says it is a "start".


in message

So we don't need the house and senate, as they are not part of those
listed above.

Pass a law that says:
Any time there is a deficit of more than 3% of GDP,
all sitting members of Congress are ineligible for re-election.
-- Warren Buffet

Oh, thats right, there will be no new laws.

Again, it should all be up to localities. That is the only way to keep
the power in the peoples hands. When people are directly responsible for
themselves then you'll see more mature governing.

As long as people in a far away place can make decisions that will have
no immediate and obvious recourse to themselves, family, and friends,
they will make decisions that will have unintended consequences.

You must take the power away from a centralized government as much as
possible. The founding fathers knew about this but they didn't know
about how ignorant humans could actually be.

It's not the governments job, and never was, to take care of your ass.
Simple as that. It might hurt your feelings but get the **** over it!

Ahh, another Tea Party schmuck.

Tea Party == Anarchist

**** everyone else, what do I get out it.

I think this conversation is over.

Ploink !


hamilton said:
Ahh, another Tea Party schmuck.

Tea Party == Anarchist

**** everyone else, what do I get out it.

I think this conversation is over.

Ploink !

What, did you just shit yourself?


And you're just another communist scum bag who's motherland is a complete
failure and are trying to rebuild it on top of something successful.

I don't have to tell you how much of a failure your belief system is...
mother nature has told you over and over. You're just too stupid to get it.


Nope- I would not bother. The codified version, even if it uses the
most plain language, is full of pitfalls and ambiguity in
interpretation. It is much better to approach it from the legislative
history side, and this should include all the revisions, because this
describes the actual intent.

Only if you watch carefully where (the changes in) the various money
streams go at the same time.
