Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Financial Problem?



BTW, Social Security was PRE-PAID by those who receive it, and cannot be
considered an expense. Just because we allowed congress and the
president to steal the money in the SS trust (TRUST!) funds doesn't make
it right.

There never was any such trust fund. SS, as always, is a transfer
payments system. Read the law that created it. How do you think they
started paying benefits just as soon as the system was created? Where did
that money come from?
That's obvious.


Social Security and Medicare have their own revenue streams. They are
self supporting. Should the social security fall short, it holds
government bonds. Surely the US government will honor the bonds
purchased by social security. Or was Ronald Reagan a fucking lying
piece of fucking shit that sold this country a worthless IOU?

SS came from FDR not RR. Both were lying POS.
About all you can cut is the military. Everything else is essential.

Amazing just how wrong you are. Corporate welfare (e.g. tobacco growers
subsidies, and corn for fuel) are the first thing that should be cut.
While we are at it cut all the rest of the "entitlement" programs, they
have proved themselves (mostly) to be counter-productive.


How are they rationalize calling the attacks on the Middle East "defense?"

Am I really safer while the administration does its damnedest to piss off
the whole rest of the world?


Halfway cogent. Didn't think you were still able to reach that.

When the US defaults, it will be totally over for everything and
everybody. You think you have a secure private pension? Guess again,
it will be gone too.

Depending on the definition of "default", true, but irrelevant in any case.


In 2010 the US government spent
3.5 Trillion dollars.
2.2 Trillion dollars was collected in tax revenue.
1.3 Trillion was borrowed and will ultimately be paid by the children.

Here is the breakdown of the budget.

Defense..................................20% or $705 Billion.
(of this 4.8% or $170 Billion
went the Afganistan and Iraq wars)

Social Security..........................20% or $707 Billion
(54.1 Million receive checks)

Medicare, Medicaid and
Childrens Health Ins. Program.......... 21% or $732 Billion

Safety Net Programs......................14% or $496 Billion

Interest on the National Debt.............6% $196 Billion

Payments to Fed. Retires and Vet...........7% or $245 Billion

That's 88% of the budget.

So were do we cut?

Dept of Education,
Dept of Energy,
BATF and Mex Gun supply,
NTIS, ...

On and on.



Dept of Education,
Dept of Energy,
BATF and Mex Gun supply,
NTIS, ...

On and on.

Thanks. Entire departments should be terminated immediately. I can
agree to entitlements being phased out more slowly, since so many
people made plans based on the idiotic governments promises.

Here is a better list:


Better yet start with cutting out useless unneeded redundant and out dated
government departments and agencies. There are over 3,700 of them...

..Administration for Children and Families (ACF)
..Administrative Committee of the Federal Register
..Administrative Conference of the United States
..African Development Foundation
..Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
..Agricultural Marketing Service
..Agricultural Research Service
..AMTRAK (National Railroad Passenger Corporation)
..Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
..Appalachian Regional Commission
..Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (Access Board)
..Arctic Research Commission
..Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Interagency Coordinating Committee
..Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation
..Bonneville Power Administration
..Botanic Garden administration
..Broadcasting Board of Governors (Voice of America, Radio|TV Marti and more)
..Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (DHS)
..Bureau of Industry and Security (formerly the Bureau of Export
..Bureau of International Labor Affairs
..Capitol Visitor Center
..Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (formerly the Health Care
Financing Administration)
..Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion
..Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board
..Chief Information Officers Council
..Cities, Counties, and Towns in the United States
..Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee
..Commission of Fine Arts
..Commission on International Religious Freedom
..Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki Commission)
..Committee for Purchase from People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled
..Committee for the Implementation of Textile Agreements
..Committee on Foreign Investments in the United States
..Commodity Futures Trading Commission
..Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS)
..Community Planning and Development
..Comptroller of the Currency Office
..Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US CERT)
..Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
..Corporation for National and Community Service
..County and City Governments administration
..Defense Commissary Agency
..Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA)
..Delaware River Basin Commission
..Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
..Disability Employment Policy Office
..District of Columbia Home Page
..Domestic Policy Council
..Economic, Business and Agricultural Affairs (State Department)
..Economic Adjustment Office
..Employee Benefits Security Administration (formerly Pension and Welfare
Benefits Administration)
..Employment and Training Administration (Labor Department)
..Endangered Species Committee
..Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
..Energy Information Administration
..English Language Acquisition Office
..Executive Office for Immigration Review
..Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE)
..Farm Credit Administration
..Farm Service Agency
..Federal Citizen Information Center (FCIC)
..Federal Consulting Group
..Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
..Federal Executive Boards
..Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council
..Federal Geographic Data Committee
..Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight
..Federal Housing Finance Board
..Federal Interagency Committee for the Management of Noxious and Exotic
..Federal Interagency Committee on Education
..Federal Interagency Council on Statistical Policy
..Federal Judicial Center
..Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer
..Federal Labor Relations Authority
..Federal Law Enforcement Training Center
..Federal Library and Information Center Committee
..Federal Maritime Commission
..Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
..Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission
..Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
..Federal Railroad Administration
..Federal Transit Administration
..Federated States of Micronesia Home Page
..Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission
..Financial Management Service (Treasury Department)
..Florida State, County and City Websites
..Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services
..Fossil Energy
..Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board
..Food and Nutrition Service
..Foreign Claims Settlement Commission
..Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration
..Guam Home Page
..Georgia Home Page
..Georgia State, County and City Websites
..Global Affairs (State Department)
..Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation
..Hawaii Home Page
..Hawaii State, County and City Websites
..Health Resources and Services Administration
..Helsinki Commission (Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe)
..House Leadership Offices
..House Organizations, Commissions, and Task Forces
..House Representatives on the Web
..Housing and Urban Development Department (HUD)
..Housing Office (HUD)
..Idaho Home Page
..Idaho State, County and City Websites
..Illinois and Michigan Canal National Heritage Corridor Commission
..Illinois Home Page
..Illinois State, County and City Websites
..Indian Affairs, Bureau of
..Indiana Home Page
..Indian Arts and Crafts Board
..Indiana State, County and City Websites
..Indian Health Service
..Industrial College of the Armed Forces
..Industry and Security, Bureau of (formerly the Bureau of Export
..Information Resource Management College
..Innovation and Improvement Office
..Institute of Education Sciences
..Institute of Museum and Library Services
..Institute of Peace
..Interagency Alternative Dispute Resolution Working Group
..Interagency Council on Homelessness
..Inter-American Foundation
..International Broadcasting Bureau (IBB)
..International Trade Administration (ITA)
..International Trade Commission
..Iowa Home Page
..Iowa State, County and City Websites
..James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation
..Japan-United States Friendship Commission
..John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
..Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries
..Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies
..Justice Programs Office (Juvenile Justice, Victims of Crime, Violence
Against Women and more)
..Justice Statistics, Bureau of
..Joint Fire Science Program
..Kansas Home Page
..Kansas State, County and City Websites
..Kentucky Home Page
..Kentucky State, County and City Websites
..Louisiana Home Page
..Louisiana State, County and City Websites
..Maine Home Page
..Maine State, County and City Websites
..Marine Mammal Commission
..Maritime Administration
..Maryland Home Page
..Maryland State, County and City Websites
..Massachusetts Home Page
..Massachusetts State, County and City Websites
..Merit Systems Protection Board
..Michigan Home Page
..Michigan State, County and City Websites
..Migratory Bird Conservation Commission
..Millennium Challenge Corporation
..Mine Safety and Health Administration
..Minnesota Home Page
..Minnesota State, County and City Websites
..Minority Business Development Agency
..Mississippi Home Page
..Mississippi River Commission
..Mississippi State, County and City Websites
..Missouri Home Page
..Missouri State, County and City Websites
..Montana Home Page
..Montana State, County and City Websites
..Morris K. Udall Foundation: Scholarship and Excellence in National
Environmental Policy
..Multifamily Housing Office
..National Agricultural Statistics Service
..National AIDS Policy Office
..National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
..National Bipartisan Commission on the Future of Medicare
..National Capital Planning Commission
..National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform
..National Constitution Center
..National Council on Disability
..National Counterintelligence Executive, Office of
..National Endowment for the Arts
..National Endowment for the Humanities
..National Gallery of Art
..National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
..National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
..National Indian Gaming Commission
..National Institute of Food and Agriculture
..National Institute of Justice
..National Interagency Fire Center
..National Railroad Passenger Corporation (AMTRAK)
..National Reconnaissance Office
..National Science Foundation
..National Technical Information Service
..National Telecommunications and Information Administration
..Natural Resources Conservation Service
..Nebraska Home Page
..Nebraska State, County and City Websites
..Nevada Home Page
..Nevada State, County and City Websites
..New Hampshire Home Page
..New Hampshire State, County and City Websites
..New Jersey Home Page
..New Jersey State, County and City Websites
..New Mexico Home Page
..New Mexico State, County and City Websites
..New York Home Page
..New York State, County and City Websites
..North Carolina Home Page
..North Carolina State, County and City Websites
..North Dakota Home Page
..North Dakota State, County and City Websites
..Northern Command
..Northwest Power Planning Council
..Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology
..Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission
..Office of Compliance
..Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight
..Office of Refugee Resettlement
..Office of Thrift Supervision
..Ohio Home Page
..Ohio State, County and City Websites
..Oklahoma Home Page
..Oklahoma State, County and City Websites
..Open World Leadership Center
..Oregon Home Page
..Oregon State, County and City Websites
..Overseas Private Investment Corporation
..Peace Corps
..Pennsylvania Home Page
..Pennsylvania State, County and City Websites
..Pentagon Force Protection Agency
..Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
..Postal Regulatory Commission
..Postal Service (USPS)
..Power Administrations
..Presidio Trust
..Public and Indian Housing
..Puerto Rico Home Page
..Radio and TV Marti (Español)
..Radio Free Asia (RFA)
..Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL)
..Railroad Retirement Board
..Reclamation, Bureau of
..Refugee Resettlement
..Regulatory Information Service Center
..Rural Business and Cooperative Programs
..Rural Development
..Rural Housing Service
..Rural Utilities Service
..Rhode Island Home Page
..Rhode Island State, County and City Websites
..Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation
..Social Security Advisory Board
..South Carolina Home Page
..South Carolina State, County and City Websites
..South Dakota Home Page
..South Dakota State, County and City Websites
..Southeastern Power Administration
..Southwestern Power Administration
..Surface Mining, Reclamation and Enforcement
..Surface Transportation Board
..Susquehanna River Basin Commission
..State Justice Institute
..Stennis Center for Public Service
..Taxpayer Advocacy Panel
..Tennessee Home Page
..Tennessee State, County and City Websites
..Tennessee Valley Authority
..Territories of the United States
..Texas Home Page
..Texas State, County and City Websites
..U.S. Mission to the United Nations
..Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
..Utah Home Page
..Utah State, County and City Websites
..U.S. Postal Service (USPS)
..Vermont Home Page
..Vermont State, County or City Websites
..Virginia Home Page
..Virginia State, County and City Websites
..Voice of America (VOA)
..Washington Headquarters Services
..Washington Home Page
..Washington State, County and City Websites
..West Virginia Home Page
..West Virginia State, County and City Websites
..Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
..Wyoming Home Page
..Wyoming State, County and City Websites
..Wisconsin Home Page
..Wisconsin State, County and City Websites
..White House Commission on Presidential Scholars

The price tag for running all these is $178 billion a year


"Simon S Aysdie" wrote in message

need to reduce the military size(no more wars and no more foreign bases),
more welfare(people survived just fine 100 years ago with SS, welfare,
medicare, etc..), no more foreign aid, etc...

But as long as partisans like yourself run things we will never do what it

I realized the reason he said "essential" is because to control
people, you need to make them dependent. Now I get his perspective.


Of course! That is the easiest way at least. There are only two ways to
control people. One is through force, the other through controlled
manipulation(brainwashing, etc). It is much more difficult to successfully
control through force than it is to make the people you are trying to
control think they actually are following what they believe.

By getting the masses to believe that they need the government then the
government becomes all powerful and those masses will fight for whatever the
government wants.

The power of socialism is that it works inversely to that of force. With
force, the larger the population the harder it is to control. It is easier
to force a few people to do something than many(people innately are against
force but in few numbers it's harder to mount any resistance). With
socialism it becomes easier the larger the population since people generally
are not independent thinkers and are heavily influenced by what others
think. The more people believe they need the government the more socialist
they become and the faster it spreads. At some people the government is is
virtually complete control with virtually no force.

Primitive minded people like miso are one of those that have fallen victim.
Note he might be quite intelligent in electronics and perhaps other things
but he lacks the necessary independent self-reliant nature that made this
country great and what humans evolved from. That kinda human nature is at
direct odds against socialism. We didn't evolve to be controlled by
others(well some more so than others).

The biggest problems with socialism is that 1) It doesn't work for large
populations(works for families, villages, and possibly small countries). 2)
It is all about power and control(ultimately there is no ethics/morality

Note that with 1 and what I said earlier about socialism taking hold faster
for larger countries are not mutually exclusive. This is why socialism fails
faster compared to other ideologies. For large populations, socialism tends
to spread very fast after a certain point but since it doesn't work for
populations the society eventually fails.

A small family has no issue with a socialist structure and it has been that
way for ever. But for all practical cases humanity will never be one big
happy family and socialism will never work. It works for ants because each
ant is identical and mindless as the next. Many socialist innately
understand this and this is why you see the dumbing down of America, all the
unions, and "equality" laws. It's the best shot that "they", the
"controllers", have at taking America over.


The government should be involved in only 3 things: National defense, Basic
infrastructure(interstate roads), and International laws, enforcement, and

1) Without a national defense system there is no nation... at least not for
2) For any successful society one needs roads and bridges. These should be
free for the public to use. The number should be minimal and only provide
what is necessary for (1) to operate effectively.
3) Provides a means to deal with the "outside". It should be minimal and
utmost only to protect the people from outside countries.

These are essential. Everything else should be left up to localities where
local people have a more direct influence on what actually effects them.
Nothing like someone in Utah paying for something done in California and
vice versa(which ultimately results in double taxation and an effective loss
of wealth for everyone).

This will never happen in America until, possibly, it collapses.


"Michael A. Terrell" wrote in message

The government should be involved in only 3 things: National defense,
infrastructure(interstate roads), and International laws, enforcement, and

1) Without a national defense system there is no nation... at least not
2) For any successful society one needs roads and bridges. These should be
free for the public to use. The number should be minimal and only provide
what is necessary for (1) to operate effectively.
3) Provides a means to deal with the "outside". It should be minimal and
utmost only to protect the people from outside countries.

These are essential. Everything else should be left up to localities where
local people have a more direct influence on what actually effects them.
Nothing like someone in Utah paying for something done in California and
vice versa(which ultimately results in double taxation and an effective
of wealth for everyone).

This will never happen in America until, possibly, it collapses.

So, you can run a country without mail service or electronic
communications? Dream on.


"hamilton" wrote in message
So, you can run a country without mail service or electronic
communications? Dream on.
Might as well as dissolve the courts too.


in message

Might as well as dissolve the courts too.
So we don't need the house and senate, as they are not part of those
listed above.

Pass a law that says:
Any time there is a deficit of more than 3% of GDP,
all sitting members of Congress are ineligible for re-election.
-- Warren Buffet

Oh, thats right, there will be no new laws.



Better yet start with cutting out useless unneeded redundant and out dated
government departments and agencies. There are over 3,700 of them...
The price tag for running all these is $178 billion a year

3.5 Trillion Spent
- 0.178 Trillion Saved
3.322 Trillion
- 2.2 Trillion Taxes collected
1.122 Trillion we will have to borrow.

Wow! You did it! You fixed it! You should run for Congress!

You can't read very well. It says it is a "start".

Rich Grise

DonMack said:
The biggest problems with socialism is that 1) It doesn't work for large
populations(works for families, villages, and possibly small countries).
2) It is all about power and control(ultimately there is no
ethics/morality involved).
These facts are true, but the real evil of it is that its foundation is



"hamilton" wrote in message
in message

Might as well as dissolve the courts too.
So we don't need the house and senate, as they are not part of those
listed above.

Pass a law that says:
Any time there is a deficit of more than 3% of GDP,
all sitting members of Congress are ineligible for re-election.
-- Warren Buffet

Oh, thats right, there will be no new laws.

Again, it should all be up to localities. That is the only way to keep the
power in the peoples hands. When people are directly responsible for
themselves then you'll see more mature governing.

As long as people in a far away place can make decisions that will have no
immediate and obvious recourse to themselves, family, and friends, they will
make decisions that will have unintended consequences.

You must take the power away from a centralized government as much as
possible. The founding fathers knew about this but they didn't know about
how ignorant humans could actually be.

It's not the governments job, and never was, to take care of your ass.
Simple as that. It might hurt your feelings but get the **** over it!


"Michael A. Terrell" wrote in message

Might as well as dissolve the courts too.

You might as well move to Somolia and buy an eye patch.

It was never the government's job to take care of your ass!! Go back and
live with your parents if you want someone to wipe your ass and make dinner
for you or GROW THE **** UP!