Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Extending the range of an electric bike...



Nope. They came from Moosefet.

Nope from the OP.
Here is what he said:
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In the last few days,
I've bought a 22 inch electric bike 2nd hand for £120.

It's been pretty impressive so far imho.

Problem is,
as people probably already know, is the battery...

At the moment,
it does 12 miles at 17 mph quite comfortably with no input from the
(36v 12 amp lead acid battery)

Just curious to what you think of this idea of extending the range.

A leisure battery from a scrap yard 12v 110 amp - £30
A fast charger 22amp from Argos - £40
A 12v to 36 dc to dc convertor - £70
A current limiting diode.

ie 12v at 110amps,
probably equals 36 volt at 30amp = 2 times as far = 25 miles,
(taking into account the extra weight and the loss of electric

but I reckon it should be good for an approx range of 30 miles of
effortless riding.

Any comments? Ideas?


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Note that he said "does" and then says "Range". He is talking of its

Exactly. It's flawed, that's why I called it phoney.
Just as assuming constant energy from the battery is

I never assumed "constant energy from the battery" I assumed constant
energy in the battery. The lower amount you get from the battery
isbecause of a loss as far as finding the range in concerned.


No, he did not. He said he did 12 miles at 17 mph
comfortably. He did not say 12 miles is the range.

He said "does" and then followed it with the statement about range.
He meant range.

And why do you think that range = total energy in
the battery?
I think nothing of the kind. Energy you don't get out of the battery
is a loss as far as finding the range is concerned.
Completely ambiguous, and it is not a closed
There is nothing ambiguos about it at all. The energy either gets
used in making range or it does not. Everything that doesn't is a
loss as far as range calculation is concerned,

No. He said:
"At the moment, it does 12 miles at 17 mph quite comfortably
with no input from the rider."

Read the next thing he said so you take the word "does" in context.