Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Exploding CFLs



Ive had a number of these lamps literally explode.
Explode in the sense that there is a very loud bang, the lighting fuse
blows, the base of the CFL is covered in black stuff and sometimes the
base is cracked.
Pulling the base apart literally reveals a charred black mess with not
much recognisable.
Only common factor seems to be that the lamps are made in China .
Does anyone have a typical circuit of whats in the base of these
Im guessing its some kind of electronic ballast, but Im interested to
see what could blow up in such a violent way.

Brian g

Ive had a number of these lamps literally explode.

Does anyone have a typical circuit of whats in the base of these
Im guessing its some kind of electronic ballast,

**** If you are only guessing "it's some kind of electronic ballast",then
even if someone supplied you with a circuit,you wouldn't have the foggiest
idea of what you were looking at!

The mind boggles!

Brian g

petrus bitbyter

Mauried said:
Ive had a number of these lamps literally explode.
Explode in the sense that there is a very loud bang, the lighting fuse
blows, the base of the CFL is covered in black stuff and sometimes the
base is cracked.
Pulling the base apart literally reveals a charred black mess with not
much recognisable.
Only common factor seems to be that the lamps are made in China .
Does anyone have a typical circuit of whats in the base of these
Im guessing its some kind of electronic ballast, but Im interested to
see what could blow up in such a violent way.

Have a look at:

petrus bitbyter

Phil Allison

Ive had a number of these lamps literally explode.
Explode in the sense that there is a very loud bang, the lighting fuse
blows, the base of the CFL is covered in black stuff and sometimes the
base is cracked.
Pulling the base apart literally reveals a charred black mess with not
much recognisable.
Only common factor seems to be that the lamps are made in China .
Does anyone have a typical circuit of whats in the base of these
Im guessing its some kind of electronic ballast, but Im interested to
see what could blow up in such a violent way.

** There is a good chance that your "explosive " is a common, 400 volt DC,
polyester film cap.

Wired right across the AC supply - but not rated for that job.

CFLs are not required to meet any performance or good design standards.

OTOH - are you in a lightning prone area ?????

This URL may prove informative:

........ Phil


Ive had a number of these lamps literally explode.

Does anyone have a typical circuit of whats in the base of these
Im guessing its some kind of electronic ballast,

**** If you are only guessing "it's some kind of electronic ballast",then
even if someone supplied you with a circuit,you wouldn't have the foggiest
idea of what you were looking at!

The mind boggles!

Brian g
Why, ballasts dont have to be electronic.



** There is a good chance that your "explosive " is a common, 400 volt DC,
polyester film cap.

Wired right across the AC supply - but not rated for that job.

CFLs are not required to meet any performance or good design standards.

OTOH - are you in a lightning prone area ?????

This URL may prove informative:

....... Phil
Thanks for this , a good informative article.

Phil Allison

Does anyone have a typical circuit of whats in the base of these
Im guessing its some kind of electronic ballast, but Im interested to
see what could blow up in such a violent way.

** You don't have a problem with insects do you ?

Tiny cockies or ants maybe ?

Nice and warm inside a CFL....

....... Phil


Thats an ill informed statement
They do in Australia and New Zealand and it was mentioned previously.

Phil Allison

"Phil Allison"
Thats an ill informed statement

** Shame it is total fact - you ass.

They do in Australia and New Zealand and it was mentioned previously.

** Funny how this anonymous fuckwit did not point to it.

....... Phil



** You don't have a problem with insects do you ?

Tiny cockies or ants maybe ?

Nice and warm inside a CFL....

...... Phil

Good point,

I have found in the past that cockies conduct rectified mains (DC)
extremely well, enough to cause violent fuse blowings (and sometimes
semiconductor damage) in typical switchmode power supplies. I haven't
been there when its actually happened, but looking at the resulting
burn marks and cockroach remains, could possibly make quite a "bang"
when it happened.

Phil Allison

"Phil Allison"

Good point,

I have found in the past that cockies conduct rectified mains (DC)
extremely well, enough to cause violent fuse blowings (and sometimes
semiconductor damage) in typical switchmode power supplies. I haven't
been there when its actually happened, but looking at the resulting
burn marks and cockroach remains, could possibly make quite a "bang"
when it happened.

** Another likely cause for an exploding CFL is water ingress or
condensation forming on the PCB inside. The CFL will then likely explode
soon as it is switched on.

Incandescent lamps are all airtight sealed, for obvious reasons - but
many CFLs have ventilation holes in the middle of the tube assembly that
permit water to enter - OR and much more insidious, condensation to form
inside if used in an outdoor situation like a porch or garden shed/ garage.

Some makers warn you against outdoor use on the pack, while others do not.

Some makers warn you about using them inside a sealed lamp fitting, others
do not.

Looks like the public have to find out the HARD way every time.

........ Phil

Phil Allison

"Terry Given"
And for minimum cost, few are conformally coated.

** The ambiguous phrase "conformally coated " seems to mean whatever the
user conveniently wants it to mean.

For a CFL's electronics to be made immune from water ingress or internal
condensation, the PCB would have to be completely potted in a moisture proof

A spray coat of clear lacquer would not do.

Might be easier to just seal up those darn ventilation holes.

........ Phil


Thats an ill informed statement
They do in Australia and New Zealand and it was mentioned previously.

Maybe you should give us a link to it then, *if* you can?


Phil Allison

Maybe you should give us a link to it then, *if* you can?

** He gave a link to a NZ Electricity Commission discussion paper.

Shame there is nothing mandatory about the performance standards it

....... Phil


Mr.T said:
Maybe you should give us a link to it then, *if* you can?

I did and if you didnt read it find it yourself.
Here are the standards. AS/NZs60968 2001 Google it like I did, if you can.


Jonno said:
I did and if you didnt read it find it yourself.
Here are the standards. AS/NZs60968 2001 Google it like I did, if you can.

Can you point out the compulsory *performance* standards part that is
currently enforceable by law in Australia, or are you just confusing safety
standards? (which seem to be little enforced here anyway)



Mr.T said:
Can you point out the compulsory *performance* standards part that is
currently enforceable by law in Australia, or are you just confusing safety
standards? (which seem to be little enforced here anyway)

I agree that there is little to enforce any standards, but that is a
legal situation. At least where there are standards, I would hope
there is enforcement.
I am not going to look for them at this point.

Someone else who is affected should do so. its all on the Net

Phil Allison

"Jonno = some asinine shithead from **** knows where "

I agree that there is little to enforce any standards,

** The fact is, the VAST MAJORITY of standards



but that is a legal situation.

** Some standards are enshrined in legislation while most are not.

Shame how many ASININE FUCKHEADS like this anonymous

" Jonno " CRETIN have no bloody clue !!!!

At least where there are standards, I would hope
there is enforcement.

** No need for it to be compulsory in most cases.

The buying public get to chose what they pay for.

I am not going to look for them at this point.

** Of course - no chance to see anything with his head


Someone else who is affected should do so. its all on the Net

** The same info as had been posted by myself and others already.

**** off - Jonno

Don't come back.

......... Phil