Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Design of exploding control panels


Martin Brown

That one is relatively harmless. But the belief in inertial dampers and
holding onto a handrail protecting you from dropping out of warp is
partly responsible for high US road deaths from not wearing seatbelts.
And incidentally having the airbag explosive charge set to kill teenage
drivers and shorter women so it can stop unrestrained 600lb slobs.

It is amazing how many people also travel with potentially lethal heavy
projectiles on the rear parcel shelf. If you have ever seen what happens
in an emergency stop with loose heavy things in the passneger
compartment it is a heck of a lot worse in a collision.

If his starship ever dropped out of warp Captain Kirk would end up as a
plasma monolayer on the viewscreen before vaporising the bulkhead.
Wrath of Khan actually did have that 3D aspect of space as a theme.
In one of those ST movies (I forget which one), somebody beamed onto
a Klingon ship and turned off the gravity generator, and suddenly
these spacefaring warriors of an interstellar empire were rendered
as helpless as babies. They didn't even try to "swim" or kick the
walls or push off each other or anything. I was terribly disappointed,
which is probably why I immediately forgot the movie.

And the Klingons bled green. ?:-/

It wouldn't take too much alteration of our blood chemistry to get green
or blue pigmentation either. We are not the only solution some
terrestrial bugs do have interesting coloured oxygen carriers.

Martin Brown

Rich Grise

Richard said:
I grabbed the fire extinguisher from my car (which I had carried for
years for no reason) and one squirt had the fire out. Then I helped
him push the pickup to the curb.

Actually, this was precisely the reason you had been carrying the
extinguisher. The Great Roulette Wheel In The Sky works in mysterious
ways. ;-)



All control panels make giant white sparks,

Don't you mean "all Titanium and Magnesium panels"? I mean, the ones
on Star Trek didn't do that.
as do all lead bullets

There are still cops and criminals that still use Lead bullets that
don't have copper jackets? What a bunch of dum dums.
car crashes.

You must not have seen many of them.
What amazes me is how soon after making all those sparks the whole
system is back up and running again.

Checks, balances, and a hot, run ready redundant module or system ready
to automatically replace the faulty unit.


If you need to visit engineering, the transporter is by defenition a
shaky option. The need you in engineering for a reason.
..and the transporter is less environmentally friendly, more CO2
emissions and all that.
Aside, the transporter needs a human operator. The lift does not. Cuts

You idiots are getting your x and your y messed up. T-port takes way
more energy than a magnetic bounce 'turbolift'.

You also forgot the third element. A circus cannon so we can fire the
dopes back over the border.


There was an episode, but there was a film as well. The Wrath of Khan.

That isn't "an episode".

The episode escapes me at this time. Probably involved Klingons.


If you need to visit engineering, the transporter is by defenition a
shaky option. The need you in engineering for a reason.
..and the transporter is less environmentally friendly, more CO2
emissions and all that.
Aside, the transporter needs a human operator. The lift does not. Cuts

Not to mention the risk involved using the transporter. Every so often a
Ensign Expendable just disappears into the ether. The only way to be 100%
safe is to be one of the regular cast.

Martin Brown

Not to mention the risk involved using the transporter. Every so often a
Ensign Expendable just disappears into the ether. The only way to be 100%
safe is to be one of the regular cast.

Even Kirk was split in two by a transporter malfunction in one episode
allowing them to play with "good" Kirk and "bad" Kirk characters.

And never wear the red security uniform of the expendable extra. They as
cannon fodder were lucky to survive first ten minutes on a planet (which
strangely almost all seemed to have breathable atmospheres).

Still on the plus side new scifi is back on mainstream TV with a new
series of Dr Who with high production standards and doesn't feature
monsters that look like a man in bubblewrap with green spray paint.

Martin Brown


It wouldn't take too much alteration of our blood chemistry to get green
or blue pigmentation either. We are not the only solution some
terrestrial bugs do have interesting coloured oxygen carriers.

Some sea life such as squid, octopus and cuttlefish have blue-green
blood because they use copper rather than iron as the oxygen carrier
(Hemocyanin rather than Hemoglobin)

Rich Grise

Ken said:
The electrical code here calls for 1 meter clearance from the main
breaker panel, that's so ya jump back.
I was do some PA wiring in a new stadium and then BANG, very loud,
some guy didlled his screwdriver between 550V and ground.
(very little damage).
Awhile back a Chink fighter was lost forcing down a US spy plane.
The plane contained much 'sensitive' info on hard drives and stuff,
now we could have put a bit of 'self-destruct' ordinance in the units,
like in the 'FAIL-SAFE' receivers, but somebody forgot, anyway I'm
sure there's a 'mil spec' on that somewhere.

When I was in the USAF, during the "Vietnam Advisory Campaign" (don't
ya just love those military euphemisms?), I once worked on some piece
of "electronic warfare systems" equipment that had self-destruct units,
but we weren't allowed to go near them or mess with them at all, because
the lowly techs only had a "secret" clearance.


Rich Grise

Martin said:
That one is relatively harmless. But the belief in inertial dampers and
holding onto a handrail protecting you from dropping out of warp is
partly responsible for high US road deaths from not wearing seatbelts.


What's responsible for high US road deaths is letting idiots drive
cars without proper (or any (!!!)) training.

When I was in High School in the mid- to late 1960's, we were required
to have 30 - count 'em - THIRTY hours of classroom training and six hours
behind the wheel training before we were even allowed to try out for a

These days, people jump in their SUVs and think they're in some kind of
mobile spa or some shit.

Here's how to reduce traffic deaths:


Rich Grise

Martin said:
That one is relatively harmless. But the belief in inertial dampers and
holding onto a handrail protecting you from dropping out of warp is
partly responsible for high US road deaths from not wearing seatbelts.
And incidentally having the airbag explosive charge set to kill teenage
drivers and shorter women so it can stop unrestrained 600lb slobs.

Driver's side shoulder belts and air bags protect exactly the wrong person.

It's fairly well-documented, albeit buried by the biased media, that
mandatory seat belt laws, while they reduce driver deaths, increase the
deaths of innocent bystanders.


Rich Grise

John said:
Was he wearing a wrist strap? Eye protection?
I think you probably already know the answer to this one, Mr.
Smartyboots. ;-D


Rich Grise

John said:
Or slow down when you back off the engines. Note that the Enterprise
engines are all pushers.
Well, they're certainly not rockets. We don't know yet how the warp
drive works; maybe the process of warping space requires pushing
just to keep going, kinda like hyperspace friction, and even to
keep the warp warped! ("We're dropping out of warp! =:-O")

Does anybody know the conversion from warp factor to, say, parsecs
per hour?

Also, faster warp factors must be less economical in Cochranes
per parsec or whatever (presumably, you can only carry so much
antimatter with you on a trip), otherwise why not go warp 9.9
wherever you go?

If that Borg cube let that landing party beam aboard and nobody
noticed them, then why didn't they beam a photon torpedo aboard
it too?

Nerve mind, I know - then they wouldn't have had that whole Borg
story arc. ;-)

On Old Trek, at one point Shatner is underneath the comm console
making mods with a weird glowy solder-iron thingy. As a kid in 1969 I
realized THAT WAS THE JOB I WANTED. No, not electronics ...instead,
taking apart the guts of bizarre devices from the year 2200AD!

And if the consoles are supposed to be all fiber optics, why do huge
flaming sparks shoot out during battles (re. Checkov's Scream, V'ger
1979 movie, burned hands)

The phasers are routed through those panels.
Not to mention the risk involved using the transporter. Every so often a
Ensign Expendable just disappears into the ether. The only way to be 100%
safe is to be one of the regular cast.

Transporters don't do a good job on red.
Well, they're certainly not rockets. We don't know yet how the warp
drive works; maybe the process of warping space requires pushing
just to keep going, kinda like hyperspace friction, and even to
keep the warp warped! ("We're dropping out of warp! =:-O")

Does anybody know the conversion from warp factor to, say, parsecs
per hour?

v = w^3c - you do the arithmetic. ;-)
Also, faster warp factors must be less economical in Cochranes
per parsec or whatever (presumably, you can only carry so much
antimatter with you on a trip), otherwise why not go warp 9.9
wherever you go?

Because she cannot take it, capt'n!

Rich Grise

Martin said:
Even Kirk was split in two by a transporter malfunction in one episode
allowing them to play with "good" Kirk and "bad" Kirk characters.

And never wear the red security uniform of the expendable extra. They as
cannon fodder were lucky to survive first ten minutes on a planet

See South Park:Big Scary Monster ;-)
strangely almost all seemed to have breathable atmospheres).
Oh, the atmosphere is no big deal - I've seen them beam down in enviro-

And my favorite time-saver: even the most remote, newly discovered
species all speak perfect California SAG English. (except that one time
on DS-9 when they showed up at Roswell and had to reset their UTs.)



What's responsible for high US road deaths is letting idiots drive
cars without proper (or any (!!!)) training.

That describes 99.999% of California drivers.

Can't expect to many intelligent methods to be in place in a state
where the fucking retards place a stop light halfway down an expressway
on ramp.

Then, the idiots they thought they were taking care of with the stupid
traffic light move, STOP AGAIN, when they get to the freeway ingress

I have never seen a bigger bunch of idiots that went and got educated
in some technical realm, but are so goddamned poorly raised and utterly
stupid that they have no clue what behaviors are INCORRECT when operating
a motor vehicle on a public roadway.

I'll bet that John, 'retard boy' Larkin rides the white line when he is
in the right lane as well.

The whole state is filled with complete fucking idiots.

They make a provision so that a person turning right can get over to
the right a bit. Then, the idiots invariably sway left two feet to make
their right turn.

Same group of retarded fucks make left turns and 'graze' over top of the
lane divider and left turn lane of the intersecting lanes. The dumbfucks
wear their tires more and are too stupid to even know it.

They should make new reckless operation laws, that make phone at the
wheel a reckless driving charge, AND driving other than perched in the
lane correctly. The idiots that drape their entire right side of their
car over the bike lane stripe.

How the **** is it that these idiots ALL can drive EXACTLY perched in
the center of the lane, across 5 of 6 lanes of a freeway, yet the RETARD
in the right lane thinks he needs to drive with the right half of his car
over in the bike lane.

The fucks running this retarded state should be revoking licenses more
in this pathetic excuse for intelligent, civil community.

Too many goddamned complacent pigs in a state that should be REQUIRING
courses in driving ethics for EVERY kid in school, and ANY adult that has
been given a citation for a stupid act behind the wheel.

The state is fucking rampant with idiots that don't even know that they
signed a declaration that they would abide by the law when behind the
wheel. Then, there is the fact that most of them don't even know the
vehicle codes. Same fucking retards that never read signs, and have
never 'observed' a speed LIMIT.

****, most of you retarded fucks (Californians) do not even know what
the word LIMIT means.


Here's how to reduce traffic deaths:

To reduce deaths, idiots males need to SLOW the **** down.

The roads should top out at 50 MPH. Above that, we waste huge amounts
of fuel on wind resistance.

We would create a glut and prices would drop.

Secondly, motherfuckers, you should ALL leave earlier to go to work.
You should arrive at work nearly a half hour before you are due to work.

That way, you can make you breakfast, you can make and enjoy your
coffee watching the news in the break room. You can take a shower to
wash off the ride in. You can go over to the FREE fitness center where
40 other of your co-workers are having their FREE gym benefits.

I am up by 3:30AM. Out of the house by 5:00AM, and at work by 6:00AM.
I 'clock in' (begin my time log spreadsheet) at 6:30AM.

Less deaths? Ride a bike. Drive slower. Leave early to ENSURE that
you drive slower. DRIVE SLOWER. Be more aware. Stop driving like the
task is a casual one. Driving is a safety regimen where you travel, but
you maintain an awareness level such that you make no impositions on
other cars or pedestrians, etc. on the public roadways.

Driving is a privilege, not a right. Not ever.

Folks with poor driving records should lose their privileges. Some...
revoked for life.

ALl the fuckers we put in place to govern this circus are all taking
paychecks, but are not taking the idiot drivers off the streets.