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Embedded Project In Linux

Hello Everyone
I have installed ubuntu in my PC. I want to develop embedded project under Linux operating system. I have been developed embedded project under windows based operating system. I have heard that most of companies develop their project on Linux for security purpose . so that's why I want to learn project development in linux. operating system. I am doing some practice on linux by using some commands.I know to develop embedded project we need hardware (8051 development kit), compiler or assembler and programmer software. so I did google search and found that sdcc is suitable software for Linux. it support for intel 8051 and I found flesh magic software to program my p89v51rd2. I think its enough to work on Linux but I am not sure that it's enough tool to work on linux for embedded project.
One good thing I love about Linux is most of the software are free/open source. There is no specific tool you have to learn but I would start how to manage your files and folder, basic commands. Debugging a small c code with gdb (gcc) is really cool. eclipse is a good tool to have. Just start playing with linux and with your code, eventually you will figure it out. Google is you best friend.
A good platform to start learning Linux is the RaspBerry Pi. Usually you will not need to modify the kernel of the Linux release you are using.
Now as to learn what in an RTOS is its Kernel have a look into FreeRTOS. In a very abstract way and by sure oversimplifying the Kernel is the code that manages your system and its resources and to which your application accesses via API calls. Another simplistic way to put it. Kernel what's runs in privileged mode, while your code runs in user privilege. To put it simple. Your code runs in EL0, the Kernel in EL1.
Once you get a feeling why there are different privilege modes and understand the reason they exist, you will understand why ARM has for so called "hypervisors" an additional level of privilege in ts latest IP releases for Cortex Mx controllers, ARM Cortex M23 and 33, EL2.
As to your last questions, "vead", as long as you do not need deterministic latency for your system to react well below 1 ms, Linux is fine. Once you get to the latency limits of a release of Linux for embedded systems, there are patches for certain Linux releases that allow you to shorten deterministic latency times.
Once you really need to stress the deterministic latencies, there are ways to split the cores of a multi core controllers to assign specific core to achieve best latency while executing the non critical tasks in Linux on other cores.
But when you start to deal with this kind of funny tasks you will be expert enough to spell more challenging questions!
I use Ubuntu and MPLABX to develop software for PIC microcontrollers and it works great. I think you want to develop for the 8051 microcontroller and not an embedded Linux project as such. There is also MikroC available that (I think) supports the 8051. However, using MPLABX and a PicKit3 it is possible to develop the code on your Linux desktop, program the PIC controller and interactively debug your program, without disturbing timings - you can set breakpoints, read and set variables while doing in circuit debugging. Note that some of the smaller PICs cannot be debugged as they do not have enough pins.
Ignore this post if I misunderstood your problem.
I use Ubuntu and MPLABX to develop software for PIC microcontrollers and it works great. I think you want to develop for the 8051 microcontroller and not an embedded Linux project as such. There is also MikroC available that (I think) supports the 8051. However, using MPLABX and a PicKit3 it is possible to develop the code on your Linux desktop, program the PIC controller and interactively debug your program, without disturbing timings - you can set breakpoints, read and set variables while doing in circuit debugging. Note that some of the smaller PICs cannot be debugged as they do not have enough pins.
Ignore this post if I misunderstood your problem.
yas I want to develop program for 8051 microcontroller. actually I have experience with windows.Now I want to work with Linux I am learning about Linux . I searched on internet SDCC support 8051 microcontroller. than I downloaded SDCC . Now I am trying to install sdcc compiler on ubuntu using command mode. I saw this link for sdcc installation
but I am not able to install sdcc. can someone tell me what I have to do ? where did I mistake ? How to install sdcc in ubuntu?
Screenshot from 2017-05-27 00-01-09.png
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The system can't find the file you are trying to tar. When you are in /tmp directory type ls (which means list) and check if your tar file is actually in the /tmp directory
The system can't find the file you are trying to tar. When you are in /tmp directory type ls (which means list) and check if your tar file is actually in the /tmp directory
First I downloaded software that is stored in download folder of ubuntu than I extract that file than I followed following step. created tmp directory
cd ~
mkdir tmp
cd tmp
what is meaning of this line "tar -xjf ../sdcc-2.7.0-i386-unknown-linux2.5.tar.bz2"
should I have to type same line ?
I know I have to learn more about linux command but This time I just want to develop at least one program just want to see how do we create code in sdcc on linux plateform.
The tar command is used to compress and extract files and programs. See here:

So your "tar -xjf ../sdcc-2.7.0-i386-unknown-linux2.5.tar.bz2" command will unzip that file, but the system couldn't find the file in /tmp. I suspect it is still in the download directory.

I suggest you download a linux cheat sheet from a place like this:

It will make your life much easier with a few standard commands under your belt.
In ubuntu desktop you don't have to go to the command line to extract the files. At the top of the bar on the left of your screen is an icon that looks like a folder. Click on it and it behaves much like file manager under windows. It will allow you to extract the files if you double click on the .tar file and you can specify where you want it extracted. The days where you have to do everything from the command line in Linux is long gone. Most things can be done very simply from a GUI application.
what is meaning of this line "tar -xjf ../sdcc-2.7.0-i386-unknown-linux2.5.tar.bz2

tar - the program you are running
-x = extract the file
f is followed by the file name
j - use bzip2 to decompress
../ means go up one directory level and then fins the file/sdcc........
So in your case you would
cd ~tmp
tar -xvf sdcc-2.7.0-i386-unknown-linux2.5.tar.bz2

HOWEVER, the compiler is available under Ubuntu repository and the easiest way to install is

sudo apt-get install sdcc
follow the instructions
when I go to home, I see tmp folder under this folder there is floder sdcc-3.6.0. does it means that file has been extracted under tmp folder ? I think yas
So I think to install compiler I have to follow below steps
So I have to create user folder first then under the user folder I have to create local folder. right
* Change to the sdcc directory and copy all files to /usr/local
cd sdcc
cp -r * /usr/local

This will install sdcc binaries into: /usr/local/bin/
header files into: /usr/local/share/sdcc/include/
library files into: /usr/local/share/sdcc/lib/
and documentation into: /usr/local/share/sdcc/doc/

You can test the install by entering:
/usr/local/bin/sdcc -v
am I getting something ?
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do cd/tmp/sdcc-3.6.0/
Then type ls to look at what is in the /sdcc-3.6.0 folder. Then you can see if your files were extracted there.

But shumifan50's advice is much easier:
sudo apt-get install sdcc
follow the instructions
do cd/tmp/sdcc-3.6.0/
Then type ls to look at what is in the /sdcc-3.6.0 folder. Then you can see if your files were extracted there.

But shumifan50's advice is much easier:
sudo apt-get install sdcc
follow the instructions
I have run that command. how to check that my compiler has been installed correctly ? also see the below picture where I have run that command
Screenshot from 2017-05-27 11-54-33.png
you forgot the sdcc part;)

sudo apt-get install sdcc

Then for good measure do

apt update

followed by

apt upgrade

This is to check if anything is missing
you forgot the sdcc part;)

sudo apt-get install sdcc

Then for good measure do

apt update

followed by

apt upgrade

This is to check if anything is missing
I have typed both command
sudo apt-get install sdcc
sudo apt-get update

Now I am telling what I did , first I have downloaded software which is in download directory and created new folder abhi using mkdir command. I have extracted downloaded file and save to folder abhi (gui mode ) than I typed sudo apt-get install sdcc and than sudo apt-get update. what is next step , how to know that compiler installed successfully?
Well you could just type sdcc and see if it runs.

Or click the top button (search) on the line of buttons down the LHS of your desktop and see if it's there or search for it there
Forget about the download you have done and all the other commands you found. When you do the 'sudo apt-get install sdcc', it does everything needed to be done. It also means if you no longer want it you can do apt-get remove to get rid of it. If you do it all by hand then uninstalling (and updating) becomes a nightmare.
If you do "apt-get install ......."
then in fiture to update to latest version all you need to do is
apt-get update
followed by
apt-grade upgrade
To test if it worked after using apt-get
cd ~<enter>

To be honest, I would look for a complete IDE not just a compiler (a bit like Visual Studio).
Look at this link

or search for 8051 IDE for Linux
I feel sad when you give your full effort to teach me but I don't understand.
I found following message. I think I need to install so I typed command
program sdcc can found following packages
* cc1111
* sdcc
please see the pictures
Screenshot from 2017-05-27 18-51-28.png
Screenshot from 2017-05-27 18-45-02.png
Screenshot from 2017-05-27 19-29-18.png
when I try to install. it show message, see the third picture
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Forget about the download you have done and all the other commands you found. When you do the 'sudo apt-get install sdcc', it does everything needed to be done. It also means if you no longer want it you can do apt-get remove to get rid of it. If you do it all by hand then uninstalling (and updating) becomes a nightmare.
If you do "apt-get install ......."
then in fiture to update to latest version all you need to do is
apt-get update
followed by
apt-grade upgrade
To test if it worked after using apt-get
cd ~<enter>

To be honest, I would look for a complete IDE not just a compiler (a bit like Visual Studio).
Look at this link

or search for 8051 IDE for Linux
Visual studio does not support the the microcontroller that I use in project. I have seen most people use sdcc on linux platform and sdcc support my microcontroller so that's why I am trying to install I think compiler and IDE both are same. by using both we can develop program