Maker Pro
Maker Pro

electrolytic capacitor leakage current


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
It means the former. to mean the latter either CV would appear as (CV), or a horizontal line would extend from the radical symbol to cover both the C and the V. In this case, with no horizontal line at all, it only affects the following symbol.

It has the same precedence as "i" in bimdas (since it is effectively raising to a fractional power -- the horizontal line is another way of representing bracketing.)
eem2, you may find a variety of 'limit' specifications for dc leakage of electrolytics, ranging from CV, to sqrt(C.V), to it may possibly be a printing error.

The actual leakage charactersitic (not the limit) may vary considerably with technology, and would certainly vary from sample to sample, but I think the nominal variation found with voltage is a log10 variation of current versus voltage.