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Electrochemistry: Liquid Power Resistor for 2000VAC


D from BC

This is Sandia's Z-pinch fusion machine. All the final HV stuff is in
a big swimming pool, insulated by pure water.

"When the accelerator fires, powerful electrical pulses are delivered
by 36 transmission cables protected by insulation techniques developed
over the last 30 years. Highly synchronized laser-triggered switches
allow the stored energy to be discharged simultaneously through the 36
cables, each as big around as a horse and 30 feet long, arranged like
spokes of a wheel and insulated by water. The enormous electrical
pulse of 50 trillion watts strikes a complex target about the size of
a spool of thread."


Cool.. :)
Looks like something out of a sci-fi movie..


iic resistivity of pure water is 18.2Mohm cm^2/cm at 25C
It won't stay pure when you place the resistor pack within, let
alone when you apply voltage.


Too laborous but 0.25W resistors are cheap.

If I were to do that, I might just glue them all to a heat sink instead
of using a fan.

That would give you insulation breakdown problems.

D from BC

That would give you insulation breakdown problems.

Two parameters in conflict, thermal coupling and electrical isolation.
I probably thought of using nonconductive thermal epoxy.


D said:
Two parameters in conflict, thermal coupling and electrical
I probably thought of using nonconductive thermal epoxy.

Did you see my suggestion to fix the resistors with epoxy to a
plastic box and then put some water in the box?


I'm setting up a test circuit and I need a 100k resistor that can handle
2000VAC for a few seconds.

I was going to run off to the local surplus shop but got the idea of
making a liquid resistor. Saves a trip.

I added some salt to water and got 100kohm. Copper electrodes (all I got
at the moment).

Question is... Will this stay 100kohm +/- 10kohm up to 2000VAC?
My circuit only needs to run for 5 seconds.

iows...Does salty water resistance vary with voltage?
Of course it does, look up any high school text on electro-chemistry.
Acid dissociation constant is a good phrase. Electrovalency etc.
Wikipedia has a reasonable article.