Not quite 'Hints from Heloise' but someone in the lab had run out of
Dust-Off (canned air). I offered my can of freeze spray and told him to just
hold it upside down, give a quick spray to clear out the liquid from the
pickup tube, and then it would just be gas.
AFIK, it's the same HC134 fill used in both products. Only difference is
that freeze spray has an internal pickup tube that dispenses liquid from the
bottom of the can while Dust Off takes gas from the top of the can.
Conversely, if you need circuit chiller and have only dust off, turn the can
upside down...
It is extremely stupid that they will sell 134a to vent to the atmosphere, but put restrictions on it to charge your air conditioner. I heard that California may put restrictions on R134A sales at auto parts stores, yet you can still buy a can of freeze spray. It's OK to blast it out in the atmosphere, but it's NOT OK to put it into a sealed system where it MIGHT leak out, or if you do it right it can be recovered and recycled?
GM is actually testing out a new refrigerant, HFO-1,2,3,4-YF, and put it inmost 2013 Chevy's. However, they are still ironing things out because they did a test where a fireball shot out during an accident test! (probably the oil aspirated that caused this).
For a while they made this stuff called HC-12a, which is isobutane, butane,propane, etc. Great stuff, colder than R12, can be put in R12 systems w/oany retrofitting, more energy efficient, very "green" and a great refrigerant. However it was banned for use in refrigeration for obvious reasons (put it in your car, you get in an accident where the evaporator cracks and it burns your face off for instance).
Dust off is actually difluoroethane, (R152A), and R134a is 1,1,1,2 tetrafluoroethane. I heard of someone charging their car w dust-off, and it workedgreat, however I am a little worried about putting it in my car as it has this bitterant in it, to keep kids from huffing it.
I live in Washington, and I have to say global warming has made the weatherparadise here in the summer (great summer, 72 degrees average temp in Seattle, sunny). Was always rainy and cloudy growing up. Destroying the rest of the world, but great weather here. No wonder they're building so many apartments, condos, and town houses as everyone want's to live here now