Maker Pro
Maker Pro

disposable camera flash circuit


Grostle News

I want to alter a circuit:

I took out the flash circuitry (board, bulb and battery) from a Kodak
disposable camera. The main flash electrolytic capacitor is rated at
330v and 84 mfd. ( I think 84 is the value, but don't have with me at
this time)

The cap charge comes from a single AA 1.5v cell. It looks like within
the flash circuit there is a small transformer with a transistor
oscillator circuit that does the duty of raising the voltage.

I have a non-photographic application for this type of circuit. After
removing the flash bulb I need to change the cap by replacing it with
one rated at 600-660v.


(1) Would it be possible to use TWO cells in series [3v] instead of just
the one in order to charge the replacement cap at it's 660v rating?
1.5v cell---> 330v
2 × 1.5v cells [3v]-----> 660v ?

(2) Would other devices of the circuit need to be changed if the input
voltage is doubled as described?

I like the idea of getting use out of something that is commonly
available and that would ordinarily be thrown away (disposable) after

Important safety reminder: if you ever experiment with one of the flash
units don't forget to discharge the capacitor before handling. When I
discharged the one in my flash circuit it was remarkably loud and
powerful enough to leave a small bead of molten chrome steel on my


I want to alter a circuit:

I took out the flash circuitry (board, bulb and battery) from a Kodak
disposable camera. The main flash electrolytic capacitor is rated at
330v and 84 mfd. ( I think 84 is the value, but don't have with me at
this time)

The cap charge comes from a single AA 1.5v cell. It looks like within
the flash circuit there is a small transformer with a transistor
oscillator circuit that does the duty of raising the voltage.

I have a non-photographic application for this type of circuit. After
removing the flash bulb I need to change the cap by replacing it with
one rated at 600-660v.


(1) Would it be possible to use TWO cells in series [3v] instead of just
the one in order to charge the replacement cap at it's 660v rating?
1.5v cell---> 330v
2 × 1.5v cells [3v]-----> 660v ?

Maybe, but it may cause the active electronics to lose their magic
smoke :-(
(2) Would other devices of the circuit need to be changed if the input
voltage is doubled as described?

The resistor for the "ready" indicator should be doubled in value.

Homer J Simpson

(1) Would it be possible to use TWO cells in series [3v] instead of just
the one in order to charge the replacement cap at it's 660v rating?
1.5v cell---> 330v
2 × 1.5v cells [3v]-----> 660v ?

No. The tube is designed for that capacitor - no more voltage, no more

Bob Masta

I want to alter a circuit:

I took out the flash circuitry (board, bulb and battery) from a Kodak
disposable camera. The main flash electrolytic capacitor is rated at
330v and 84 mfd. ( I think 84 is the value, but don't have with me at
this time)

The cap charge comes from a single AA 1.5v cell. It looks like within
the flash circuit there is a small transformer with a transistor
oscillator circuit that does the duty of raising the voltage.

I have a non-photographic application for this type of circuit. After
removing the flash bulb I need to change the cap by replacing it with
one rated at 600-660v.


(1) Would it be possible to use TWO cells in series [3v] instead of just
the one in order to charge the replacement cap at it's 660v rating?
1.5v cell---> 330v
2 =D7 1.5v cells [3v]-----> 660v ?

(2) Would other devices of the circuit need to be changed if the input
voltage is doubled as described?

I like the idea of getting use out of something that is commonly
available and that would ordinarily be thrown away (disposable) after

Important safety reminder: if you ever experiment with one of the flash
units don't forget to discharge the capacitor before handling. When I
discharged the one in my flash circuit it was remarkably loud and
powerful enough to leave a small bead of molten chrome steel on my

You haven't mentioned what you plan for this, but I've
seen Web pages devoted to making your own radiation
detector that use disposable flash units (minus the flash tube).
You might try searching along those lines, maybe include
"scintillation counter" or even "Geiger counter" in the search.

Best regards,

Bob Masta

Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
Scope, Spectrum, Spectrogram, Signal Generator
Science with your sound card!


Grostle said:
I want to alter a circuit:

I took out the flash circuitry (board, bulb and battery) from a Kodak
disposable camera. The main flash electrolytic capacitor is rated at
330v and 84 mfd. ( I think 84 is the value, but don't have with me at
this time)

The cap charge comes from a single AA 1.5v cell. It looks like within
the flash circuit there is a small transformer with a transistor
oscillator circuit that does the duty of raising the voltage.

I have a non-photographic application for this type of circuit. After
removing the flash bulb I need to change the cap by replacing it with
one rated at 600-660v.


(1) Would it be possible to use TWO cells in series [3v] instead of just
the one in order to charge the replacement cap at it's 660v rating?
1.5v cell---> 330v
2 × 1.5v cells [3v]-----> 660v ?

(2) Would other devices of the circuit need to be changed if the input
voltage is doubled as described?

I like the idea of getting use out of something that is commonly
available and that would ordinarily be thrown away (disposable) after

Important safety reminder: if you ever experiment with one of the flash
units don't forget to discharge the capacitor before handling. When I
discharged the one in my flash circuit it was remarkably loud and
powerful enough to leave a small bead of molten chrome steel on my

You can "Rube Goldberg" two disposable camera
flash units together. Remove the flash tubes.
Than do this:

1) Wire the (-) side of the cap (cap1) in camera 1
to the (+) side of the cap (cap2) in camera 2.
2) Install a spdt switch in camera 1, with the
common connected to the (+) of cap1

existing New discharge pushbutton
camera 1 __
circuit ----o o-------o o---+
| \ |
| o |
| + | |
| [Cap1] |
| | [600 volt device]
+---->|-----+ |
+ | |
[Cap2] |
| |
| |

Both the spdt switch and the pushbutton must
be rated for > 600V.

to charge that capacitor to 600 volts no way it will blow up before it gets there. what can you do well use 4 caps of that kind to get 600v 84 mfd. if you put 84mfd in series to 600 v it becomes 42 mfd then you need two resistors to divide the voltage now you got 42 mfd 600v. basicaly you need another same setup to get you to 84 mfd 600 v. that is quite a few caps. I suppose doubling the voltage will boost it up to higher voltage but you have not increased the power input it may get there by tomorrow if then.BOTTOM LINE inpractical.


I want to alter a circuit:

I took out the flash circuitry (board, bulb and battery) from a Kodak
disposable camera. The main flash electrolytic capacitor is rated at
330v and 84 mfd. ( I think 84 is the value, but don't have with me at
this time)

The cap charge comes from a single AA 1.5v cell. It looks like within
the flash circuit there is a small transformer with a transistor
oscillator circuit that does the duty of raising the voltage.

I have a non-photographic application for this type of circuit. After
removing the flash bulb I need to change the cap by replacing it with
one rated at 600-660v.


(1) Would it be possible to use TWO cells in series [3v] instead of just
the one in order to charge the replacement cap at it's 660v rating?
1.5v cell---> 330v
2 × 1.5v cells [3v]-----> 660v ?

(2) Would other devices of the circuit need to be changed if the input
voltage is doubled as described?

I like the idea of getting use out of something that is commonly
available and that would ordinarily be thrown away (disposable) after

Important safety reminder: if you ever experiment with one of the flash
units don't forget to discharge the capacitor before handling. When I
discharged the one in my flash circuit it was remarkably loud and
powerful enough to leave a small bead of molten chrome steel on my

It might work just like you want, double the input, double the output
- or the oscillator might pull enough current to kill the oscillator
transistor. Ideally, I'd creep up the voltage with a variable source
and watch for smoke and feel the transistor and resistors to find hot

Or ditch the flash tube, replace the cap with a higher voltage one and
try it - especially if you don't mind losing the first one you
practice on. The output may exceed the normal voltage because
efficiency improves as voltage goes up - the required transistor drop
is met and everything over that goes to producing more output.
There's always a safety factor built in with a higher voltage cap than
the expected voltage and the electrolytic you use might withstand more
than its rating by a few percent.

Your use of the output may be more benign than what the camera
intended and that could also work in your favor - the oscillator pulls
more current when it is charging the cap from zero - flash it a lot of
times quickly and it works the oscillator harder.

We could use more data on the use . . .

Grostle News

Hi Bob, you wrote and guessed what I was going to use the circuit for
(Geiger counter):
You haven't mentioned what you plan for this,
but I've seen Web pages devoted to making
your own radiation detector that use disposable
flash units (minus the flash tube). You might try
searching along those lines, maybe include
"scintillation counter" or even "Geiger counter"
in the search.

You are a very good guesser and I will emloy your search strategy.



Grostle News

Thanks to "Rube Goldberg" and "default" for sharing your worthy
knowledge and circuit design/conversion ideas.

saxum, g.n.

Grostle News

Hi John, thanks for your assistance. You included info about the
possibility of overheating: may cause the active electronics to lose
their magic smoke :-(

LOL!! I know about the "magic smoke", Over the years I've seen quite a
bit of it wafting upward in its enigmatical way and then disappearing
into thin air!! <abracadabra>

saxum g.n.

Homer J Simpson

LOL!! I know about the "magic smoke", Over the years I've seen quite a
bit of it wafting upward in its enigmatical way and then disappearing
into thin air!! <abracadabra>

Ever seen it coming out of the boss's new $250,000 molding machine?



Grostle News

Homer said:
Ever seen it coming out of the boss's new
$250,000 molding machine?

No, but it is that type of thing that makes electronics a hobby for me,
and not a career.

saxum g.n.

Michael A. Terrell

Grostle said:
No, but it is that type of thing that makes electronics a hobby for me,
and not a career.

saxum g.n.

That's what happens whenever Homer messes with something. No wonder
his favorite beer is called Duff. :(

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Homer J Simpson

That's what happens whenever Homer messes with something. No wonder
his favorite beer is called Duff. :(

Nope. That's what happens when you let the Yanks build one instead of the



Just slightly off track, these cameras are also a good source of no-cost
batteries (aa or aaa) for experimenters with limited means - just ask the
local photo processing shop and they will give them to you by the dozens -
but note the safety warning given by Grostle News
