Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Displaying Images on a Color Graphic LCD

Hey Guys!

I've been working on graphical stuff for LCDs recently, and right now I'm trying to display a image on a color TFT with a PIC. The driver chip for the display is a ILI9163, and the PIC is a 24EP512GP. The display is in a 5R:6G:5B 16 bit color format.

So my problem is turning a image into a C array of that format. From doing some research it looks like I can directly extract the image data from a 16-bit .bmp picture but I haven't been able to figure out how. I also found a couple programs that claimed they could make a C array from a image, but I haven't had luck with them either...

I really don't know if I'm going at this the right way or what to try next. So I thought I would see if I could get some tips here. :)


Harald Kapp

This page gives links to two libraries ( Adafruit-GFX-Library and TFT_ILI9163C) which may help you. As far as I see these libs are for Atmel processors, but you may be able to adapt them to PICs.
Here's someone explaining a bit more detailed the usage of such an LCD.

This guy has a library which can (among others) convert an RGB24 value to an RGB565 value. A link to his github repository is at the bottom of the page.

The bmp file format for reading the bitmap into memory is described here.
In your second link, the guy has a online program to convert a 24-bit .bmp file to 16-bit C array - which is just what I need. So I ran a bitmap through it and here's what I got on the display:
The original image (40x37px):

The code I used to display the array on the screen is:
(which is paraphrased off his website)
I don't quite understand why I have to multiply x+y by 40 in the image variable, why couldn't I just put x+y in there (I tried it and it didn't work)? I must be doing something wrong given the output on the screen... :confused:


P.S. How did you find the second link anyway? I googled for about an hour for something like this and didn't come up with anything really useful. :eek:
I got it to work!
Apparently I had a issue with the way colors are transferred to the display with PlotPoint...

I also got rid of that weird strip at the bottom by changing the code:
I still don't understand that x+y*40 thing though.

Harald Kapp

I don't quite understand why I have to multiply x+y by 40
image[] is a one dimensional array, where the data is arranged one line after the other. To get the index of a pixel in line y, row x, you have to find the starting index for this line within the array which is y*40 for a line length of 40, then index from that on to row x, so index=40*y +x.

How did you find the second link anyway? I googled for about an hour
I Googled too, for a few minutes. It's a matter of the right keywords. I used something like 'IL9163 library PIC' or similar. I don't remember exactly.
Okay, That makes since. Thank you for your time Harald!

For anyone else reading this thread: I found a better image converter on github here. It's very nice and can import multiple file formats.