Maker Pro
Maker Pro

What language is this Receiver Displaying?

What Language? Gibberish!

If the receiver's only fault is the things it displays on the FL,
than the problem is the connection of the FL display to it's driver.
Perform the built-in FL check(see attached file from the SM).

You could do the following as well:
Open the receiver carefully tap/move/press the display and the connection.
Inspect the connections visually or better yet check connections with ohmmeter for breaks/shorts.

I finally got the original Remote to this model, but how do i enter the Remote code? The remote doesn't have any markings that say 7A-56 or DSP/16
Hello again Rick,
To reset the remote control..Press and hold the up and down volume buttons together. Wait for the indicator led to flash twice..
Then enter the RESET ALL code 9987 and wait for the indicator led to flash twice again..
That should be it according to page 70 of the user manual.


Thanx, but i meant codes for checking the display.
Rick ,
You can use the front panel to perform the self test of the FL,you don't need the remote for that.
Here is how:
1.The specific test is selected from a menu structure which consist of a main menu
with 11 entries(subjects) each entry has sub-menu entries.
For the FL test you need number 6 from the main menu and
toggle between all it's sub-menus,look at pic-1
2.The test patterns should look like pic-2:
3.Selecting menus and toggling : pic-3
4.Entering the test mode :pic-4

1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 4.jpg 3.jpg